restarting work on this since im using it in penguinator
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
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@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"configurations": [
"name": "gcc.exe build and debug active file",
"name": "gcc.exe build and debug active file",
"type": "cppdbg",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",
"program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",
"args": [],
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false,
"externalConsole": false,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\gdb.exe",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\gdb.exe",
"setupCommands": [
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
"ignoreFailures": true
"preLaunchTask": "gcc.exe build active file"
"preLaunchTask": "gcc.exe build active file"
@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
Penguin's Circular Buffer Example -- Turning a noisy bell curve into a less noisy bell curve
Penguin's Circular Buffer Example -- Turning a noisy bell curve into a less noisy bell curve
Here's an example of using the circular buffer library for sensor data:
Here's an example of using the circular buffer library for sensor data:
Let's say I have a sensor that gives me temperature at 1khz (using ideals so it is exactly 1khz)
Let's say I have a sensor that gives me temperature at 1khz (using ideals so it is exactly 1khz)
If this sensor was only giving me raw analog data, I might want to do some processing on these values
If this sensor was only giving me raw analog data, I might want to do some processing on these values
so that I can make sure the values are as clean as possible. The more samples we have, the closer we are to the actual value.
so that I can make sure the values are as clean as possible. The more samples we have, the closer we are to the actual value.
The faster we gather samples, the closer we get to representing our data in realtime.
The faster we gather samples, the closer we get to representing our data in realtime.
Using the sample rate, I can decide on a sampling window (in seconds) and an OSR (Oversampling Rate). The larger the buffer size, the more memory I need, so
Using the sample rate, I can decide on a sampling window (in seconds) and an OSR (Oversampling Rate). The larger the buffer size, the more memory I need, so
it is useful to find a happy medium between a large buffer and clean values.
it is useful to find a happy medium between a large buffer and clean values.
A sampling window is the window of time in which we can accept values for an average value. Depending on your application,
A sampling window is the window of time in which we can accept values for an average value. Depending on your application,
a sampling window may need to be extremely small or maybe not so small. A rocket going extremely fast using
a sampling window may need to be extremely small or maybe not so small. A rocket going extremely fast using
some sensor for real time controls will want an extremely small sampling window as well as a lot of measurements for
some sensor for real time controls will want an extremely small sampling window as well as a lot of measurements for
both clean, near noiseless data and as close to realtime data as possible.
both clean, near noiseless data and as close to realtime data as possible.
The sampling windows is usually an engineering requirement given that can match the sampling rate of the sensor with the following:
The sampling windows is usually an engineering requirement given that can match the sampling rate of the sensor with the following:
sampling window (in seconds) = 1 / frequency
sampling window (in seconds) = 1 / frequency
Here, the OSR is simply 1.
Here, the OSR is simply 1.
So at 1khz sample rate, let's say I decide I only need a 0.125 second sample window and I want to clean up some noisy data.
So at 1khz sample rate, let's say I decide I only need a 0.125 second sample window and I want to clean up some noisy data.
We can now use this equation:
We can now use this equation:
OSR = frequency * sample window (in seconds)
OSR = frequency * sample window (in seconds)
All of these have ignored real world slowdowns like the time it takes to do math on lower end hardware, interrupts slightly delaying the math, etc
All of these have ignored real world slowdowns like the time it takes to do math on lower end hardware, interrupts slightly delaying the math, etc
Without wanting to do some hard analysis on whatever hardware we're using, I usually take my frequency and half it to ensure timing requirements are met, like so:
Without wanting to do some hard analysis on whatever hardware we're using, I usually take my frequency and half it to ensure timing requirements are met, like so:
OSR = frequency / 2 * sample window
OSR = frequency / 2 * sample window
Please note: In applications that require real real-time data, this is not a good way of doing things.
Please note: In applications that require real real-time data, this is not a good way of doing things.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int main()
return 0;
return 0;
@ -1,203 +1,198 @@
// Resource/Inspiration:
// Resource/Inspiration:
Penguin's Circular Buffer -- a simple floating queue designed for low memory usage (mainly for embedded)
Penguin's Circular Buffer -- a simple floating queue designed for low memory usage (mainly for embedded)
This is a ring buffer with limited capabilities. It is meant as a container for moving data.
This is a ring buffer with limited capabilities. It is meant as a container for moving data.
Normally included features such as checks to see if the buffer is full or empty have been omitted
Normally included features such as checks to see if the buffer is full or empty have been omitted
because this type of buffer is being implemented mainly for sensor data usage. Data is almost never read individually,
because this type of buffer is being implemented mainly for sensor data usage. Data is almost never read
and even if it is, it isn't meant to be cleared on read. It is a simple moving buffer that automatically
individually, and even if it is, it isn't meant to be cleared on read. It is a simple moving buffer that
writes over old data for the purpose of keeping track of the most up to date data.
automatically writes over old data for the purpose of keeping track of the most up to date data.
- Initialization is mandatory using p_cb_<type>_init.
- Initialization is mandatory using p_cb_<type>_init.
- If a circular buffer is not initialized, you will run into a LOT of hard-to-debug problems. Just initialize it.
- If a circular buffer is not initialized, you will run into a LOT of hard-to-debug problems. Just initialize it.
- By default, all cb types should be defined as disabled. This is to save on size. Enable the ones you want to use.
- By default, all cb types should be defined as disabled. This is to save on size. Enable the ones you want to use.
- Oldest data is overwritten
- Oldest data is overwritten
- popping of data isn't implemented. If this feature is required, use a ring buffer.
- popping of data isn't implemented. If this feature is required, use a ring buffer.
- p: penguin
- p: penguin
- pb: penguin buffer
- pb: penguin buffer
- cb: circular buffer
- cb: circular buffer
- uX, where X is bit size: unsigned X bit integer
- uX, where X is bit size: unsigned X bit integer
- iX, where X is bit size: signed X bit integer
- iX, where X is bit size: signed X bit integer
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// comment this out for release builds
// comment this out for release builds
//#define PB_CB_DEBUG
//#define PB_CB_DEBUG
// Making these PB_EN/DIS rather than just ENABLE/DISABLE because
// Making these PB_EN/DIS rather than just ENABLE/DISABLE because
// some enable/disable definition might already exist that is
// some enable/disable definition might already exist that is
// inversely active (enabled = 0, disable = 1)
// inversely active (enabled = 0, disable = 1)
// this way our en/dis definitions are explicit
// this way our en/dis definitions are explicit
#ifndef PB_ENABLE
#ifndef PB_ENABLE
#define PB_ENABLE (1)
#define PB_ENABLE (1)
#ifndef PB_DISABLE
#ifndef PB_DISABLE
#define PB_DISABLE (0)
#define PB_DISABLE (0)
// Max size is 65535 (2^16 - 1) so variables can be safely set 16 bits (unsigned)
// Max size is 65535 (2^16 - 1) so variables can be safely set 16 bits (unsigned)
// If you want to change this, you'll need to change the sizes of all heads and max lengths
// If you want to change this, you'll need to change the sizes of all heads and max lengths
#define PB_CB_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE (65535)
#define PB_CB_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE (65535)
// Config
// Config
// Disable or Enable types needed here
// Disable or Enable types needed here
// We can save code size this way
// We can save code size this way
// While there are better ways to do this, this is the most accessible for anyone imo
// While there are better ways to do this, this is the most accessible for anyone imo
#define PB_CB_U16 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_U16 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_U32 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_U32 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_U64 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_U64 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_I16 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_I16 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_I32 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_I32 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_I64 PB_DISABLE
#define PB_CB_I64 PB_DISABLE
typedef enum PB_CB_STATUS
typedef enum PB_CB_STATUS
PB_CB_BAD = 1,
PB_CB_BAD = 1,
#if PB_CB_U8
#if PB_CB_U8
typedef struct p_cb_u8
typedef struct p_cb_u8
uint8_t *buffer;
uint8_t* buffer;
uint16_t head;
uint16_t head;
uint16_t max_len;
uint16_t max_len;
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
// Useful for initializing sensor data
// Useful for initializing sensor data
bool b_filled;
bool b_filled;
// Signifies the buffer being empty
// Signifies the buffer being empty
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
bool b_empty;
bool b_empty;
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_u8 *cbuffer, uint8_t value);
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_u8* cbuffer, uint8_t value);
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_u8 *cbuffer);
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_u8* cbuffer);
} p_cb_u8;
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_u8_init(p_cb_u8 *circ_buffer, uint8_t *buff, uint32_t max_length);
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_u8_init(p_cb_u8* circ_buffer, uint8_t* buff, uint32_t max_length);
#if PB_CB_U16
#if PB_CB_U16
typedef struct p_cb_u16
typedef struct p_cb_u16
uint16_t *buffer;
uint16_t* buffer;
uint16_t head;
uint16_t head;
uint16_t max_len;
uint16_t max_len;
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
// Useful for initializing sensor data
// Useful for initializing sensor data
bool b_filled;
bool b_filled;
// Signifies the buffer being empty
// Signifies the buffer being empty
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
bool b_empty;
bool b_empty;
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_u16 *cbuffer, uint16_t value);
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_u16* cbuffer, uint16_t value);
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_u16 *cbuffer);
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_u16* cbuffer);
} p_cb_u16;
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_u16_init(p_cb_u16 *circ_buffer, uint16_t *buff, uint32_t max_length);
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_u16_init(p_cb_u16* circ_buffer, uint16_t* buff, uint32_t max_length);
#if PB_CB_U32
#if PB_CB_U32
typedef struct p_cb_u32
typedef struct p_cb_u32
uint32_t *buffer;
uint32_t* buffer;
uint16_t head;
uint16_t head;
uint16_t max_len;
uint16_t max_len;
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
// Useful for initializing sensor data
// Useful for initializing sensor data
bool b_filled;
bool b_filled;
// Signifies the buffer being empty
// Signifies the buffer being empty
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
bool b_empty;
bool b_empty;
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_u32 *cbuffer, uint32_t value);
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_u32* cbuffer, uint32_t value);
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_u32 *cbuffer);
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_u32* cbuffer);
} p_cb_u32;
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_u32_init(p_cb_u32 *circ_buffer, uint32_t *buff, uint32_t max_length);
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_u32_init(p_cb_u32* circ_buffer, uint32_t* buff, uint32_t max_length);
#if PB_CB_U64
typedef struct p_cb_u64
#if PB_CB_U64
typedef struct p_cb_u64
uint64_t *buffer;
uint16_t head;
uint64_t* buffer;
uint16_t max_len;
uint16_t head;
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
uint16_t max_len;
// Useful for initializing sensor data
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
bool b_filled;
// Useful for initializing sensor data
// Signifies the buffer being empty
bool b_filled;
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
// Signifies the buffer being empty
bool b_empty;
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
bool b_empty;
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_u64 *cbuffer, uint64_t value);
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_u64 *cbuffer);
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_u64* cbuffer, uint64_t value);
} p_cb_u64;
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_u64* cbuffer);
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_u64_init(p_cb_u64 *circ_buffer, uint64_t *buff, uint32_t max_length);
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_u64_init(p_cb_u64* circ_buffer, uint64_t* buff, uint32_t max_length);
typedef struct p_cb_float
typedef struct p_cb_float
float *buffer;
uint16_t head;
float* buffer;
uint16_t max_len;
uint16_t head;
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
uint16_t max_len;
// Useful for initializing sensor data
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
bool b_filled;
// Useful for initializing sensor data
// Signifies the buffer being empty
bool b_filled;
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
// Signifies the buffer being empty
bool b_empty;
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
bool b_empty;
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_float *cbuffer, float value);
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_float *cbuffer);
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_float* cbuffer, float value);
} p_cb_float;
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_float* cbuffer);
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_float_init(p_cb_float *circ_buffer, float *buff, uint32_t max_length);
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_float_init(p_cb_float* circ_buffer, float* buff, uint32_t max_length);
typedef struct p_cb_double
typedef struct p_cb_double
double *buffer;
uint16_t head;
double* buffer;
uint16_t max_len;
uint16_t head;
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
uint16_t max_len;
// Useful for initializing sensor data
// Signifies the buffer being filled at least once.
bool b_filled;
// Useful for initializing sensor data
// Signifies the buffer being empty
bool b_filled;
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
// Signifies the buffer being empty
bool b_empty;
// Useful for knowing if data is being received
bool b_empty;
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_double *cbuffer, double value);
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_double *cbuffer);
PB_CB_STATUS (*push)(struct p_cb_double* cbuffer, double value);
} p_cb_double;
PB_CB_STATUS (*empty)(struct p_cb_double* cbuffer);
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_double_init(p_cb_double *circ_buffer, double *buff, uint32_t max_length);
PB_CB_STATUS p_cb_double_init(p_cb_double* circ_buffer, double* buff, uint32_t max_length);
@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <PCircularBuffer.h>
#include <PCircularBuffer.h>
int main()
int main()
const uint16_t maxlength = 16;
const uint16_t maxlength = 16;
double my_buffer[maxlength];
double my_buffer[maxlength];
p_cb_double data;
p_cb_double data;
p_cb_double_init(&data, my_buffer, 16);
p_cb_double_init(&data, my_buffer, 16);
for(int x = 0; x < 32; x++)
for(int x = 0; x < 32; x++)
if( x < 16)
if( x < 16)
printf("[%02d] Before: %02lf\t", x, data.buffer[x]);
printf("[%02d] Before: %02lf\t", x, data.buffer[x]);
data.push(&data, (double)x);
data.push(&data, (double)x);
printf("[%02d] After: %02lf\r\n", x, data.buffer[x]);
printf("[%02d] After: %02lf\r\n", x, data.buffer[x]);
printf("[%02d] Before: %02lf\t", x - 16, data.buffer[x - 16]);
printf("[%02d] Before: %02lf\t", x - 16, data.buffer[x - 16]);
data.push(&data, (double)x);
data.push(&data, (double)x);
printf("[%02d] After: %02lf\r\n", x - 16, data.buffer[x - 16]);
printf("[%02d] After: %02lf\r\n", x - 16, data.buffer[x - 16]);
return 0;
return 0;
Reference in New Issue