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Penguin 2ba980d833 moving away from atmel studio. its become too much of a burden to keep using 4 years ago
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assets moving away from atmel studio. its become too much of a burden to keep using 4 years ago
docs moving away from atmel studio. its become too much of a burden to keep using 4 years ago
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lv_ex_conf_templ.h moving away from atmel studio. its become too much of a burden to keep using 4 years ago
lv_examples.h moving away from atmel studio. its become too much of a burden to keep using 4 years ago moving away from atmel studio. its become too much of a burden to keep using 4 years ago


Examples for Littlev Graphics Library

LittlevGL is a free and open-source graphics library providing everything you need to create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) on embedded systems with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and low memory footprint.

GitHub: Website:

Add the examples to your projects

  1. Clone this repository: git clone or download from the Download page. To always use the newest version the cloning is recommended.
  2. The lv_examples directory should be next to the lvgl directory in your project.

Similary to lv_conf.h there is a configuration file for the examples too. It is called lv_ex_conf.h.

  1. Copy lv_examples/lv_ex-conf_templ.h next to lv_examples directory
  2. Rename is to lv_ex_conf.h
  3. Delete the first #if and last #endif to enable the file's content
  4. Enable or Disable modules

To find out more about each example, look at its specific README file.


For contribution and coding style guidelines, please refer to the file docs/ in the main LittlevGL repo: You are encouraged to use the 'astyle' util to format your code prior to pushing it. The files docs/astyle_(c/h) contain astyle rules to format source and header files according to the project coding guidelines.