Added usart, i2c, and spi pin locations, as well as labeled sercoms

Penguin 4 years ago
parent 3c3fc3f82b
commit 0b2d8eab2d

@ -1 +0,0 @@
,penguin,penguin-pc,23.03.2020 19:24,file:///home/penguin/.config/libreoffice/4;

Binary file not shown.

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ EELAYER 30 0
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
Sheet 4 5
Sheet 5 5
Title ""
Date ""
Rev ""
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ $EndComp
L Connector:Conn_ARM_JTAG_SWD_10 J2
U 1 1 5EA1E350
P 6200 5150
F 0 "J2" H 5757 5196 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "Conn_ARM_JTAG_SWD_10" H 5757 5105 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_1.27mm:PinHeader_2x05_P1.27mm_Vertical" H 6200 5150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" V 5850 3900 50 0001 C CNN
1 6200 5150
P 3600 5300
F 0 "J2" H 3157 5346 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "Conn_ARM_JTAG_SWD_10" H 3157 5255 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_1.27mm:PinHeader_2x05_P1.27mm_Vertical" H 3600 5300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" V 3250 4050 50 0001 C CNN
1 3600 5300
1 0 0 -1
Wire Notes Line
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ MASTER_SPI_MISO
Text HLabel 1300 2700 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1100 2850 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1250 3000 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1300 3300 0 50 Input ~ 0
@ -292,8 +292,6 @@ Text Notes 650 1950 0 50 ~ 0
Brain Interface
Wire Notes Line
550 1850 550 3550
Wire Notes Line
550 3550 2350 3550
Wire Notes Line
2350 3550 2350 1850
Wire Notes Line
@ -322,12 +320,141 @@ Text Label 800 1150 2 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1500 1150 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7500 1250 7550 1250
Text HLabel 1100 3600 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1100 3700 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1100 3800 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1100 3600 1550 3600
Wire Wire Line
1100 3700 1550 3700
Wire Wire Line
1100 3800 1550 3800
Text Label 1550 3600 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1550 3700 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1550 3800 0 50 ~ 0
Text HLabel 1100 3900 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1100 3900 1550 3900
Text Label 1550 3900 0 50 ~ 0
Text HLabel 1050 4000 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1050 4100 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1050 4100 1550 4100
Wire Wire Line
1050 4000 1550 4000
Wire Wire Line
4250 1850 4350 1850
Wire Wire Line
4250 1750 4350 1750
Wire Wire Line
4250 1650 4350 1650
Text Label 4350 1750 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4350 1850 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4350 1650 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7500 3350 7600 3350
Wire Wire Line
7500 3450 7600 3450
Text Label 7600 3450 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 7600 3350 0 50 ~ 0
Text Notes 6350 3450 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Notes Line
6300 3500 7300 3500
Wire Notes Line
7300 3500 7300 3300
Wire Notes Line
6300 3300 7300 3300
Wire Notes Line
6300 3300 6300 3500
Wire Notes Line
1700 1250 550 1250
4050 1600 3200 1600
Wire Notes Line
1700 600 1700 1250
3200 1600 3200 1900
Wire Notes Line
550 600 550 1250
3200 1900 4050 1900
Wire Notes Line
4050 1900 4050 1600
Text Notes 3200 1800 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7500 1250 7550 1250
4250 2850 4350 2850
Wire Wire Line
4250 2950 4350 2950
Text Label 4350 2850 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4350 2950 0 50 ~ 0
Text Notes 3200 2950 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Notes Line
4050 2800 3200 2800
Wire Notes Line
3200 2800 3200 3000
Wire Notes Line
3200 3000 4050 3000
Wire Notes Line
4050 3000 4050 2800
Wire Wire Line
4100 5000 4200 5000
Text HLabel 1000 1250 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Notes Line
550 1300 1700 1300
Wire Notes Line
1700 600 1700 1300
Wire Notes Line
550 600 550 1300
Text Label 1250 1250 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1000 1250 1250 1250
Wire Wire Line
4100 5200 4200 5200
Text Label 4200 5200 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4100 5300 4200 5300
Text Label 4200 5300 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4200 5400 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4100 5400 4200 5400
Wire Wire Line
3500 5900 3600 5900
NoConn ~ 4100 5500
Text Label 4200 5000 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3600 5900 3600 5950
Connection ~ 3600 5900
L power:GND #PWR?
U 1 1 5EA9AF4B
P 3600 5950
F 0 "#PWR?" H 3600 5700 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3605 5777 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3600 5950 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3600 5950 50 0001 C CNN
1 3600 5950
1 0 0 -1

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ EELAYER 30 0
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
Sheet 4 5
Sheet 5 5
Title ""
Date ""
Rev ""
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ $EndComp
L Connector:Conn_ARM_JTAG_SWD_10 J2
U 1 1 5EA1E350
P 6200 5150
F 0 "J2" H 5757 5196 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "Conn_ARM_JTAG_SWD_10" H 5757 5105 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_1.27mm:PinHeader_2x05_P1.27mm_Vertical" H 6200 5150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" V 5850 3900 50 0001 C CNN
1 6200 5150
P 3600 5300
F 0 "J2" H 3157 5346 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "Conn_ARM_JTAG_SWD_10" H 3157 5255 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_1.27mm:PinHeader_2x05_P1.27mm_Vertical" H 3600 5300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" V 3250 4050 50 0001 C CNN
1 3600 5300
1 0 0 -1
Wire Notes Line
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ MASTER_SPI_MISO
Text HLabel 1300 2700 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1100 2850 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1250 3000 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1300 3300 0 50 Input ~ 0
@ -292,8 +292,6 @@ Text Notes 650 1950 0 50 ~ 0
Brain Interface
Wire Notes Line
550 1850 550 3550
Wire Notes Line
550 3550 2350 3550
Wire Notes Line
2350 3550 2350 1850
Wire Notes Line
@ -322,12 +320,127 @@ Text Label 800 1150 2 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1500 1150 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7500 1250 7550 1250
Text HLabel 1100 3600 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1100 3700 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1100 3800 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1100 3600 1550 3600
Wire Wire Line
1100 3700 1550 3700
Wire Wire Line
1100 3800 1550 3800
Text Label 1550 3600 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1550 3700 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1550 3800 0 50 ~ 0
Text HLabel 1100 3900 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1100 3900 1550 3900
Text Label 1550 3900 0 50 ~ 0
Text HLabel 1050 4000 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1050 4100 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1050 4100 1550 4100
Wire Wire Line
1050 4000 1550 4000
Wire Wire Line
4250 1850 4350 1850
Wire Wire Line
4250 1750 4350 1750
Wire Wire Line
4250 1650 4350 1650
Text Label 4350 1750 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4350 1850 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4350 1650 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7500 3350 7600 3350
Wire Wire Line
7500 3450 7600 3450
Text Label 7600 3450 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 7600 3350 0 50 ~ 0
Text Notes 6350 3450 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Notes Line
6300 3500 7300 3500
Wire Notes Line
7300 3500 7300 3300
Wire Notes Line
1700 1250 550 1250
6300 3300 7300 3300
Wire Notes Line
1700 600 1700 1250
6300 3300 6300 3500
Wire Notes Line
550 600 550 1250
4050 1600 3200 1600
Wire Notes Line
3200 1600 3200 1900
Wire Notes Line
3200 1900 4050 1900
Wire Notes Line
4050 1900 4050 1600
Text Notes 3200 1800 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7500 1250 7550 1250
4250 2850 4350 2850
Wire Wire Line
4250 2950 4350 2950
Text Label 4350 2850 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4350 2950 0 50 ~ 0
Text Notes 3200 2950 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Notes Line
4050 2800 3200 2800
Wire Notes Line
3200 2800 3200 3000
Wire Notes Line
3200 3000 4050 3000
Wire Notes Line
4050 3000 4050 2800
Wire Wire Line
4100 5000 4200 5000
Text HLabel 1000 1250 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Notes Line
550 1300 1700 1300
Wire Notes Line
1700 600 1700 1300
Wire Notes Line
550 600 550 1300
Text Label 1250 1250 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1000 1250 1250 1250
Text Label 4200 5000 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4100 5200 4200 5200
Text Label 4200 5200 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4100 5300 4200 5300
Text Label 4200 5300 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4200 5400 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4100 5400 4200 5400
Wire Wire Line
3500 5900 3600 5900
NoConn ~ 4100 5500

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0
#End Doc Library

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.4
#encoding utf-8
F0 "U" 0 -200 50 H V C CNN
F1 "NCP349MNAETBG" 0 350 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
S -300 250 300 -150 0 1 0 f
X VIN 1 -400 150 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
X GND 2 -400 50 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
X ~FLAG 3 400 150 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
X ~EN 4 -400 -50 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
X OUT 5 400 50 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
X OUT 6 400 -50 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
#End Library

@ -13,45 +13,34 @@ Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
U 5 1 5E84F3B3
P 4800 3300
F 0 "U1" H 4800 4215 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "p_ATSAME54P20A-AU" H 4800 4124 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "penguin:QFP40P1600X1600X120-128N_ATSAME54P20A" H 3600 4550 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3600 4550 50 0001 C CNN
5 4800 3300
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5800 2650 5800 2750
Connection ~ 5800 2750
5950 4350 5950 4450
Connection ~ 5950 4450
Wire Wire Line
5800 2750 5800 2850
Connection ~ 5800 2850
5950 4450 5950 4550
Connection ~ 5950 4550
Wire Wire Line
5800 2850 5800 2950
Connection ~ 5800 2950
5950 4550 5950 4650
Connection ~ 5950 4650
Wire Wire Line
5800 2950 5800 3050
Connection ~ 5800 3050
5950 4650 5950 4750
Connection ~ 5950 4750
Wire Wire Line
5800 3050 5800 3150
Connection ~ 5800 3150
5950 4750 5950 4850
Connection ~ 5950 4850
Wire Wire Line
5800 3150 5800 3250
Connection ~ 5800 3250
5950 4850 5950 4950
Connection ~ 5950 4950
Wire Wire Line
5800 3250 5800 3350
Connection ~ 5800 3350
5950 4950 5950 5050
Connection ~ 5950 5050
Wire Wire Line
5800 3350 5800 3450
Connection ~ 5800 3450
5950 5050 5950 5150
Connection ~ 5950 5150
Wire Wire Line
5800 3450 5800 3550
5950 5150 5950 5250
Wire Wire Line
5800 3800 5800 3900
5950 5500 5950 5600
Text HLabel 950 900 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 950 1050 0 50 Input ~ 0
@ -77,30 +66,30 @@ Text Label 1350 600 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1350 750 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3800 3600 3800 3700
Connection ~ 3800 3700
3950 5300 3950 5400
Connection ~ 3950 5400
Wire Wire Line
3800 3700 3800 3800
Connection ~ 3800 3800
3950 5400 3950 5500
Connection ~ 3950 5500
Wire Wire Line
3800 3800 3800 3900
Connection ~ 3800 3900
3950 5500 3950 5600
Connection ~ 3950 5600
Wire Wire Line
3800 3900 3800 4000
Connection ~ 3800 4000
3950 5600 3950 5700
Connection ~ 3950 5700
Wire Wire Line
3800 4000 3800 4100
Connection ~ 3800 4100
3950 5700 3950 5800
Connection ~ 3950 5800
Wire Wire Line
3800 4100 3800 4200
Connection ~ 3800 4200
3950 5800 3950 5900
Connection ~ 3950 5900
Wire Wire Line
3800 4200 3800 4300
3950 5900 3950 6000
L Connector:Barrel_Jack_Switch J?
L Connector:Barrel_Jack_Switch J4
U 1 1 5E88DD8C
P 950 1500
F 0 "J?" H 1007 1817 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "J4" H 1007 1817 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Barrel_Jack_Switch" H 1007 1726 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1000 1460 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 1000 1460 50 0001 C CNN
@ -115,14 +104,296 @@ NoConn ~ 1250 1500
Wire Wire Line
1250 1600 1350 1600
L power:GND #PWR?
L power:GND #PWR0113
U 1 1 5E8980B4
P 1350 1600
F 0 "#PWR?" H 1350 1350 50 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR0113" H 1350 1350 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 1355 1427 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1350 1600 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1350 1600 50 0001 C CNN
1 1350 1600
1 0 0 -1
U 5 1 5E84F3B3
P 4950 5000
F 0 "U1" H 4950 5915 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "p_ATSAME54P20A-AU" H 4950 5824 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "penguin:QFP40P1600X1600X120-128N_ATSAME54P20A" H 3750 6250 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3750 6250 50 0001 C CNN
5 4950 5000
1 0 0 -1
Text Notes 3300 2350 0 50 ~ 0
These are dummy loads!!!
Wire Wire Line
4500 1800 3950 1800
L Device:R_Small R2
U 1 1 5E8D1249
P 3950 1900
F 0 "R2" H 4009 1946 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100k" H 4009 1855 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 3950 1900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 3950 1900 50 0001 C CNN
1 3950 1900
1 0 0 -1
L Device:R_Small R3
U 1 1 5E8D1C92
P 3950 2600
F 0 "R3" H 4009 2646 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100k" H 4009 2555 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 3950 2600 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 3950 2600 50 0001 C CNN
1 3950 2600
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
3950 2000 3950 2050
L power:GND #PWR0114
U 1 1 5E8D3DAD
P 3950 2050
F 0 "#PWR0114" H 3950 1800 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3955 1877 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3950 2050 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3950 2050 50 0001 C CNN
1 3950 2050
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
3950 2700 3950 2750
L power:GND #PWR0115
U 1 1 5E8D4B47
P 3950 2750
F 0 "#PWR0115" H 3950 2500 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3955 2577 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3950 2750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3950 2750 50 0001 C CNN
1 3950 2750
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
3950 1800 3550 1800
Connection ~ 3950 1800
Text Label 3550 1800 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3950 2500 3550 2500
Connection ~ 3950 2500
Text Label 3550 2500 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4900 2500 5800 2500
Wire Wire Line
4500 2500 4350 2500
Wire Wire Line
4900 1800 5350 1800
U 1 1 5E7F2428
P 8100 2250
F 0 "U4" H 8100 2665 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "NCP349MNAETBG" H 8100 2574 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Package_DFN_QFN:DFN-6-1EP_2x2mm_P0.65mm_EP1x1.6mm" H 8100 2250 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8100 2250 50 0001 C CNN
1 8100 2250
1 0 0 -1
L dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single:IRLML6402TRPBF Q1
U 1 1 5E9B8E9E
P 4700 1800
F 0 "Q1" V 4950 1800 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Default PFET_A" V 4850 1800 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "digikey-footprints:SOT-23-3" H 4900 2000 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 2100 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "IRLML6402PBFCT-ND" H 4900 2200 60 0001 L CNN "Digi-Key_PN"
F 5 "IRLML6402TRPBF" H 4900 2300 60 0001 L CNN "MPN"
F 6 "Discrete Semiconductor Products" H 4900 2400 60 0001 L CNN "Category"
F 7 "Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single" H 4900 2500 60 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 8 "" H 4900 2600 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Datasheet_Link"
F 9 "/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLML6402TRPBF/IRLML6402PBFCT-ND/812500" H 4900 2700 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Detail_Page"
F 10 "MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.7A SOT-23" H 4900 2800 60 0001 L CNN "Description"
F 11 "Infineon Technologies" H 4900 2900 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 12 "Active" H 4900 3000 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
1 4700 1800
0 1 -1 0
L dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single:IRLML6402TRPBF Q3
U 1 1 5E9CBFD6
P 6000 1800
F 0 "Q3" V 6250 1800 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Default PFET_B" V 6150 1800 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "digikey-footprints:SOT-23-3" H 6200 2000 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "" H 6200 2100 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "IRLML6402PBFCT-ND" H 6200 2200 60 0001 L CNN "Digi-Key_PN"
F 5 "IRLML6402TRPBF" H 6200 2300 60 0001 L CNN "MPN"
F 6 "Discrete Semiconductor Products" H 6200 2400 60 0001 L CNN "Category"
F 7 "Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single" H 6200 2500 60 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 8 "" H 6200 2600 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Datasheet_Link"
F 9 "/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLML6402TRPBF/IRLML6402PBFCT-ND/812500" H 6200 2700 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Detail_Page"
F 10 "MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.7A SOT-23" H 6200 2800 60 0001 L CNN "Description"
F 11 "Infineon Technologies" H 6200 2900 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 12 "Active" H 6200 3000 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
1 6000 1800
0 -1 -1 0
L dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single:IRLML6402TRPBF Q2
U 1 1 5E9D56A5
P 4700 2500
F 0 "Q2" V 4950 2500 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Alt PFET_A" V 4850 2500 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "digikey-footprints:SOT-23-3" H 4900 2700 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 2800 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "IRLML6402PBFCT-ND" H 4900 2900 60 0001 L CNN "Digi-Key_PN"
F 5 "IRLML6402TRPBF" H 4900 3000 60 0001 L CNN "MPN"
F 6 "Discrete Semiconductor Products" H 4900 3100 60 0001 L CNN "Category"
F 7 "Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single" H 4900 3200 60 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 8 "" H 4900 3300 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Datasheet_Link"
F 9 "/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLML6402TRPBF/IRLML6402PBFCT-ND/812500" H 4900 3400 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Detail_Page"
F 10 "MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.7A SOT-23" H 4900 3500 60 0001 L CNN "Description"
F 11 "Infineon Technologies" H 4900 3600 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 12 "Active" H 4900 3700 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
1 4700 2500
0 1 -1 0
L dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single:IRLML6402TRPBF Q4
U 1 1 5E9DB598
P 6000 2500
F 0 "Q4" V 6250 2500 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Alt PFET_B" V 6150 2500 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "digikey-footprints:SOT-23-3" H 6200 2700 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "" H 6200 2800 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "IRLML6402PBFCT-ND" H 6200 2900 60 0001 L CNN "Digi-Key_PN"
F 5 "IRLML6402TRPBF" H 6200 3000 60 0001 L CNN "MPN"
F 6 "Discrete Semiconductor Products" H 6200 3100 60 0001 L CNN "Category"
F 7 "Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single" H 6200 3200 60 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 8 "" H 6200 3300 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Datasheet_Link"
F 9 "/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLML6402TRPBF/IRLML6402PBFCT-ND/812500" H 6200 3400 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Detail_Page"
F 10 "MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.7A SOT-23" H 6200 3500 60 0001 L CNN "Description"
F 11 "Infineon Technologies" H 6200 3600 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 12 "Active" H 6200 3700 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
1 6000 2500
0 -1 -1 0
Wire Wire Line
4600 2800 5350 2800
Wire Wire Line
4600 2100 6100 2100
Wire Wire Line
4600 2100 4350 2100
Wire Wire Line
4350 2100 4350 2500
Connection ~ 4600 2100
Connection ~ 4350 2500
Wire Wire Line
4350 2500 3950 2500
Wire Wire Line
5350 1800 5350 2800
Connection ~ 5350 1800
Wire Wire Line
5350 1800 5800 1800
Connection ~ 5350 2800
Wire Wire Line
5350 2800 6100 2800
Wire Wire Line
5350 2800 5350 2900
L Device:R_Small R6
U 1 1 5E9E8F6F
P 5350 3000
F 0 "R6" H 5409 3046 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "R_Small" H 5409 2955 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 5350 3000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 5350 3000 50 0001 C CNN
1 5350 3000
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5350 3100 5350 3150
L power:GND #PWR0117
U 1 1 5E9EA130
P 5350 3150
F 0 "#PWR0117" H 5350 2900 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5355 2977 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5350 3150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5350 3150 50 0001 C CNN
1 5350 3150
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6200 1800 6550 1800
Wire Wire Line
6550 2500 6200 2500
Wire Wire Line
6550 1800 6550 2100
Connection ~ 6550 2100
Wire Wire Line
6550 2100 6550 2500
L Device:C_Small C10
U 1 1 5E9F5727
P 7050 2200
F 0 "C10" H 7250 2250 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 7350 2150 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "" H 7050 2200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7050 2200 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 2200
-1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6550 2100 7050 2100
Wire Wire Line
7050 2100 7200 2100
Connection ~ 7050 2100
L Device:C_Small C11
U 1 1 5E9F9ED9
P 7200 2200
F 0 "C11" H 7292 2246 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "1uF" H 7292 2155 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 7200 2200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7200 2200 50 0001 C CNN
1 7200 2200
1 0 0 -1
Connection ~ 7200 2100
Wire Wire Line
7200 2100 7700 2100
Wire Wire Line
7700 2200 7700 2300
Wire Wire Line
7700 2300 7700 2400
Connection ~ 7700 2300
L power:GND #PWR0118
U 1 1 5EA05C9E
P 7700 2400
F 0 "#PWR0118" H 7700 2150 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7705 2227 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7700 2400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7700 2400 50 0001 C CNN
1 7700 2400
1 0 0 -1
NoConn ~ 8500 2100
Wire Wire Line
8500 2200 8500 2300
Wire Wire Line
8500 2200 8650 2200
Connection ~ 8500 2200
Wire Wire Line
7050 2300 7200 2300
Wire Wire Line
7200 2300 7700 2300
Connection ~ 7200 2300

@ -13,43 +13,387 @@ Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
Wire Wire Line
5950 4350 5950 4450
Connection ~ 5950 4450
Wire Wire Line
5950 4450 5950 4550
Connection ~ 5950 4550
Wire Wire Line
5950 4550 5950 4650
Connection ~ 5950 4650
Wire Wire Line
5950 4650 5950 4750
Connection ~ 5950 4750
Wire Wire Line
5950 4750 5950 4850
Connection ~ 5950 4850
Wire Wire Line
5950 4850 5950 4950
Connection ~ 5950 4950
Wire Wire Line
5950 4950 5950 5050
Connection ~ 5950 5050
Wire Wire Line
5950 5050 5950 5150
Connection ~ 5950 5150
Wire Wire Line
5950 5150 5950 5250
Wire Wire Line
5950 5500 5950 5600
Text HLabel 950 900 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 950 1050 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 950 600 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 950 750 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
950 900 1350 900
Text Label 1350 900 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
950 1050 1350 1050
Text Label 1350 1050 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
950 600 1350 600
Wire Wire Line
950 750 1350 750
Text Label 1350 600 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1350 750 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3950 5300 3950 5400
Connection ~ 3950 5400
Wire Wire Line
3950 5400 3950 5500
Connection ~ 3950 5500
Wire Wire Line
3950 5500 3950 5600
Connection ~ 3950 5600
Wire Wire Line
3950 5600 3950 5700
Connection ~ 3950 5700
Wire Wire Line
3950 5700 3950 5800
Connection ~ 3950 5800
Wire Wire Line
3950 5800 3950 5900
Connection ~ 3950 5900
Wire Wire Line
3950 5900 3950 6000
L Connector:Barrel_Jack_Switch J4
U 1 1 5E88DD8C
P 950 1500
F 0 "J4" H 1007 1817 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Barrel_Jack_Switch" H 1007 1726 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1000 1460 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 1000 1460 50 0001 C CNN
1 950 1500
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
1250 1400 1350 1400
Text Label 1350 1400 0 50 ~ 0
NoConn ~ 1250 1500
Wire Wire Line
1250 1600 1350 1600
L power:GND #PWR0113
U 1 1 5E8980B4
P 1350 1600
F 0 "#PWR0113" H 1350 1350 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 1355 1427 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1350 1600 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1350 1600 50 0001 C CNN
1 1350 1600
1 0 0 -1
U 5 1 5E84F3B3
P 4800 3300
F 0 "U1" H 4800 4215 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "p_ATSAME54P20A-AU" H 4800 4124 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "penguin:QFP40P1600X1600X120-128N_ATSAME54P20A" H 3600 4550 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3600 4550 50 0001 C CNN
5 4800 3300
P 4950 5000
F 0 "U1" H 4950 5915 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "p_ATSAME54P20A-AU" H 4950 5824 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "penguin:QFP40P1600X1600X120-128N_ATSAME54P20A" H 3750 6250 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3750 6250 50 0001 C CNN
5 4950 5000
1 0 0 -1
Text Notes 3300 2350 0 50 ~ 0
These are dummy loads!!!
Wire Wire Line
4500 1800 3950 1800
L Device:R_Small R2
U 1 1 5E8D1249
P 3950 1900
F 0 "R2" H 4009 1946 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100k" H 4009 1855 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 3950 1900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 3950 1900 50 0001 C CNN
1 3950 1900
1 0 0 -1
L Device:R_Small R3
U 1 1 5E8D1C92
P 3950 2600
F 0 "R3" H 4009 2646 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100k" H 4009 2555 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 3950 2600 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 3950 2600 50 0001 C CNN
1 3950 2600
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5800 2650 5800 2750
Connection ~ 5800 2750
3950 2000 3950 2050
L power:GND #PWR0114
U 1 1 5E8D3DAD
P 3950 2050
F 0 "#PWR0114" H 3950 1800 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3955 1877 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3950 2050 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3950 2050 50 0001 C CNN
1 3950 2050
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5800 2750 5800 2850
Connection ~ 5800 2850
3950 2700 3950 2750
L power:GND #PWR0115
U 1 1 5E8D4B47
P 3950 2750
F 0 "#PWR0115" H 3950 2500 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3955 2577 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3950 2750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3950 2750 50 0001 C CNN
1 3950 2750
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5800 2850 5800 2950
Connection ~ 5800 2950
3950 1800 3550 1800
Connection ~ 3950 1800
Text Label 3550 1800 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5800 2950 5800 3050
Connection ~ 5800 3050
3950 2500 3550 2500
Connection ~ 3950 2500
Text Label 3550 2500 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5800 3050 5800 3150
Connection ~ 5800 3150
4900 2500 5800 2500
Wire Wire Line
5800 3150 5800 3250
Connection ~ 5800 3250
4500 2500 4350 2500
Wire Wire Line
4900 1800 5350 1800
U 1 1 5E7F2428
P 8100 2250
F 0 "U4" H 8100 2665 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "NCP349MNAETBG" H 8100 2574 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Package_DFN_QFN:DFN-6-1EP_2x2mm_P0.65mm_EP1x1.6mm" H 8100 2250 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8100 2250 50 0001 C CNN
1 8100 2250
1 0 0 -1
L dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single:IRLML6402TRPBF Q1
U 1 1 5E9B8E9E
P 4700 1800
F 0 "Q1" V 4950 1800 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Default PFET_A" V 4850 1800 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "digikey-footprints:SOT-23-3" H 4900 2000 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 2100 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "IRLML6402PBFCT-ND" H 4900 2200 60 0001 L CNN "Digi-Key_PN"
F 5 "IRLML6402TRPBF" H 4900 2300 60 0001 L CNN "MPN"
F 6 "Discrete Semiconductor Products" H 4900 2400 60 0001 L CNN "Category"
F 7 "Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single" H 4900 2500 60 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 8 "" H 4900 2600 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Datasheet_Link"
F 9 "/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLML6402TRPBF/IRLML6402PBFCT-ND/812500" H 4900 2700 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Detail_Page"
F 10 "MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.7A SOT-23" H 4900 2800 60 0001 L CNN "Description"
F 11 "Infineon Technologies" H 4900 2900 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 12 "Active" H 4900 3000 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
1 4700 1800
0 1 -1 0
L dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single:IRLML6402TRPBF Q3
U 1 1 5E9CBFD6
P 6000 1800
F 0 "Q3" V 6250 1800 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Default PFET_B" V 6150 1800 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "digikey-footprints:SOT-23-3" H 6200 2000 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "" H 6200 2100 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "IRLML6402PBFCT-ND" H 6200 2200 60 0001 L CNN "Digi-Key_PN"
F 5 "IRLML6402TRPBF" H 6200 2300 60 0001 L CNN "MPN"
F 6 "Discrete Semiconductor Products" H 6200 2400 60 0001 L CNN "Category"
F 7 "Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single" H 6200 2500 60 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 8 "" H 6200 2600 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Datasheet_Link"
F 9 "/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLML6402TRPBF/IRLML6402PBFCT-ND/812500" H 6200 2700 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Detail_Page"
F 10 "MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.7A SOT-23" H 6200 2800 60 0001 L CNN "Description"
F 11 "Infineon Technologies" H 6200 2900 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 12 "Active" H 6200 3000 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
1 6000 1800
0 -1 -1 0
L dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single:IRLML6402TRPBF Q2
U 1 1 5E9D56A5
P 4700 2500
F 0 "Q2" V 4950 2500 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Alt PFET_A" V 4850 2500 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "digikey-footprints:SOT-23-3" H 4900 2700 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 2800 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "IRLML6402PBFCT-ND" H 4900 2900 60 0001 L CNN "Digi-Key_PN"
F 5 "IRLML6402TRPBF" H 4900 3000 60 0001 L CNN "MPN"
F 6 "Discrete Semiconductor Products" H 4900 3100 60 0001 L CNN "Category"
F 7 "Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single" H 4900 3200 60 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 8 "" H 4900 3300 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Datasheet_Link"
F 9 "/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLML6402TRPBF/IRLML6402PBFCT-ND/812500" H 4900 3400 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Detail_Page"
F 10 "MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.7A SOT-23" H 4900 3500 60 0001 L CNN "Description"
F 11 "Infineon Technologies" H 4900 3600 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 12 "Active" H 4900 3700 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
1 4700 2500
0 1 -1 0
L dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single:IRLML6402TRPBF Q4
U 1 1 5E9DB598
P 6000 2500
F 0 "Q4" V 6250 2500 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Alt PFET_B" V 6150 2500 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "digikey-footprints:SOT-23-3" H 6200 2700 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "" H 6200 2800 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "IRLML6402PBFCT-ND" H 6200 2900 60 0001 L CNN "Digi-Key_PN"
F 5 "IRLML6402TRPBF" H 6200 3000 60 0001 L CNN "MPN"
F 6 "Discrete Semiconductor Products" H 6200 3100 60 0001 L CNN "Category"
F 7 "Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single" H 6200 3200 60 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 8 "" H 6200 3300 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Datasheet_Link"
F 9 "/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLML6402TRPBF/IRLML6402PBFCT-ND/812500" H 6200 3400 60 0001 L CNN "DK_Detail_Page"
F 10 "MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.7A SOT-23" H 6200 3500 60 0001 L CNN "Description"
F 11 "Infineon Technologies" H 6200 3600 60 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 12 "Active" H 6200 3700 60 0001 L CNN "Status"
1 6000 2500
0 -1 -1 0
Wire Wire Line
4600 2800 5350 2800
Wire Wire Line
4600 2100 6100 2100
Wire Wire Line
4600 2100 4350 2100
Wire Wire Line
4350 2100 4350 2500
Connection ~ 4600 2100
Connection ~ 4350 2500
Wire Wire Line
4350 2500 3950 2500
Wire Wire Line
5350 1800 5350 2800
Connection ~ 5350 1800
Wire Wire Line
5350 1800 5800 1800
Connection ~ 5350 2800
Wire Wire Line
5350 2800 6100 2800
Wire Wire Line
5350 2800 5350 2900
L Device:R_Small R6
U 1 1 5E9E8F6F
P 5350 3000
F 0 "R6" H 5409 3046 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "R_Small" H 5409 2955 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 5350 3000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 5350 3000 50 0001 C CNN
1 5350 3000
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5350 3100 5350 3150
L power:GND #PWR0117
U 1 1 5E9EA130
P 5350 3150
F 0 "#PWR0117" H 5350 2900 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5355 2977 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5350 3150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5350 3150 50 0001 C CNN
1 5350 3150
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6200 1800 6550 1800
Wire Wire Line
6550 2500 6200 2500
Wire Wire Line
6550 1800 6550 2100
Connection ~ 6550 2100
Wire Wire Line
6550 2100 6550 2500
L Device:C_Small C10
U 1 1 5E9F5727
P 7050 2200
F 0 "C10" H 7250 2250 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 7350 2150 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "" H 7050 2200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7050 2200 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 2200
-1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6550 2100 7050 2100
Wire Wire Line
7050 2100 7200 2100
Connection ~ 7050 2100
L Device:C_Small C11
U 1 1 5E9F9ED9
P 7200 2200
F 0 "C11" H 7292 2246 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "1uF" H 7292 2155 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 7200 2200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7200 2200 50 0001 C CNN
1 7200 2200
1 0 0 -1
Connection ~ 7200 2100
Wire Wire Line
7200 2100 7700 2100
Wire Wire Line
7700 2200 7700 2300
Wire Wire Line
7700 2300 7700 2400
Connection ~ 7700 2300
L power:GND #PWR0118
U 1 1 5EA05C9E
P 7700 2400
F 0 "#PWR0118" H 7700 2150 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7705 2227 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7700 2400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7700 2400 50 0001 C CNN
1 7700 2400
1 0 0 -1
NoConn ~ 8500 2100
Wire Wire Line
5800 3250 5800 3350
Connection ~ 5800 3350
8500 2200 8500 2300
Wire Wire Line
5800 3350 5800 3450
Connection ~ 5800 3450
8500 2200 8650 2200
Connection ~ 8500 2200
Wire Wire Line
5800 3450 5800 3550
7050 2300 7200 2300
Wire Wire Line
5800 3800 5800 3900
7200 2300 7700 2300
Connection ~ 7200 2300

@ -459,11 +459,11 @@ Text HLabel 1350 2300 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2400 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2650 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1300 3150 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2750 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1300 3700 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2850 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2600 0 50 Input ~ 0
Entry Bus Bus
8450 4050 8550 3950
@ -509,18 +509,16 @@ Text Label 1600 2400 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1600 2400 1350 2400
Text Label 1600 2650 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1550 3150 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1600 2650 1350 2650
Wire Wire Line
1350 2750 1600 2750
Text Label 1600 2750 0 50 ~ 0
1300 3700 1450 3700
Text Label 1550 3700 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1600 2850 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1600 2600 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1600 2850 1350 2850
1600 2600 1350 2600
Wire Wire Line
7900 3650 8000 3650
Text Label 8000 3650 0 50 ~ 0
@ -637,12 +635,54 @@ Wire Notes Line
550 1200 550 550
Wire Notes Line
550 1250 550 3000
Wire Notes Line
550 3000 2200 3000
Wire Notes Line
2200 3000 2200 1250
Wire Notes Line
2200 1250 550 1250
Text Notes 650 1350 0 50 ~ 0
LCD Interface
Connection ~ 1450 3150
Wire Wire Line
1450 3150 1300 3150
Wire Wire Line
1550 3150 1450 3150
Text Label 1450 2750 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1450 2800 1450 2750
L Device:R_Small R4
U 1 1 5E833EF1
P 1450 2900
F 0 "R4" H 1509 2946 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "4.7k" H 1509 2855 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 1450 2900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 1450 2900 50 0001 C CNN
1 1450 2900
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
1450 3150 1450 3000
Text Label 1450 3300 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1450 3350 1450 3300
L Device:R_Small R5
U 1 1 5E84B2E4
P 1450 3450
F 0 "R5" H 1509 3496 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "4.7k" H 1509 3405 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 1450 3450 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 1450 3450 50 0001 C CNN
1 1450 3450
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
1450 3700 1450 3550
Connection ~ 1450 3700
Wire Wire Line
1450 3700 1550 3700
Wire Bus Line
9050 3650 9050 4750
Wire Bus Line
@ -651,6 +691,4 @@ Wire Bus Line
6300 4050 6300 6200
Wire Bus Line
10900 3650 10900 5600
Text Notes 650 1350 0 50 ~ 0
LCD Interface

@ -459,11 +459,11 @@ Text HLabel 1350 2300 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2400 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2650 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1300 3150 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2750 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1300 3700 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2850 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text HLabel 1350 2600 0 50 Input ~ 0
Entry Bus Bus
8450 4050 8550 3950
@ -509,18 +509,16 @@ Text Label 1600 2400 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1600 2400 1350 2400
Text Label 1600 2650 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1550 3150 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1600 2650 1350 2650
Wire Wire Line
1350 2750 1600 2750
Text Label 1600 2750 0 50 ~ 0
1300 3700 1450 3700
Text Label 1550 3700 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1600 2850 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 1600 2600 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1600 2850 1350 2850
1600 2600 1350 2600
Wire Wire Line
7900 3650 8000 3650
Text Label 8000 3650 0 50 ~ 0
@ -637,12 +635,54 @@ Wire Notes Line
550 1200 550 550
Wire Notes Line
550 1250 550 3000
Wire Notes Line
550 3000 2200 3000
Wire Notes Line
2200 3000 2200 1250
Wire Notes Line
2200 1250 550 1250
Text Notes 650 1350 0 50 ~ 0
LCD Interface
Connection ~ 1450 3150
Wire Wire Line
1450 3150 1300 3150
Wire Wire Line
1550 3150 1450 3150
Text Label 1450 2750 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1450 2800 1450 2750
L Device:R_Small R4
U 1 1 5E833EF1
P 1450 2900
F 0 "R4" H 1509 2946 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "4.7k" H 1509 2855 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 1450 2900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 1450 2900 50 0001 C CNN
1 1450 2900
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
1450 3150 1450 3000
Text Label 1450 3300 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1450 3350 1450 3300
L Device:R_Small R5
U 1 1 5E84B2E4
P 1450 3450
F 0 "R5" H 1509 3496 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "4.7k" H 1509 3405 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 1450 3450 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 1450 3450 50 0001 C CNN
1 1450 3450
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
1450 3700 1450 3550
Connection ~ 1450 3700
Wire Wire Line
1450 3700 1550 3700
Wire Bus Line
9050 3650 9050 4750
Wire Bus Line
@ -651,6 +691,4 @@ Wire Bus Line
6300 4050 6300 6200
Wire Bus Line
10900 3650 10900 5600
Text Notes 650 1350 0 50 ~ 0
LCD Interface

@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ Wire Wire Line
7700 4200 7800 4200
Connection ~ 7700 4200
L Device:C_Small C?
L Device:C_Small C7
U 1 1 5E7F85B7
P 6800 1200
F 0 "C?" H 6892 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 0 "C7" H 6892 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "10nF" H 6892 1155 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 6800 1200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 6800 1200 50 0001 C CNN
@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ Wire Wire Line
6800 1100 7050 1100
Connection ~ 6800 1100
L Device:Ferrite_Bead_Small FB?
L Device:Ferrite_Bead_Small FB1
U 1 1 5E7FB1E4
P 7150 1100
F 0 "FB?" V 6913 1100 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "FB1" V 6913 1100 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "40_Ohm" V 7004 1100 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" V 7080 1100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7150 1100 50 0001 C CNN
@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ Wire Wire Line
7600 1100 8050 1100
Connection ~ 7600 1100
L Device:C_Small C?
L Device:C_Small C8
U 1 1 5E8424CD
P 8050 1200
F 0 "C?" H 8142 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 0 "C8" H 8142 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "4.7uF" H 8142 1155 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 8050 1200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 8050 1200 50 0001 C CNN
@ -229,10 +229,10 @@ F 3 "~" H 8050 1200 50 0001 C CNN
1 0 0 -1
L Device:C_Small C?
L Device:C_Small C9
U 1 1 5E844B56
P 8550 1200
F 0 "C?" H 8642 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 0 "C9" H 8642 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 8642 1155 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 8550 1200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 8550 1200 50 0001 C CNN
@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ Connection ~ 8300 1300
Wire Wire Line
8300 1300 8550 1300
L power:GND #PWR?
L power:GND #PWR0116
U 1 1 5E849ABD
P 8300 1400
F 0 "#PWR?" H 8300 1150 50 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR0116" H 8300 1150 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 8305 1227 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8300 1400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8300 1400 50 0001 C CNN

@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ Wire Wire Line
7700 4200 7800 4200
Connection ~ 7700 4200
L Device:C_Small C?
L Device:C_Small C7
U 1 1 5E7F85B7
P 6800 1200
F 0 "C?" H 6892 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 0 "C7" H 6892 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "10nF" H 6892 1155 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 6800 1200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 6800 1200 50 0001 C CNN
@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ Wire Wire Line
6800 1100 7050 1100
Connection ~ 6800 1100
L Device:Ferrite_Bead_Small FB?
L Device:Ferrite_Bead_Small FB1
U 1 1 5E7FB1E4
P 7150 1100
F 0 "FB?" V 6913 1100 50 0000 C CNN
F 0 "FB1" V 6913 1100 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "40_Ohm" V 7004 1100 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" V 7080 1100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7150 1100 50 0001 C CNN
@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ Wire Wire Line
7600 1100 8050 1100
Connection ~ 7600 1100
L Device:C_Small C?
L Device:C_Small C8
U 1 1 5E8424CD
P 8050 1200
F 0 "C?" H 8142 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 0 "C8" H 8142 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "4.7uF" H 8142 1155 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 8050 1200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 8050 1200 50 0001 C CNN
@ -229,10 +229,10 @@ F 3 "~" H 8050 1200 50 0001 C CNN
1 0 0 -1
L Device:C_Small C?
L Device:C_Small C9
U 1 1 5E844B56
P 8550 1200
F 0 "C?" H 8642 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 0 "C9" H 8642 1246 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100nF" H 8642 1155 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "" H 8550 1200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 8550 1200 50 0001 C CNN
@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ Connection ~ 8300 1300
Wire Wire Line
8300 1300 8550 1300
L power:GND #PWR?
L power:GND #PWR0116
U 1 1 5E849ABD
P 8300 1400
F 0 "#PWR?" H 8300 1150 50 0001 C CNN
F 0 "#PWR0116" H 8300 1150 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 8305 1227 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8300 1400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8300 1400 50 0001 C CNN

@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.4
#encoding utf-8
DEF TPS73733QDRBRQ1 U 0 40 Y Y 1 F N
F0 "U" 0 -400 50 H V C CNN
F1 "TPS73733QDRBRQ1" 0 450 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
#End Library

@ -350,6 +350,24 @@ X P8 9 -700 100 200 R 40 40 0 0 B
F0 "U" 0 -200 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
S -300 250 300 -150 0 1 0 f
X VIN 1 -400 150 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
X GND 2 -400 50 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
X ~FLAG 3 400 150 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
X ~EN 4 -400 -50 100 R 50 50 1 1 I
X OUT 5 400 50 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
X OUT 6 400 -50 100 L 50 50 1 1 I
# dk_Interface-Controllers_FT232RQ-REEL
DEF dk_Interface-Controllers_FT232RQ-REEL U 0 40 Y Y 1 F N
@ -404,6 +422,46 @@ X CBUS4 9 -700 -600 100 R 50 50 1 1 B
# dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single_IRLML6402TRPBF
DEF dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single_IRLML6402TRPBF Q 0 0 Y Y 1 F N
F0 "Q" -106 143 60 H V R CNN
F1 "dk_Transistors-FETs-MOSFETs-Single_IRLML6402TRPBF" 136 0 60 V V C CNN
F2 "digikey-footprints:SOT-23-3" 200 200 60 H I L CNN
F3 "" 200 300 60 H I L CNN
F4 "IRLML6402PBFCT-ND" 200 400 60 H I L CNN "Digi-Key_PN"
F5 "IRLML6402TRPBF" 200 500 60 H I L CNN "MPN"
F6 "Discrete Semiconductor Products" 200 600 60 H I L CNN "Category"
F7 "Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single" 200 700 60 H I L CNN "Family"
F8 "" 200 800 60 H I L CNN "DK_Datasheet_Link"
F9 "/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLML6402TRPBF/IRLML6402PBFCT-ND/812500" 200 900 60 H I L CNN "DK_Detail_Page"
F10 "MOSFET P-CH 20V 3.7A SOT-23" 200 1000 60 H I L CNN "Description"
F11 "Infineon Technologies" 200 1100 60 H I L CNN "Manufacturer"
F12 "Active" 200 1200 60 H I L CNN "Status"
C -50 0 130 0 1 0 f
C 0 -75 5 0 1 0 N
C 0 -55 5 0 1 0 N
C 0 75 5 0 1 0 N
P 2 0 1 0 0 -55 -100 -55 N
P 3 0 1 0 -200 -100 -120 -100 -120 55 N
P 3 0 1 0 0 -100 0 0 -100 0 N
P 3 0 1 0 0 100 0 55 -100 55 N
P 5 0 1 0 -5 -75 40 -75 40 55 40 75 -5 75 N
P 2 1 1 0 -100 -55 -100 -75 N
P 2 1 1 0 -100 -55 -100 -35 N
P 2 1 1 0 -100 0 -100 -20 N
P 2 1 1 0 -100 0 -100 20 N
P 2 1 1 0 -100 75 -100 35 N
P 2 1 1 0 60 -8 20 -8 N
P 4 1 1 0 -15 0 -45 20 -45 -20 -15 0 F
P 4 1 1 0 40 -10 60 20 20 20 40 -10 F
X G 1 -300 -100 100 R 50 50 1 1 B
X S 2 0 -200 100 U 50 50 1 1 B
X D 3 0 200 100 D 50 50 1 1 B
DEF p_ATSAME54P20A-AU_p_ATSAME54P20A-AU U 0 40 Y Y 5 L N

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -19,34 +19,8 @@ U 5E7872D3
F0 "s_Power" 50
F1 "Power.sch" 50
S 700 2450 3300 1900
U 5E7C0F59
F0 "s_USB_INTF.sch" 50
F1 "USB_INTF.sch" 50
F2 "DEBUG_TX" I R 4000 2550 50
F3 "DEBUG_RX" I R 4000 2650 50
F4 "FTDI_5V" I R 4000 2850 50
F5 "FTDI_3V3" I R 4000 2950 50
S 750 800 3250 1450
U 5E805E4F
F0 "s_BRAIN" 50
F1 "BRAIN.sch" 50
F2 "DEBUG_TX" I R 4000 1150 50
F3 "DEBUG_RX" I R 4000 1250 50
F4 "MASTER_SPI_MOSI" I R 4000 1350 50
F5 "MASTER_SPI_MISO" I R 4000 1450 50
F6 "MASTER_SPI_CLK" I R 4000 1550 50
F7 "~TFT_SPI_CS" I R 4000 1650 50
F8 "~FLASH_MEM_CS" I R 4000 1750 50
F9 "MASTER_I2C_SDA" I R 4000 1950 50
F10 "MASTER_I2C_SCL" I R 4000 2050 50
F11 "~IO_EXPANDER_CS" I R 4000 1850 50
Text Notes 800 1000 0 50 ~ 0
Brain -- ATSAME54P20A will controll peripherals, including an IO extender which,\n will handler the control of the screen (mikroe board with SSD1963)
Text Notes 800 1500 0 50 ~ 0
Brain -- ATSAME54P20A will controll peripherals, \nincluding an IO extender which,\n will handler the control of the screen \n(mikroe board with SSD1963)\n\n\nEverything in this schematic is relative to the \nbrain. As in, MASTER means brain.
Text GLabel 900 6250 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 1800 6250 0 50 Input ~ 0
@ -67,7 +41,7 @@ F9 "TFT_RSDC" I L 5750 1850 50
F10 "~TFT_RST" I L 5750 2000 50
F11 "TFT_STB" I L 5750 2100 50
F12 "TFT_TOUCH_SDA" I L 5750 2200 50
F13 "TFT_TOUCH_SCL" I L 5750 2450 50
F13 "TFT_TOUCH_SCL" I L 5750 2300 50
F14 "TFT_TOUCH_INT" I L 5750 2550 50
F15 "TFT_TE" I L 5750 2650 50
@ -157,16 +131,98 @@ Text Label 4050 1150 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4000 1150 4050 1150
Text Label 4050 2550 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4000 1250 4050 1250
Text Label 4050 1250 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4000 2550 4050 2550
4000 1350 4050 1350
Wire Wire Line
4000 1450 4050 1450
Wire Wire Line
4000 1550 4050 1550
Wire Wire Line
4000 1650 4050 1650
Wire Wire Line
4000 1750 4050 1750
Wire Wire Line
4000 1850 4050 1850
Wire Wire Line
4000 1950 4050 1950
Wire Wire Line
4000 2050 4050 2050
Text Label 4050 1350 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4050 1450 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4050 1550 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4050 1650 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 5700 1300 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4000 2650 4050 2650
Text Label 4050 2650 0 50 ~ 0
5700 1200 5750 1200
Text Label 5700 1200 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5700 1300 5750 1300
Text Label 5700 1100 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5700 1100 5750 1100
Text Label 5700 1550 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5700 1550 5750 1550
Text Label 4050 1950 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4050 2050 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 5700 2200 2 50 ~ 0
Text Label 5700 2300 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5750 2200 5700 2200
Wire Wire Line
5750 2300 5700 2300
Wire Wire Line
3850 3450 3950 3450
Wire Wire Line
3850 3350 3950 3350
Text Label 3950 3450 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 3950 3350 0 50 ~ 0
S 550 3250 3300 1900
U 5E7C0F59
F0 "s_USB_INTF.sch" 50
F1 "USB_INTF.sch" 50
F2 "DEBUG_TX" I R 3850 3350 50
F3 "DEBUG_RX" I R 3850 3450 50
F4 "FTDI_5V" I R 3850 3650 50
F5 "FTDI_3V3" I R 3850 3750 50
S 750 800 3250 2350
U 5E805E4F
F0 "s_BRAIN" 50
F1 "BRAIN.sch" 50
F2 "DEBUG_TX" I R 4000 1150 50
F3 "DEBUG_RX" I R 4000 1250 50
F4 "MASTER_SPI_MOSI" I R 4000 1350 50
F5 "MASTER_SPI_MISO" I R 4000 1450 50
F6 "MASTER_SPI_CLK" I R 4000 1550 50
F7 "~FLASH_MEM_CS" I R 4000 1750 50
F8 "MASTER_I2C_SDA" I R 4000 1950 50
F9 "MASTER_I2C_SCL" I R 4000 2050 50
F10 "~IO_EXPANDER_CS" I R 4000 1850 50
F11 "~TFT_CS" I R 4000 1650 50
F12 "~TFT_WR" I R 4000 2150 50
F13 "~TFT_RD" I R 4000 2250 50
F14 "TFT_RSDC" I R 4000 2350 50
F15 "~TFT_RST" I R 4000 2450 50

@ -19,32 +19,8 @@ U 5E7872D3
F0 "s_Power" 50
F1 "Power.sch" 50
S 700 2450 3300 1900
U 5E7C0F59
F0 "s_USB_INTF.sch" 50
F1 "USB_INTF.sch" 50
F2 "DEBUG_TX" I R 4000 2550 50
F3 "DEBUG_RX" I R 4000 2650 50
S 750 800 3250 1450
U 5E805E4F
F0 "s_BRAIN" 50
F1 "BRAIN.sch" 50
F2 "DEBUG_TX" I R 4000 1150 50
F3 "DEBUG_RX" I R 4000 1250 50
F4 "MASTER_SPI_MOSI" I R 4000 1350 50
F5 "MASTER_SPI_MISO" I R 4000 1450 50
F6 "MASTER_SPI_CLK" I R 4000 1550 50
F7 "~TFT_SPI_CS" I R 4000 1650 50
F8 "~FLASH_MEM_CS" I R 4000 1750 50
F9 "MASTER_I2C_SDA" I R 4000 1950 50
F10 "MASTER_I2C_SCL" I R 4000 2050 50
F11 "~IO_EXPANDER_CS" I R 4000 1850 50
Text Notes 800 1000 0 50 ~ 0
Brain -- ATSAME54P20A will controll peripherals, including an IO extender which,\n will handler the control of the screen (mikroe board with SSD1963)
Text Notes 800 1500 0 50 ~ 0
Brain -- ATSAME54P20A will controll peripherals, \nincluding an IO extender which,\n will handler the control of the screen \n(mikroe board with SSD1963)\n\n\nEverything in this schematic is relative to the \nbrain. As in, MASTER means brain.
Text GLabel 900 6250 0 50 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 1800 6250 0 50 Input ~ 0
@ -65,7 +41,7 @@ F9 "TFT_RSDC" I L 5750 1850 50
F10 "~TFT_RST" I L 5750 2000 50
F11 "TFT_STB" I L 5750 2100 50
F12 "TFT_TOUCH_SDA" I L 5750 2200 50
F13 "TFT_TOUCH_SCL" I L 5750 2450 50
F13 "TFT_TOUCH_SCL" I L 5750 2300 50
F14 "TFT_TOUCH_INT" I L 5750 2550 50
F15 "TFT_TE" I L 5750 2650 50
@ -155,16 +131,98 @@ Text Label 4050 1150 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4000 1150 4050 1150
Text Label 4050 2550 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4000 1250 4050 1250
Text Label 4050 1250 0 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4000 2550 4050 2550
4000 1350 4050 1350
Wire Wire Line
4000 1450 4050 1450
Wire Wire Line
4000 1550 4050 1550
Wire Wire Line
4000 1650 4050 1650
Wire Wire Line
4000 1750 4050 1750
Wire Wire Line
4000 1850 4050 1850
Wire Wire Line
4000 1950 4050 1950
Wire Wire Line
4000 2050 4050 2050
Text Label 4050 1350 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4050 1450 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4050 1550 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4050 1650 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 5700 1300 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4000 2650 4050 2650
Text Label 4050 2650 0 50 ~ 0
5700 1200 5750 1200
Text Label 5700 1200 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5700 1300 5750 1300
Text Label 5700 1100 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5700 1100 5750 1100
Text Label 5700 1550 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5700 1550 5750 1550
Text Label 4050 1950 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 4050 2050 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 5700 2200 2 50 ~ 0
Text Label 5700 2300 2 50 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5750 2200 5700 2200
Wire Wire Line
5750 2300 5700 2300
Wire Wire Line
3850 3450 3950 3450
Wire Wire Line
3850 3350 3950 3350
Text Label 3950 3450 0 50 ~ 0
Text Label 3950 3350 0 50 ~ 0
S 550 3250 3300 1900
U 5E7C0F59
F0 "s_USB_INTF.sch" 50
F1 "USB_INTF.sch" 50
F2 "DEBUG_TX" I R 3850 3350 50
F3 "DEBUG_RX" I R 3850 3450 50
F4 "FTDI_5V" I R 3850 3650 50
F5 "FTDI_3V3" I R 3850 3750 50
S 750 800 3250 2350
U 5E805E4F
F0 "s_BRAIN" 50
F1 "BRAIN.sch" 50
F2 "DEBUG_TX" I R 4000 1150 50
F3 "DEBUG_RX" I R 4000 1250 50
F4 "MASTER_SPI_MOSI" I R 4000 1350 50
F5 "MASTER_SPI_MISO" I R 4000 1450 50
F6 "MASTER_SPI_CLK" I R 4000 1550 50
F7 "~FLASH_MEM_CS" I R 4000 1750 50
F8 "MASTER_I2C_SDA" I R 4000 1950 50
F9 "MASTER_I2C_SCL" I R 4000 2050 50
F10 "~IO_EXPANDER_CS" I R 4000 1850 50
F11 "~TFT_CS" I R 4000 1650 50
F12 "~TFT_WR" I R 4000 2150 50
F13 "~TFT_RD" I R 4000 2250 50
F14 "TFT_RSDC" I R 4000 2350 50
F15 "~TFT_RST" I R 4000 2450 50