A little debug module used for solderless debugging of production boards. More info: https://debug-edge.io (I don't own this interface. I'm just using it)
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penguin 76e5686555 updated readme
doc doc
gerbers removed ground loops, updated images
images removed ground loops, updated images
README.md updated readme
ePenguin-Debug-cache.lib first commit
ePenguin-Debug.kicad_pcb removed ground loops, updated images
ePenguin-Debug.kicad_pcb-bak removed ground loops, updated images
ePenguin-Debug.pro first commit
ePenguin-Debug.sch first commit
ePenguin-Debug.sch-bak first commit
ePenguin-Debug.xml first commit
fp-info-cache removed ground loops, updated images
gerbers.zip removed ground loops, updated images


ePenguin Debug Module

This is a simple breakout/expander board for the debug-edge.io edge connector. It pins out a UART port to the 3.5mm jack. It pins the debug pins (for SWD only I believe) to the various 2x5 headers.

ePenguin Debug Helper Board

More Documentation coming soon...