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38 lines
1.1 KiB

(when (locate-library "site-gentoo")
(require 'site-gentoo))
(setq auth-source-save-behavior nil
auto-save-default nil
change-major-mode-with-file-name nil
custom-buffer-indent 4
custom-file (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "custom.el")
custom-theme-directory (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "themes/")
inhibit-splash-screen t
make-backup-files nil
tab-width 4)
(setq-default display-fill-column-indicator-column 120
mode-line-format (list "%b (%m)")
indent-tabs-mode nil)
(when (file-exists-p (file-name-concat custom-theme-directory "custom-wombat-theme.el"))
(load-theme 'custom-wombat t))
(when (file-exists-p custom-file)
(load custom-file))
(load (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "load-config"))
(load (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "load-local-lisp"))
(cua-mode 1)
(recentf-mode 1)
(savehist-mode 1)
(save-place-mode 1)
(show-paren-mode 1)
(pixel-scroll-mode 1)
(pixel-scroll-precision-mode 1)
(menu-bar-mode 0)
(scroll-bar-mode 0)
(tool-bar-mode 0)
(tooltip-mode 0)