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371 lines
15 KiB

;;; doom-gruvbox-material.el --- inspired by Gruvbox material
(require 'doom-themes)
(defgroup doom-gruvbox-material-theme nil
"Options for doom-themes"
:group 'doom-themes)
(defcustom doom-gruvbox-material-brighter-modeline nil
"If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
:group 'doom-gruvbox-material-theme
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom doom-gruvbox-material-brighter-comments nil
"If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
:group 'doom-gruvbox-material-theme
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom doom-gruvbox-material-comment-bg doom-gruvbox-material-brighter-comments
"If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
:group 'doom-gruvbox-material-theme
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom doom-gruvbox-material-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
"If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
determine the exact padding."
:group 'doom-gruvbox-material-theme
:type '(choice integer boolean))
(defcustom doom-gruvbox-material-background nil
"Choose between \"soft\", \"medium\" and \"hard\" background contrast.
Defaults to \"soft\""
:group 'doom-gruvbox-material-theme
:type 'string)
(defcustom doom-gruvbox-material-palette nil
"Choose between \"material\", \"mix\" and \"original\" color palette.
Defaults to \"material\""
:group 'doom-gruvbox-material-theme
:type 'string)
(defcustom doom-gruvbox-material-dired-height 1.15
"Font height for dired buffers"
:group 'doom-gruvbox-material-theme
:type 'float)
;; colors from
((equal doom-gruvbox-material-background "hard")
(setq gm/bg "#202020" ;; bg
gm/bg-alt "#2a2827" ;; bg2
gm/base0 "#131414" ;; bg1
gm/base1 "#2a2827" ;; bg2
gm/base2 "#2e2c2b" ;; bg3
gm/base3 "#131414" ;; bg4
gm/base4 "#32302f" ;; bg5
gm/base5 "#46403d" ;; bg6
gm/base6 "#514945" ;; bg7
gm/base7 "#5a524c" ;; bg8
gm/base8 "#7c6f64")) ;; grey0
((equal doom-gruvbox-material-background "medium")
(setq gm/bg "#292828" ;; bg
gm/bg-alt "#32302f" ;; bg2
gm/base0 "#1c1c1c" ;; bg1
gm/base1 "#32302f" ;; bg2
gm/base2 "#383432" ;; bg3
gm/base3 "#3c3836" ;; bg4
gm/base4 "#45403d" ;; bg5
gm/base5 "#504945" ;; bg6
gm/base6 "#5a524c" ;; bg7
gm/base7 "#665c54" ;; bg8
gm/base8 "#7c6f64")) ;; grey0
(setq gm/bg "#181919" ;; bg
gm/bg-alt "#3c3836" ;; bg2
gm/base0 "#242424" ;; bg1
gm/base1 "#3c3836" ;; bg2
gm/base2 "#403c3a" ;; bg3
gm/base3 "#45403d" ;; bg4
gm/base4 "#504945" ;; bg5
gm/base5 "#5a524c" ;; bg6
gm/base6 "#665c54" ;; bg7
gm/base7 "#7c6f64" ;; bg8
gm/base8 "#7c6f64"))) ;; grey0
((equal doom-gruvbox-material-palette "original")
(setq gm/fg "#ebdbb2" ;; fg
gm/fg-alt "#c9b99a" ;; fg1
gm/red "#fb4934"
gm/dark-red "#b85651" ;;dimRed
gm/orange "#fe8019"
gm/dark-orange "#bd6f3e" ;;dimOrange
gm/green "#b8bb26"
gm/dark-green "#8f9a52" ;;dimGreen
gm/teal "#8ec07c" ;; aqua
gm/dark-teal "#72966c" ;; dimAqua
gm/yellow "#fabd2f"
gm/dark-yellow "#c18f41" ;; dimYellow
gm/blue "#83a598"
gm/dark-blue "#68948a" ;; dimBlue
gm/magenta "#d3869b" ;; purple
gm/violet "#ab6c7d" ;; dimPurple
gm/cyan "#8ec07c" ;; aqua
gm/dark-cyan "#72966c")) ;; dimAqua
((equal doom-gruvbox-material-palette "mix")
(setq gm/fg "#e2cca9" ;; fg
gm/fg-alt "#c5b18d" ;; fg1
gm/red "#f2594b"
gm/dark-red "#b85651" ;;dimRed
gm/orange "#f28534"
gm/dark-orange "#bd6f3e" ;;dimOrange
gm/green "#b0b846"
gm/dark-green "#8f9a52" ;;dimGreen
gm/teal "#8bba7f" ;; aqua
gm/dark-teal "#72966c" ;; dimAqua
gm/yellow "#e9b143"
gm/dark-yellow "#c18f41" ;; dimYellow
gm/blue "#80aa9e"
gm/dark-blue "#68948a" ;; dimBlue
gm/magenta "#d3869b" ;; purple
gm/violet "#ab6c7d" ;; dimPurple
gm/cyan "#8bba7f" ;; aqua
gm/dark-cyan "#72966c")) ;; dimAqua
(setq gm/fg "#d4be98" ;; fg
gm/fg-alt "#ddc7a1" ;; fg1
gm/red "#ea6962"
gm/dark-red "#b85651" ;; dimRed
gm/orange "#e78a4e"
gm/dark-orange "#bd6f3e" ;; dimOrange
gm/green "#a9b665"
gm/dark-green "#8f9a52" ;; dimGreen
gm/teal "#89b482" ;; aqua
gm/dark-teal "#72966c" ;; dimAqua
gm/yellow "#d8a657"
gm/dark-yellow "#c18f41" ;; dimYellow
gm/blue "#7daea3"
gm/dark-blue "#68948a" ;; dimBlue
gm/magenta "#d3869b" ;; purple
gm/violet "#ab6c7d" ;; dimPurple
gm/cyan "#89b482" ;; aqua
gm/dark-cyan "#72966c"))) ;; dimAqua
(def-doom-theme doom-gruvbox-material
"A dark theme inspired by gruvbox material"
;; name default 256 16
((bg `(,gm/bg "#282828" nil ))
(bg-alt `(,gm/bg-alt "#303030" nil ))
(base0 `(,gm/base0 "black" "black" ))
(base1 `(,gm/base1 "#121212" "brightblack" ))
(base2 `(,gm/base2 "#2e2e2e" "brightblack" ))
(base3 `(,gm/base3 "#262626" "brightblack" ))
(base4 `(,gm/base4 "#3f3f3f" "brightblack" ))
(base5 `(,gm/base5 "#585858" "brightblack" ))
(base6 `(,gm/base6 "#6b6b6b" "brightblack" ))
(base7 `(,gm/base7 "#979797" "brightblack" ))
(base8 `(,gm/base8 "#767676" "white" ))
(fg `(,gm/fg "#d7d7af" "brightwhite" ))
(fg-alt `(,gm/fg-alt "#b2b2b2" "white" ))
(grey base8)
(red `(,gm/red "#ea6962" "red" ))
(dark-red `(,gm/dark-red "#ea6962" "red" ))
(orange `(,gm/orange "#d7875f" "brightred" ))
(dark-orange `(,gm/dark-orange "#d7875f" "brightred" ))
(green `(,gm/green "#afd700" "green" ))
(dark-green `(,gm/dark-green "#afd700" "green" ))
(teal `(,gm/teal "#87d7af" "brightgreen" ))
(dark-teal `(,gm/dark-teal "#87d7af" "brightgreen" ))
(yellow `(,gm/yellow "#d7d787" "yellow" ))
(dark-yellow `(,gm/dark-yellow "#d7d787" "yellow" ))
(blue `(,gm/blue "#83a598" "brightblue" ))
(dark-blue `(,gm/dark-blue "#87d7d7" "blue" ))
(magenta `(,gm/magenta "#d3869b" "brightmagenta"))
(violet `(,gm/violet "#a9a1e1" "magenta" ))
(cyan `(,gm/cyan "#87d7af" "brightcyan" ))
(dark-cyan `(,gm/dark-cyan "#87d7af" "cyan" ))
;; face categories -- required for all themes
(highlight blue)
(vertical-bar (doom-darken base1 0.1))
(selection dark-blue)
(builtin magenta)
(comments (if doom-gruvbox-material-brighter-comments dark-cyan
(doom-blend yellow base8 0.5)))
(doc-comments (doom-darken (if doom-gruvbox-material-brighter-comments green green) 0.15))
(constants violet)
(functions cyan)
(keywords (doom-darken dark-green 0.25))
(methods cyan)
(operators blue)
(type orange)
(strings green)
(variables cyan)
(numbers magenta)
(region `(,(doom-lighten (car bg-alt) 0.15) ,@(doom-lighten (cdr base1) 0.35)))
(error red)
(warning yellow)
(success green)
(vc-modified orange)
(vc-added green)
(vc-deleted red)
;; custom categories
(hidden `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
(-modeline-bright doom-gruvbox-material-brighter-modeline)
(when doom-gruvbox-material-padded-modeline
(if (integerp doom-gruvbox-material-padded-modeline) doom-gruvbox-material-padded-modeline 4)))
(modeline-fg fg)
(modeline-fg-alt fg-alt)
(if -modeline-bright
(doom-darken blue 0.475)
`(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
(if -modeline-bright
(doom-darken blue 0.45)
`(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.1) ,@(cdr base0))))
(modeline-bg-inactive `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.1) ,@(cdr bg-alt)))
(modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(car bg-alt) ,@(cdr base1))))
;; --- extra faces ------------------------
((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
(evil-goggles-default-face :inherit 'region :background (doom-blend region bg 0.5))
((line-number &override) :foreground (doom-darken fg-alt 0.4))
((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg)
:foreground comments
:background (if doom-gruvbox-material-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
:inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
:foreground doc-comments)
:background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
:box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
:background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
:box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
:foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
:inherit 'mode-line
:background modeline-bg-l
:box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
:inherit 'mode-line-inactive
:background modeline-bg-inactive-l
:box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
;; Doom modeline
(doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
(doom-modeline-buffer-file :inherit 'mode-line-buffer-id :weight 'bold)
(doom-modeline-buffer-path :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold)
(doom-modeline-buffer-project-root :foreground blue :weight 'bold)
;; ivy-mode
(ivy-current-match :background blue :distant-foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
;; (ivy-current-match :foreground blue :background bg)
(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 :foreground blue :background bg)
;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
;; column indicator
(fill-column-indicator :foreground bg-alt :background bg-alt)
;; css-mode / scss-mode
(css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
(css-property :foreground green)
(css-selector :foreground blue)
;; dired
(diredfl-compressed-file-name :height doom-gruvbox-material-dired-height
:foreground yellow)
(diredfl-dir-heading :height doom-gruvbox-material-dired-height
:foreground teal)
(diredfl-dir-name :height doom-gruvbox-material-dired-height
:foreground blue)
(diredfl-deletion :height doom-gruvbox-material-dired-height
:foreground red :background (doom-darken red 0.55))
(diredfl-deletion-file-name :foreground red
:background (doom-darken red 0.55))
(diredfl-file-name :height doom-gruvbox-material-dired-height
:foreground fg)
(dired-flagged :height doom-gruvbox-material-dired-height
:foreground red :background (doom-darken red 0.55))
(diredfl-symlink :height doom-gruvbox-material-dired-height
:foreground magenta)
;; eshell
(+eshell-prompt-git-branch :foreground cyan)
;; evil
(evil-ex-lazy-highlight :foreground bg :background yellow)
(evil-snipe-first-match-face :foreground bg :background orange)
;; LaTeX-mode
(font-latex-math-face :foreground dark-green)
(font-latex-script-char-face :foreground dark-blue)
;; lsp
(lsp-face-highlight-read :foreground fg-alt
:background (doom-darken blue 0.6))
(lsp-face-highlight-textual :foreground fg-alt
:background (doom-darken blue 0.6))
(lsp-face-highlight-write :foreground fg-alt
:background (doom-darken blue 0.6))
:foreground (doom-lighten dark-yellow 0.12))
;; magit
(magit-section-heading :foreground blue :weight 'bold)
;; markdown-mode
(markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
(markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground blue)
((markdown-code-face &override) :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05))
;; org-mode
(org-hide :foreground hidden)
(solaire-org-hide-face :foreground hidden)
(org-document-info :foreground blue)
(org-document-info-keyword :foreground dark-blue)
(org-document-title :foreground blue)
(org-block-begin-line :foreground dark-cyan
:background bg-alt)
(org-block-end-line :foreground dark-cyan
:background bg-alt)
(org-block :foreground fg :background bg-alt)
(org-meta-line :foreground dark-cyan)
(org-drawer :foreground dark-yellow)
(org-level-1 :foreground magenta :weight 'semi-bold :height 1.4)
(org-level-2 :foreground cyan :weight 'semi-bold :height 1.2)
(org-level-3 :foreground green :weight 'semi-bold :height 1.1)
(org-level-4 :foreground yellow :weight 'semi-bold)
(org-level-5 :foreground violet :weight 'semi-bold)
(org-level-6 :foreground dark-cyan :weight 'semi-bold)
(org-level-7 :foreground dark-green :weight 'semi-bold)
(org-level-8 :foreground dark-yellow :weight 'semi-bold)
;; rainbow and parenthesis
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground dark-orange)
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :foreground violet)
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :foreground dark-cyan)
(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :foreground dark-yellow)
(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face: :foreground fg :background 'nil)
(show-paren-match :foreground bg :background dark-red)
;; tree sitter
( :foreground cyan :weight 'semi-bold)
;; others
(isearch :foreground bg :background violet)
(selection :foreground bg-alt :background dark-orange)
(company-tooltip-common-selection :foreground bg-alt :background dark-blue)
;; --- extra variables ---------------------
;;; doom-gruvbox-material-theme.el ends here