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# Material Design icons by Google
bat_charging = "\ue1a3" # battery_charging_full
bat_discharging = "\ue19c" # battery_alert
bat_empty = "\ue19c" # battery_alert TODO remove on next release
bat_10 = "\ue19c" # battery_alert
bat_20 = "\ue1a5"
bat_30 = "\ue1a5"
bat_40 = "\ue1a5"
bat_50 = "\ue1a5" # battery_std
bat_60 = "\ue1a5" # battery_std
bat_70 = "\ue1a5"
bat_80 = "\ue1a5"
bat_90 = "\ue1a5"
bat_full = "\ue1a4" # battery_full
bat_half = "\ue1a5" # battery_std TODO remove on next release
bat_quarter = "\ue1a5" # TODO remove on next release
bat_three_quarters = "\ue1a5" # TODO remove on next release
bat_not_available = "\ue1a6" # battery_unknown
bell = "\ue7f4" # notifications
bell-slash = "\ue7f8" # notifications_paused
bluetooth = "\ue1a7" # bluetooth
calendar = "\ue935" # calendar_today
cogs = "\ue8b8" # settings
cpu = "\ue640" # network_check
cpu_boost_on = "\ue837"
cpu_boost_off = "\ue836"
disk_drive = "\ue1db" # storage
docker = "\ue532" # directions_boat
github = "\ue86f" # code
gpu = "\ue333" # tv
headphones = "\ue60f" # bluetooth_audio
joystick = "\ue30f" # gamepad
keyboard = "\ue312" # keyboard
mail = "\ue0be" # email
memory_mem = "\ue322" # memory
memory_swap = "\ue8d4" # swap_horiz
mouse = "\ue323" # mouse
music = "\ue405" # music_note
music_next = "\ue044" # skip_next
music_pause = "\ue034" # skip_next
music_play = "\ue037" # play_arrow
music_prev = "\ue045" # skip_previous
net_wired = "\uefe6" # cable
net_wireless = "\ue63e" # wifi
net_loopback = "\ue028" # loop
net_up = "\uf09b" # upload
net_down = "\uf090" # download
notification = "\ue7f7" # notifications_active
phone = "\ue324" # phone_android
phone_disconnected = "\ue339" # device_unknown
ping = "\ue62a" # system_update
pomodoro = "\U0001f345"
pomodoro_break = "\uefef" # coffee
pomodoro_paused = "\ue034" # pause
pomodoro_started = "\ue037" # play_arrow
pomodoro_stopped = "\uef6a" # play_disabled ef6a
resolution = "\uf152" # crop-square-rounded
tasks = "\ue8f9"
thermometer = "\ue1ff" # device_thermostat
time = "\ue192" # access_time
toggle_off = "\ue836" # radio_button_on
toggle_on = "\ue837" # radio_button_on
update = "\ue8d7" # system_update_alt
uptime = "\ue425" # timer
volume_empty = "\ue04e" # volume_mute
volume_full = "\ue050" # volume_up
volume_half = "\ue04d" # volume_down
volume_muted = "\ue04f" # volume_off
microphone_full = "\ue029" # mic
microphone_half = "\ue029" # mic
microphone_empty = "\ue02a" # mic_none
microphone_muted = "\ue02b" # mic_off
weather_clouds = "\ue42d" # wb_cloudy
weather_default = "\ue42d" # wb_cloudy
weather_sun = "\ue430" # wb_sunny
xrandr = "\ue31e"