You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

99 lines
3.4 KiB

# FontAwesome 4:
backlight_empty = "\U0001f315"
backlight_full = "\U0001f311"
backlight_1 = "\U0001f314"
backlight_2 = "\U0001f314"
backlight_3 = "\U0001f314"
backlight_4 = "\U0001f314"
backlight_5 = "\U0001f313"
backlight_6 = "\U0001f313"
backlight_7 = "\U0001f313"
backlight_8 = "\U0001f313"
backlight_9 = "\U0001f313"
backlight_10 = "\U0001f312"
backlight_11 = "\U0001f312"
backlight_12 = "\U0001f312"
backlight_13 = "\U0001f312"
bat_charging = "\uf1e6" # fa-plug
bat_discharging = "\uf242" # fa-battery-half
bat_empty = "\uf244" # fa-battery-empty TODO remove on next release
bat_10 = "\uf244" # fa-battery-empty
bat_20 = "\uf243" # fa-battery-quarter
bat_30 = "\uf243" # fa-battery-quarter
bat_40 = "\uf243" # fa-battery-quarter
bat_50 = "\uf242" # fa-battery-half
bat_60 = "\uf242" # fa-battery-half
bat_70 = "\uf241" # fa-battery-three-quarters
bat_80 = "\uf241" # fa-battery-three-quarters
bat_90 = "\uf241" # fa-battery-three-quarters
bat_full = "\uf240" # fa-battery-full
bat_half = "\uf242" # fa-battery-half TODO remove on next release
bat_not_available = "\uf244" # fa-battery-empty
bat_quarter = "\uf243" # fa-battery-quarter TODO remove on next release
bat_three_quarters = "\uf241" # fa-battery-three-quarters TODO remove on next release
bell = "\uf0f3" # fa-bell
bell-slash = "\uf1f7" # fa-bell-slash-o
bluetooth = "\uf294" # fa-bluetooth-b
calendar = "\uf073" # fa-calendar
cogs = "\uf085" # fa-cogs
cpu = "\uf0e4" # fa-dashboard
cpu_boost_off = "\uf204" # fa-toggle-off
cpu_boost_on = "\uf205" # fa-toggle-on
disk_drive = "\uf0a0" # fa-hdd-o
docker = "\uf21a" # fa-ship
github = "\uf09b" # fa-github
gpu = "\uf26c" # fa-television
headphones = "\uf025" # fa-headphones
joystick = "\uf11b" # fa-gamepad
keyboard = "\uf11c" # fa-keyboard-o
mail = "\uf0e0" # fa-envelope
memory_mem = "\uf2db" # fa-microchip
memory_swap = "\uf0a0" # fa-hdd-o
mouse = "\uf245" # fa-mouse-pointer
music = "\uf001" # fa-music
music_next = "\uf061" # fa-arrow-right
music_pause = "\uf04c" # fa-pause
music_play = "\uf04b" # fa-play
music_prev = "\uf060" # fa-arrow-left
net_bridge = "\uf0e8" # fa-sitemap
net_down = "\u2b07"
net_loopback = "LO"
net_modem = "\uf095" # fa-phone
net_up = "\u2b06"
net_vpn = "\uf023" # fa-lock
net_wired = "\uf0ac" # fa-globe
net_wireless = "\uf1eb" # fa-wifi
notification = "\uf0a2" # fa-bell-o
phone = "\uf10b" # fa-mobile
phone_disconnected = "\U0001f4f5"
ping = "\u21ba"
pomodoro = "\U0001f345"
pomodoro_break = "\uf0f4" # fa-coffee
pomodoro_paused = "\uf04c" # fa-pause
pomodoro_started = "\uf04b" # fa-play
pomodoro_stopped = "\uf04d" # fa-stop
resolution = "\uf096" # fa-square-o
tasks = "\uf0ae" # fa-tasks
thermometer = "\uf2c8" # fa-thermometer-3
time = "\uf017" # fa-clock-o
toggle_off = "\uf204" # fa-toggle-off
toggle_on = "\uf205" # fa-toggle-on
unknown = "\uf128" # fa-question
update = "\uf062" # fa-arrow-up
uptime = "\uf017" # fa-clock-o
volume_empty = "\uf026" # fa-volume-off
volume_full = "\uf028" # fa-volume-up
volume_half = "\uf027" # fa-volume-down
volume_muted = "\uf026 \uf00d"
microphone_empty = "\uf130" # fa-microphone
microphone_full = "\uf130" # fa-microphone
microphone_half = "\uf130" # fa-microphone
microphone_muted = "\uf131" # fa-microphone-slash
weather_clouds = "\uf0c2" # fa-cloud
weather_default = "\uf0c2" # fa-cloud
weather_rain = "\uf043" # fa-tint
weather_snow = "\uf2dc" # fa-snowflake-o
weather_sun = "\uf185" # fa-sun-o
weather_thunder = "\uf0e7" # fa-bolt
xrandr = "\uf26c" # fa-television