update readme

Penguin 2 months ago
parent 833c1f948c
commit 9c2f079216

@ -1,22 +1,78 @@
# Table of Contents
1. [Background](#org55f2a10)
2. [Usage](#orgd4ac34e)
1. [Background](#org2052e5d)
2. [Prerequisites](#orgcf6f1f4)
3. [Usage](#orgca8ca43)
4. [Fonts](#org876630a)
5. [Doom Emacs](#org10bd73b)
1. [Install Doom Emacs](#org5c95f01)
2. [Install optional programs for doom to use](#orga4740be)
3. [Check doom status](#org7ff8edf)
<a id="org55f2a10"></a>
<a id="org2052e5d"></a>
# Background
This is my config. Maybe one day I&rsquo;ll make a readme on how to use it idk
I only use gentoo now and rely on some gentoo specific packages. You&rsquo;ll need to find your own alternatives to use this config. This is not a guide. This is just documentation of my setup, and it is largely incomplete.
<a id="orgd4ac34e"></a>
<a id="orgcf6f1f4"></a>
# Prerequisites
sudo emerge -a emacs neovim
<a id="orgca8ca43"></a>
# Usage
chmod u+x ./update-symlinks.sh
<a id="org876630a"></a>
# Fonts
cat << EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/config.accept
media-fonts/robotomono-nerdfont ~amd64
media-fonts/firacode-nerdfont ~amd64
media-fonts/jetbrainsmono-nerdfont ~amd64
sudo emerge -a media-fonts/robotomono-nerdfont media-fonts/firacode-nerdfont media-fonts/jetbrainsmono-nerdfont
<a id="org10bd73b"></a>
# Doom Emacs
<a id="org5c95f01"></a>
## Install Doom Emacs
See instructions [here](https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs).
<a id="orga4740be"></a>
## Install optional programs for doom to use
These are optional and based on need. Don&rsquo;t use zig? Don&rsquo;t emerge it. Nothing will break.
sudo emerge -a sci-visualization/gnuplot dev-python/{black,pyflakes,isort,nose,poetry} dev-lang/zig
<a id="org7ff8edf"></a>
## Check doom status
doom doctor
This will let you know if you&rsquo;re missing anything.

@ -1,12 +1,48 @@
#+title: Penguin Config
#+author: Penguin
#+options: toc:t
* Background
This is my config. Maybe one day I'll make a readme on how to use it idk
I only use gentoo now and rely on some gentoo specific packages. You'll need to find your own alternatives to use this config. This is not a guide. This is just documentation of my setup, and it is largely incomplete.
* Prerequisites
#+begin_src bash
sudo emerge -a emacs neovim
* Usage
#+begin_src bash
chmod u+x ./update-symlinks.sh
* Fonts
#+begin_src bash
cat << EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/config.accept
media-fonts/robotomono-nerdfont ~amd64
media-fonts/firacode-nerdfont ~amd64
media-fonts/jetbrainsmono-nerdfont ~amd64
sudo emerge -a media-fonts/robotomono-nerdfont media-fonts/firacode-nerdfont media-fonts/jetbrainsmono-nerdfont
* Doom Emacs
** Install Doom Emacs
See instructions [[https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs][here]].
** Install optional programs for doom to use
These are optional and based on need. Don't use zig? Don't emerge it. Nothing will break.
#+begin_src bash
sudo emerge -a sci-visualization/gnuplot dev-python/{black,pyflakes,isort,nose,poetry} dev-lang/zig
** Check doom status
#+begin_src bash
doom doctor
This will let you know if you're missing anything.
