You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
2.4 KiB

# This file will be automatically evaluated and installed at next boot
# time, and regenerated (to avoid leaking passwords and such information).
# To force it to be evaluated immediately, you can run (as root):
# /usr/sbin/bbbio-set-sysconf
# You can disable the file evaluation by disabling the bbbio-set-sysconf
# service in systemd:
# systemctl disable bbbio-set-sysconf
# Comments (all portions of a line following a '#' character) are
# ignored. This file is read line by line. Valid
# configuration lines are of the form 'key=value'. Whitespace around
# 'key' and 'value' is ignored. This file will be _regenerated_ every
# time it is evaluated.
# We follow the convention to indent with one space comments, and
# leave no space to indicate the line is an example that could be
# uncommented.
# root_password - Set a password for the root user (not used in ubuntu)
# root_authorized_key - Set an authorized key for a root ssh login (not used in ubuntu)
# user_name - Set a user name for the user (1000)
# user_password - Set a password for user (1000)
# user_authorized_key - Set an authorized key for a user (1000) ssh login
# iwd_psk_file - Set a configuration for iwd
# wifi_regdom - Country Code (ISO Alpha-2) Requests the country be set for the system.
# hostapd_file - Set a configuration for hostapd
# hostname - Set the system hostname.
# keymap - Set the system keymap.
# timezone - Set the system timezone.
# enable_ufw - enable ufw firewall (
# ufw_allow_ssh - allow ssh access over port 22
# ufw_allow_http - allow http access over port 80
# ufw_allow_https - allow https access over port 443
# ufw_allow_nodered - allow nodered access over port 1880 (
# ufw_allow_vscode - allow vscode access over port 3000 (
# ufw_allow_vnc - allow vnc access over port 5901
# ufw_allow_cockpit - allow cockpit access over port 9090 (