You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

193 lines
4.9 KiB

#ifndef TYPES_H
#define TYPES_H
#include <direct.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef BUILD_WIN32
#define API_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define API_EXPORT
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef int8_t int8;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef int64_t int64;
typedef int32 bool32;
typedef uint8_t uint8;
typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef uint64_t uint64;
typedef float real32;
typedef double real64;
typedef int8 s8;
typedef int16 s16;
typedef int32 s32;
typedef int64 s64;
typedef bool32 b32;
typedef uint8 u8;
typedef uint16 u16;
typedef uint32 u32;
typedef uint64 u64;
typedef real32 f32;
typedef real64 f64;
typedef uintptr_t umm;
typedef intptr_t smm;
#define S32Min ((s32)0x80000000)
#define S32Max ((s32)0x7fffffff)
#define U16Max 65535
#define U32Max ((u32)-1)
#define U64Max ((u64)-1)
#define F32Max FLT_MAX
#define F32Min -FLT_MAX
#define Minimum(A, B) ((A < B) ? (A) : (B))
#define Maximum(A, B) ((A > B) ? (A) : (B))
#define For(Value) For_e((Value), ArrayCount(Value))
#define For_e(Value, End) For_se((Value), 0, (End))
#define For_se(Value, Start, End) for (int (Value) = (Start); (Value) < (End); ++(Value))
// todo(jax): Should these always be 64-bit?
#define Kilobytes(Value) (((uint64)Value) * 1024LL)
#define Megabytes(Value) (Kilobytes((uint64)Value) * 1024LL)
#define Gigabytes(Value) (Megabytes((uint64)Value) * 1024LL)
#define Terabytes(Value) (Gigabytes((uint64)Value) * 1024LL)
#define ArrayCount(Array) (sizeof(Array) / sizeof((Array)[0]))
// todo(jax): swap, min, max ... macros???
#define AlignPow2(Value, Alignment) ((Value + ((Alignment) - 1)) & ~((Alignment) - 1))
#define Align4(Value) ((Value + 3) & ~3)
#define Align8(Value) ((Value + 7) & ~7)
#define Align16(Value) ((Value + 15) & ~15)
#define Stringize(x) PrimitiveStringize(x)
#define PrimitiveStringize(x) #x
inline b32 IsPow2(u32 Value) {
return ((Value & ~(Value - 1)) == Value);
// note(jax): Platform-independent way to perform an assertion.
// Flat out writes to zero memory to crash the program.
// todo(jax): Create some sort of assert function that creates a message box
// like in previous engines I've worked on!
#define Assert(Expression) if (!(Expression)) { *(int*)0=0; }
#define Assert(Expression)
// A structure that encapsulates a non-terminated buffer
struct string {
u8* Data;
umm Count;
#include "shared.h"
//#define printf ae_printf
//#define sprintf ae_sprintf
inline u32 SafeTruncateU32(u64 Value) {
// todo(jax): Defines for min/max values
Assert(Value <= 0xFFFFFFFF);
u32 Result = (u32)Value;
return Result;
inline u16 SafeTruncateU16(u32 Value) {
// todo(jax): Defines for min/max values
Assert(Value <= 0xFFFF);
u16 Result = (u16)Value;
return Result;
inline u8 SafeTruncateU8(u64 Value) {
Assert(Value <= 0xFF);
u8 Result = (u8)Value;
return Result;
inline s32 SafeTruncateS32(s64 Value) {
if (Value >> 63) {
b32 IsSafeOperation = !(!(Value >> 32) && 0xffffffff);
if (!IsSafeOperation) {
printf("SafeTruncateS32: Performing unsafe truncation on '%lld'\n", Value);
return (s32)Value;
} else {
b32 IsSafeOperation = !((Value >> 32) && 0xffffffff);
if (!IsSafeOperation) {
printf("SafeTruncateS32: Performing unsafe truncation on '%lld'\n", Value);
return (s32)Value;
inline s16 SafeTruncateS16(s32 Value) {
if (Value >> 31) {
b32 IsSafeOperation = !(!(Value >> 16) && 0xffff);
if (!IsSafeOperation) {
printf("SafeTruncateS16: Performing unsafe truncation on '%d'\n", Value);
return (s16)Value;
} else {
b32 IsSafeOperation = !((Value >> 16) && 0xffff);
if (!IsSafeOperation) {
printf("SafeTruncateS16: Performing unsafe truncation on '%d'\n", Value);
return (s16)Value;
inline s8 SafeTruncateS8(s16 Value) {
if (Value >> 15) {
b32 IsSafeOperation = !(!(Value >> 8) && 0xff);
if (!IsSafeOperation) {
printf("SafeTruncateS8: Performing unsafe truncation on '%d'\n", Value);
return (s8)Value;
} else {
b32 IsSafeOperation = !((Value >> 8) && 0xff);
if (!IsSafeOperation) {
printf("SafeTruncateS8: Performing unsafe truncation on '%d'\n", Value);
return (s8)Value;
// note: Scalar operations
// todo(jax): These will eventually go into mathlib
inline real32 Square(real32 A) {
real32 Result = A*A;
return Result;
inline real32 Lerp(real32 A, real32 t, real32 B){
real32 Result = (1.0f - t)*A + t*B;
return Result;