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Config { kind: Mutable { defaults: {}, overrides: {}, sources: [File { source: FileSourceFile { name: "/storage/Shared/Documents/Projects/ePenguin/ePenguin-Software-Framework/arch/helper-manifest.toml" }, format: None, required: true }] }, cache: Value { origin: None, kind: Table({"arch": Value { origin: None, kind: Table({"arm": Value { origin: None, kind: Table({"CFLAGS": Value { origin: Some("../helper-manifest.toml"), kind: Array([Value { origin: Some("../helper-manifest.toml"), kind: String("-x c") }, Value { origin: Some("../helper-manifest.toml"), kind: String("-DDEBUG") }, Value { origin: Some("../helper-manifest.toml"), kind: String("-Os") }, Value { origin: Some("../helper-manifest.toml"), kind: String("-g3") }, Value { origin: Some("../helper-manifest.toml"), kind: String("-Wall") }, Value { origin: Some("../helper-manifest.toml"), kind: String("-std=gnu99") }, Value { origin: Some("../helper-manifest.toml"), kind: String("$(DIR_INCLUDES)") }, Value { origin: 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