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This file documents the GNU linker LD
(GNU Binutils)
version 2.26.
Copyright (C) 1991-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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<h3 class="section">3.11 Implicit Linker Scripts</h3>
<p><a name="index-implicit-linker-scripts-592"></a>If you specify a linker input file which the linker can not recognize as
an object file or an archive file, it will try to read the file as a
linker script. If the file can not be parsed as a linker script, the
linker will report an error.
<p>An implicit linker script will not replace the default linker script.
<p>Typically an implicit linker script would contain only symbol
assignments, or the <code>INPUT</code>, <code>GROUP</code>, or <code>VERSION</code>
<p>Any input files read because of an implicit linker script will be read
at the position in the command line where the implicit linker script was
read. This can affect archive searching.