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A.6 Led control sample

 * leds.h -- control the led's on a Motorola mc68ec0x0 board.

#ifndef __LEDS_H__
#define __LEDS_H__

#define LED_ADDR	0xd00003
#define LED_0           ~0x1
#define LED_1           ~0x2
#define LED_2           ~0x4
#define LED_3           ~0x8
#define LED_4           ~0x10
#define LED_5           ~0x20
#define LED_6           ~0x40
#define LED_7           ~0x80
#define LEDS_OFF	0xff
#define LEDS_ON		0x0

#define FUDGE(x) ((x >= 0xa && x <= 0xf) ? (x + 'a') & 0x7f : (x + '0') & 0x7f)

extern void led_putnum( char );

#endif		/* __LEDS_H__ */

 * leds.c -- control the led's on a Motorola mc68ec0x0 (IDP)board.
#include "leds.h"

void zylons();
void led_putnum();

 * led_putnum -- print a hex number on the LED. the value of num must be a char with
 *              the ascii value. ie... number 0 is '0', a is 'a', ' ' (null) clears
 *		the led display.
 *		Setting the bit to 0 turns it on, 1 turns it off.
 * 		the LED's are controlled by setting the right bit mask in the base
 * 		address. 
 *		The bits are:
 *			[d.p | g | f | e | d | c | b | a ] is the byte.
 *		The locations are:
 *			 a
 *		       -----
 *		    f |     | b
 *		      |  g  |
 *		       -----
 *                    |     |
 *                  e |     | c
 *                     -----
 *                       d                . d.p (decimal point)
led_putnum ( num )
char num;
    static unsigned char *leds = (unsigned char *)LED_ADDR;
    static unsigned char num_bits [18] = {
      0xff,						/* clear all */
      0xc0, 0xf9, 0xa4, 0xb0, 0x99, 0x92, 0x82, 0xf8, 0x80, 0x98, /* numbers 0-9 */
      0x98, 0x20, 0x3, 0x27, 0x21, 0x4, 0xe 		/* letters a-f */

    if (num >= '0' && num <= '9')
      num = (num - '0') + 1;

    if (num >= 'a' && num <= 'f')
      num = (num - 'a') + 12;

    if (num == ' ')
      num = 0;

    *leds = num_bits[num];

 * zylons -- draw a rotating pattern. NOTE: this function never returns.
  unsigned char *leds 	= (unsigned char *)LED_ADDR;
  unsigned char curled = 0xfe;

  while (1)
      *leds = curled;
      curled = (curled >> 1) | (curled << 7);
      delay ( 200 );

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