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4 years ago
#ifndef __MCU_H__
#define __MCU_H__
#include "epenguin_conf.h"
#ifndef EP_UARCH
#error You must specify an architecture!
#elifndef EP_MCU_FAMILY
#error You must specify a mcu family!
#elifndef EP_MCU
#error You must specify a mcu!
#if EP_MCU_FAMILY == __SAM_D2X__
#if EP_MCU == __ATSAMD21J18A__
#elif EP_MCU
#elif EP_UARCH == __UARCH_ARM64__
#elif EP_UARCH == __UARCH_AVR__
#elif EP_UARCH == __UARCH_AVR32__
#elif EP_UARCH == __UARCH_X86__
#error Selected uarch not found! Try again =(