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pub mod IglooAction
use crate::igloo_manifest::IglooManifest;
use crate::igloo::{Igloo, IglooErrType, IglooEnvInfo};
use crate::igloo_prj::IglooPrj;
pub fn run(prj_name: &str, target: &str) -> IglooErrType
let res_err: IglooErrType = IglooErrType::IGLOO_ERR_NONE;
pub fn new(inst: &Igloo, prj_name: &str, target: &str)
-> IglooErrType
let mut res_err: IglooErrType = IglooErrType::IGLOO_ERR_NONE;
// Check if we are already inside of an igloo project
// Creating an igloo project inside an igloo project
// is a no no
if std::path::Path::new(".igloo").exists()
res_err = IglooErrType::IGLOO_NEW_CALLED_INSIDE_PRJ;
return res_err
// Check if the project folder already exists
// Don't want to accidentally overwrite anything
if std::path::Path::new(prj_name).exists()
return res_err
let mut project = IglooPrj::new(inst, prj_name, target);
match project
Err(e) =>
println!("Error spawning project: {:?}", e);
res_err = e;
return res_err
_ => (),
let res_err = project.unwrap().populate();
if res_err != IglooErrType::IGLOO_ERR_NONE
return res_err