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extern crate clap;
extern crate config;
use igloo_base::*;
use igloo_base::IglooInstType::*;
use igloo_base::IglooErrType::*;
use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches};
mod tests {
fn it_works() {
assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);
/// IglooCliConfig stores information about the igloo command being run.
/// It is all handled in active memory because we only care about this
/// information during the execution of that command.
pub struct IglooCliConfig
pub raw: clap::ArgMatches,
pub version_major: i8,
pub version_minor: i8,
pub version_patch: i8,
pub description: String,
impl IglooCliConfig
pub fn new() -> Self
raw: igloo_app(),
version_major: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR")
version_minor: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR")
version_patch: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH")
description: clap::crate_description!().to_string(),
/// runs the clap initializer to get command line arguments
fn igloo_app() -> clap::ArgMatches
let ret_app = App::new("igloo")
.about("Creates a new igloo project")
.about("The name of the project to be created"),)
.about("MCU Target")
.about("Compiles if needed. Flashes MCU and runs \
current project on default target.")
.about("Release or Debug build type\n\
Defaults to Debug")),)
.about("Pushes/flashes target(s)")
.about("Release or Debug build type\n\
Defaults to Debug")),)
.about("Reads .hex or .bin from mcu and\
stores it in specified path")
.about("Specifies the name of the file. \
Will be stored in project root as this name")))
.about("Erases flash from target mcu or target mcus"))
.about("Target subcommands")
.about("name of the target to be added")))
.about("name of the target to be removed"))))
.about("Provides info about various parts of igloo")
.about("List of supported MCUs for the current version"),)
.about("List of supported boards for the current version"),)))
pub fn igloo_subcommand(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result<IglooInstType, IglooErrType>
let mut _res_type: IglooInstType = Null;
match args.subcommand_name()
Some("new") =>
println!("Igloo new was called!");
_res_type = New;
Some("run") =>
println!("Igloo run was called!");
_res_type = Run;
Some("push") =>
println!("Igloo flash was called!");
_res_type = Push;
Some("erase") =>
println!("Igloo erase was called!");
_res_type = Erase;
Some("info") =>
println!("Igloo info was called!");
_res_type = Info;
Some("target") =>
println!("Igloo target was called");
_res_type = Target;
None => unreachable!(),
_ => unreachable!(),
if _res_type == Null
return Err(ErrUnknown)