#+title: Installing Microchip Tools via podman or docker #+subtitle: This is a work in progress. It doesn't fully work yet. #+author: Penguin * Download the Libero and SoftConsole installers - Download Libero from [[https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/secure/aemdocuments/documents/fpga/media-content/fpga/v2024-1/libero_soc_v2024.1_web_lin.zip][here]]. - Place it in ~./installers/~ - Download SoftConsole from [[https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/secure/aemDocuments/documents/FPGA/media-content/FPGA/SoftConsole/v2022-2/Microchip-SoftConsole-v2022.2-RISC-V-747-linux-x64-installer.run][here]]. - Place it in ~./installers/~ Unzip libero: #+begin_src bash cd installers unzip Libero_soc_*.*_web_lin.zip cd .. #+end_src * TODO Request a License from Microchip * TODO Install the license * Build the container #+begin_src bash podman build -t microchip_tools . #+end_src * TODO Running Libero from outside the container