SD/MMC/SDIO =========== The SD/MMC stack supports SD/MMC memory card and SDIO card. The stack should be initialized with right HAL instance. Then sd_mmc_check is be used to detect and mount the card. When the card is ready, the block read/write functions are used to access the data on card. Note that the read/write functions split the read/write process to init/start/wait_end, so that user has chance to control the whole data process to remove overheads. Note if used MCI OS driver version,the operation for SD/MMC should be in os task. Features -------- * Card initialization * Card detection and protection detection * Card type and capacity check * Card mount/unmount * Card read/write Dependencies ------------ * Peripheral that supports multimedia card interface (MCI) Limitations ----------- * No SPI interface support yet * Support only one peripheral instance