################################################################################ # Automatically-generated file. Do not edit! ################################################################################ ifdef SystemRoot SHELL = cmd.exe MK_DIR = mkdir else ifeq ($(shell uname), Linux) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif ifeq ($(shell uname | cut -d _ -f 1), CYGWIN) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif ifeq ($(shell uname | cut -d _ -f 1), MINGW32) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif ifeq ($(shell uname | cut -d _ -f 1), MINGW64) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif ifeq ($(shell uname | cut -d _ -f 1), DARWIN) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif endif # List the subdirectories for creating object files SUB_DIRS += \ \ samd21a/gcc/gcc \ hpl/dmac \ hal/src \ samd21a/gcc \ hpl/pm \ hpl/sysctrl \ hal/utils/src \ hpl/sercom \ examples \ hpl/gclk \ hpl/core # List the object files OBJS += \ hal/src/hal_io.o \ samd21a/gcc/gcc/startup_samd21.o \ hal/utils/src/utils_syscalls.o \ hal/src/hal_delay.o \ hpl/pm/hpl_pm.o \ hpl/core/hpl_init.o \ hal/utils/src/utils_list.o \ hpl/core/hpl_core_m0plus_base.o \ hal/utils/src/utils_assert.o \ hpl/dmac/hpl_dmac.o \ hpl/sysctrl/hpl_sysctrl.o \ hal/src/hal_usart_sync.o \ hpl/gclk/hpl_gclk.o \ hal/src/hal_init.o \ main.o \ samd21a/gcc/system_samd21.o \ examples/driver_examples.o \ driver_init.o \ hpl/sercom/hpl_sercom.o \ hal/src/hal_gpio.o \ hal/utils/src/utils_event.o \ hal/src/hal_sleep.o \ atmel_start.o \ hal/src/hal_atomic.o OBJS_AS_ARGS += \ "hal/src/hal_io.o" \ "samd21a/gcc/gcc/startup_samd21.o" \ "hal/utils/src/utils_syscalls.o" \ "hal/src/hal_delay.o" \ "hpl/pm/hpl_pm.o" \ "hpl/core/hpl_init.o" \ "hal/utils/src/utils_list.o" \ "hpl/core/hpl_core_m0plus_base.o" \ "hal/utils/src/utils_assert.o" \ "hpl/dmac/hpl_dmac.o" \ "hpl/sysctrl/hpl_sysctrl.o" \ "hal/src/hal_usart_sync.o" \ "hpl/gclk/hpl_gclk.o" \ "hal/src/hal_init.o" \ "main.o" \ "samd21a/gcc/system_samd21.o" \ "examples/driver_examples.o" \ "driver_init.o" \ "hpl/sercom/hpl_sercom.o" \ "hal/src/hal_gpio.o" \ "hal/utils/src/utils_event.o" \ "hal/src/hal_sleep.o" \ "atmel_start.o" \ "hal/src/hal_atomic.o" # List the directories containing header files DIR_INCLUDES += \ -I"../" \ -I"../config" \ -I"../examples" \ -I"../hal/include" \ -I"../hal/utils/include" \ -I"../hpl/core" \ -I"../hpl/dmac" \ -I"../hpl/gclk" \ -I"../hpl/pm" \ -I"../hpl/port" \ -I"../hpl/sercom" \ -I"../hpl/sysctrl" \ -I"../hri" \ -I"../" \ -I"../CMSIS/Core/Include" \ -I"../samd21a/include" # List the dependency files DEPS := $(OBJS:%.o=%.d) DEPS_AS_ARGS += \ "samd21a/gcc/gcc/startup_samd21.d" \ "hal/src/hal_gpio.d" \ "hal/src/hal_io.d" \ "hal/utils/src/utils_syscalls.d" \ "hpl/core/hpl_core_m0plus_base.d" \ "hal/utils/src/utils_list.d" \ "hpl/dmac/hpl_dmac.d" \ "hal/utils/src/utils_assert.d" \ "hal/src/hal_delay.d" \ "hpl/core/hpl_init.d" \ "hpl/sysctrl/hpl_sysctrl.d" \ "hpl/gclk/hpl_gclk.d" \ "hal/src/hal_init.d" \ "hal/src/hal_usart_sync.d" \ "driver_init.d" \ "samd21a/gcc/system_samd21.d" \ "main.d" \ "examples/driver_examples.d" \ "hal/src/hal_sleep.d" \ "hpl/sercom/hpl_sercom.d" \ "hal/utils/src/utils_event.d" \ "hal/src/hal_atomic.d" \ "hpl/pm/hpl_pm.d" \ "atmel_start.d" OUTPUT_FILE_NAME :=AtmelStart QUOTE := " OUTPUT_FILE_PATH +=$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).elf OUTPUT_FILE_PATH_AS_ARGS +=$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).elf vpath %.c ../ vpath %.s ../ vpath %.S ../ # All Target all: $(SUB_DIRS) $(OUTPUT_FILE_PATH) # Linker target $(OUTPUT_FILE_PATH): $(OBJS) @echo Building target: $@ @echo Invoking: ARM/GNU Linker $(QUOTE)arm-none-eabi-g++$(QUOTE) -o $(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).elf $(OBJS_AS_ARGS) -Wl,--start-group -lm -Wl,--end-group -mthumb \ -Wl,-Map="$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).map" --specs=nano.specs -Wl,--gc-sections -mcpu=cortex-m0plus \ \ -T"../samd21a/gcc/gcc/samd21j18a_flash.ld" \ -L"../samd21a/gcc/gcc" @echo Finished building target: $@ "arm-none-eabi-objcopy" -O binary "$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).elf" "$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).bin" "arm-none-eabi-objcopy" -O ihex -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature \ "$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).elf" "$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).hex" "arm-none-eabi-objcopy" -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom=alloc,load --change-section-lma \ .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings -O binary "$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).elf" \ "$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).eep" || exit 0 "arm-none-eabi-objdump" -h -S "$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).elf" > "$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).lss" "arm-none-eabi-size" "$(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).elf" # Compiler targets %.o: %.c @echo Building file: $< @echo ARM/GNU C Compiler $(QUOTE)arm-none-eabi-g++$(QUOTE) -x c -mthumb -DDEBUG -Os -ffunction-sections -mlong-calls -g3 -Wall -c -std=gnu99 \ -D__SAMD21J18A__ -mcpu=cortex-m0plus \ $(DIR_INCLUDES) \ -MD -MP -MF "$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.o)" -o "$@" "$<" @echo Finished building: $< %.o: %.s @echo Building file: $< @echo ARM/GNU Assembler $(QUOTE)arm-none-eabi-as$(QUOTE) -x c -mthumb -DDEBUG -Os -ffunction-sections -mlong-calls -g3 -Wall -c -std=gnu99 \ -D__SAMD21J18A__ -mcpu=cortex-m0plus \ $(DIR_INCLUDES) \ -MD -MP -MF "$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.o)" -o "$@" "$<" @echo Finished building: $< %.o: %.S @echo Building file: $< @echo ARM/GNU Preprocessing Assembler $(QUOTE)arm-none-eabi-g++$(QUOTE) -x c -mthumb -DDEBUG -Os -ffunction-sections -mlong-calls -g3 -Wall -c -std=gnu99 \ -D__SAMD21J18A__ -mcpu=cortex-m0plus \ $(DIR_INCLUDES) \ -MD -MP -MF "$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.o)" -o "$@" "$<" @echo Finished building: $< # Detect changes in the dependent files and recompile the respective object files. ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) ifneq ($(strip $(DEPS)),) -include $(DEPS) endif endif $(SUB_DIRS): $(MK_DIR) "$@" clean: rm -f $(OBJS_AS_ARGS) rm -f $(OUTPUT_FILE_PATH) rm -f $(DEPS_AS_ARGS) rm -f $(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).a $(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).hex $(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).bin \ $(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).lss $(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).eep $(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).map \ $(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME).srec