/** * \file * * \brief SAM TC * * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef CONF_TC0_ENABLE #define CONF_TC0_ENABLE 0 #endif #ifndef CONF_TC1_ENABLE #define CONF_TC1_ENABLE 0 #endif #ifndef CONF_TC2_ENABLE #define CONF_TC2_ENABLE 0 #endif #ifndef CONF_TC3_ENABLE #define CONF_TC3_ENABLE 0 #endif #ifndef CONF_TC4_ENABLE #define CONF_TC4_ENABLE 0 #endif #ifndef CONF_TC5_ENABLE #define CONF_TC5_ENABLE 0 #endif #ifndef CONF_TC6_ENABLE #define CONF_TC6_ENABLE 0 #endif #ifndef CONF_TC7_ENABLE #define CONF_TC7_ENABLE 0 #endif /** * \brief Macro is used to fill usart configuration structure based on its * number * * \param[in] n The number of structures */ #define TC_CONFIGURATION(n) \ { \ n, TC##n##_IRQn, \ TC_CTRLA_MODE(CONF_TC##n##_MODE) | TC_CTRLA_PRESCSYNC(CONF_TC##n##_PRESCSYNC) \ | (CONF_TC##n##_RUNSTDBY << TC_CTRLA_RUNSTDBY_Pos) | (CONF_TC##n##_ONDEMAND << TC_CTRLA_ONDEMAND_Pos) \ | TC_CTRLA_PRESCALER(CONF_TC##n##_PRESCALER) | (CONF_TC##n##_ALOCK << TC_CTRLA_ALOCK_Pos), \ (CONF_TC##n##_OVFEO << TC_EVCTRL_OVFEO_Pos) | (CONF_TC##n##_TCEI << TC_EVCTRL_TCEI_Pos) \ | (CONF_TC##n##_TCINV << TC_EVCTRL_TCINV_Pos) | (CONF_TC##n##_EVACT << TC_EVCTRL_EVACT_Pos) \ | (CONF_TC##n##_MCEO0 << TC_EVCTRL_MCEO0_Pos) | (CONF_TC##n##_MCEO1 << TC_EVCTRL_MCEO1_Pos), \ (CONF_TC##n##_DBGRUN << TC_DBGCTRL_DBGRUN_Pos), CONF_TC##n##_PER, CONF_TC##n##_CC0, CONF_TC##n##_CC1, \ } /** * \brief TC configuration type */ struct tc_configuration { uint8_t number; IRQn_Type irq; hri_tc_ctrla_reg_t ctrl_a; hri_tc_evctrl_reg_t event_ctrl; hri_tc_dbgctrl_reg_t dbg_ctrl; hri_tccount8_per_reg_t per; hri_tccount32_cc_reg_t cc0; hri_tccount32_cc_reg_t cc1; }; /** * \brief Array of TC configurations */ static struct tc_configuration _tcs[] = { #if CONF_TC0_ENABLE == 1 TC_CONFIGURATION(0), #endif #if CONF_TC1_ENABLE == 1 TC_CONFIGURATION(1), #endif #if CONF_TC2_ENABLE == 1 TC_CONFIGURATION(2), #endif #if CONF_TC3_ENABLE == 1 TC_CONFIGURATION(3), #endif #if CONF_TC4_ENABLE == 1 TC_CONFIGURATION(4), #endif #if CONF_TC5_ENABLE == 1 TC_CONFIGURATION(5), #endif #if CONF_TC6_ENABLE == 1 TC_CONFIGURATION(6), #endif #if CONF_TC7_ENABLE == 1 TC_CONFIGURATION(7), #endif }; static struct _timer_device *_tc0_dev = NULL; static int8_t get_tc_index(const void *const hw); static void _tc_init_irq_param(const void *const hw, void *dev); static inline uint8_t _get_hardware_offset(const void *const hw); /** * \brief Initialize TC */ int32_t _timer_init(struct _timer_device *const device, void *const hw) { int8_t i = get_tc_index(hw); device->hw = hw; ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(_tcs)); if (!hri_tc_is_syncing(hw, TC_SYNCBUSY_SWRST)) { if (hri_tc_get_CTRLA_reg(hw, TC_CTRLA_ENABLE)) { hri_tc_clear_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(hw); hri_tc_wait_for_sync(hw, TC_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); } hri_tc_write_CTRLA_reg(hw, TC_CTRLA_SWRST); } hri_tc_wait_for_sync(hw, TC_SYNCBUSY_SWRST); hri_tc_write_CTRLA_reg(hw, _tcs[i].ctrl_a); hri_tc_write_DBGCTRL_reg(hw, _tcs[i].dbg_ctrl); hri_tc_write_EVCTRL_reg(hw, _tcs[i].event_ctrl); hri_tc_write_WAVE_reg(hw, TC_WAVE_WAVEGEN_MFRQ); if ((_tcs[i].ctrl_a & TC_CTRLA_MODE_Msk) == TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT32) { hri_tccount32_write_CC_reg(hw, 0, _tcs[i].cc0); hri_tccount32_write_CC_reg(hw, 1, _tcs[i].cc1); } else if ((_tcs[i].ctrl_a & TC_CTRLA_MODE_Msk) == TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT16) { hri_tccount16_write_CC_reg(hw, 0, (uint16_t)_tcs[i].cc0); hri_tccount16_write_CC_reg(hw, 1, (uint16_t)_tcs[i].cc1); } else if ((_tcs[i].ctrl_a & TC_CTRLA_MODE_Msk) == TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT8) { hri_tccount8_write_CC_reg(hw, 0, (uint8_t)_tcs[i].cc0); hri_tccount8_write_CC_reg(hw, 1, (uint8_t)_tcs[i].cc1); hri_tccount8_write_PER_reg(hw, _tcs[i].per); } hri_tc_set_INTEN_OVF_bit(hw); _tc_init_irq_param(hw, (void *)device); NVIC_DisableIRQ(_tcs[i].irq); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(_tcs[i].irq); NVIC_EnableIRQ(_tcs[i].irq); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief De-initialize TC */ void _timer_deinit(struct _timer_device *const device) { void *const hw = device->hw; int8_t i = get_tc_index(hw); ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(_tcs)); NVIC_DisableIRQ(_tcs[i].irq); hri_tc_clear_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(hw); hri_tc_set_CTRLA_SWRST_bit(hw); } /** * \brief Start hardware timer */ void _timer_start(struct _timer_device *const device) { hri_tc_set_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(device->hw); } /** * \brief Stop hardware timer */ void _timer_stop(struct _timer_device *const device) { hri_tc_clear_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(device->hw); } /** * \brief Set timer period */ void _timer_set_period(struct _timer_device *const device, const uint32_t clock_cycles) { void *const hw = device->hw; if (TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT32_Val == hri_tc_read_CTRLA_MODE_bf(hw)) { hri_tccount32_write_CC_reg(hw, 0, clock_cycles); } else if (TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT16_Val == hri_tc_read_CTRLA_MODE_bf(hw)) { hri_tccount16_write_CC_reg(hw, 0, (uint16_t)clock_cycles); } else if (TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT8_Val == hri_tc_read_CTRLA_MODE_bf(hw)) { hri_tccount8_write_PER_reg(hw, clock_cycles); } } /** * \brief Retrieve timer period */ uint32_t _timer_get_period(const struct _timer_device *const device) { void *const hw = device->hw; if (TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT32_Val == hri_tc_read_CTRLA_MODE_bf(hw)) { return hri_tccount32_read_CC_reg(hw, 0); } else if (TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT16_Val == hri_tc_read_CTRLA_MODE_bf(hw)) { return hri_tccount16_read_CC_reg(hw, 0); } else if (TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT8_Val == hri_tc_read_CTRLA_MODE_bf(hw)) { return hri_tccount8_read_PER_reg(hw); } return 0; } /** * \brief Check if timer is running */ bool _timer_is_started(const struct _timer_device *const device) { return hri_tc_get_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(device->hw); } /** * \brief Retrieve timer helper functions */ struct _timer_hpl_interface *_tc_get_timer(void) { return NULL; } /** * \brief Retrieve pwm helper functions */ struct _pwm_hpl_interface *_tc_get_pwm(void) { return NULL; } /** * \brief Set timer IRQ * * \param[in] hw The pointer to hardware instance */ void _timer_set_irq(struct _timer_device *const device) { void *const hw = device->hw; int8_t i = get_tc_index(hw); ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(_tcs)); _irq_set(_tcs[i].irq); } /** * \internal TC interrupt handler for Timer * * \param[in] instance TC instance number */ static void tc_interrupt_handler(struct _timer_device *device) { void *const hw = device->hw; if (hri_tc_get_interrupt_OVF_bit(hw)) { hri_tc_clear_interrupt_OVF_bit(hw); device->timer_cb.period_expired(device); } } /** * \brief TC interrupt handler */ void TC0_Handler(void) { tc_interrupt_handler(_tc0_dev); } /** * \internal Retrieve TC index * * \param[in] hw The pointer to hardware instance * * \return The index of TC configuration */ static int8_t get_tc_index(const void *const hw) { uint8_t index = _get_hardware_offset(hw); uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(_tcs); i++) { if (_tcs[i].number == index) { return i; } } ASSERT(false); return -1; } /** * \brief Init irq param with the given tc hardware instance */ static void _tc_init_irq_param(const void *const hw, void *dev) { if (hw == TC0) { _tc0_dev = (struct _timer_device *)dev; } } /** * \internal Retrieve TC hardware index * * \param[in] hw The pointer to hardware instance */ static inline uint8_t _get_hardware_offset(const void *const hw) { /* List of available TC modules. */ Tc *const tc_modules[TC_INST_NUM] = TC_INSTS; /* Find index for TC instance. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TC_INST_NUM; i++) { if ((uint32_t)hw == (uint32_t)tc_modules[i]) { return i; } } return 0; }