/** * \file * * \brief SPI related functionality declaration. * * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ #ifndef _HPL_SPI_S_SYNC_H_INCLUDED #define _HPL_SPI_S_SYNC_H_INCLUDED #include /** * \addtogroup hpl_spi HPL SPI * *@{ */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Uses common SPI sync device driver. */ #define _spi_s_sync_dev _spi_sync_dev /** * \name HPL functions */ //@{ /** * \brief Initialize SPI for access without interrupts * It will load default hardware configuration and software struct. * \param[in, out] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance. * \param[in] hw Pointer to the hardware base. * \return Operation status. * \retval ERR_INVALID_ARG Input parameter problem. * \retval ERR_BUSY SPI hardware not ready (resetting). * \retval ERR_DENIED SPI has been enabled. * \retval 0 Operation done successfully. */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_init(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev, void *const hw); /** * \brief Initialize SPI for access with interrupts * Disable, reset the hardware and the software struct. * \param[in, out] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance. * \return Operation status. * \retval 0 Operation done successfully. */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_deinit(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev); /** * \brief Enable SPI for access without interrupts * \param[in, out] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance. * \return Operation status. * \retval ERR_BUSY SPI hardware not ready (resetting). * \retval 0 Operation done successfully. */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_enable(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev); /** * \brief Disable SPI for access without interrupts * Disable SPI. Deactivate all CS pins if works as master. * \param[in, out] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance. * \return Operation status. * \retval 0 Operation done successfully. */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_disable(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev); /** * \brief Set SPI transfer mode * Set SPI transfer mode (\ref spi_transfer_mode), * which controls clock polarity and clock phase. * Mode 0: leading edge is rising edge, data sample on leading edge. * Mode 1: leading edge is rising edge, data sample on trailing edge. * Mode 2: leading edge is falling edge, data sample on leading edge. * Mode 3: leading edge is falling edge, data sample on trailing edge. * \param[in, out] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance. * \param[in] mode The SPI transfer mode. * \return Operation status. * \retval ERR_BUSY SPI is not ready to accept new setting. * \retval 0 Operation done successfully. */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_set_mode(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev, const enum spi_transfer_mode mode); /** * \brief Set SPI baudrate * \param[in, out] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance. * \param[in] char_size The character size, see \ref spi_char_size. * \return Operation status. * \retval ERR_INVALID_ARG The character size is not supported. * \retval ERR_BUSY SPI is not ready to accept new setting. * \retval 0 Operation done successfully. */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_set_char_size(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev, const enum spi_char_size char_size); /** * \brief Set SPI data order * \param[in, out] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance. * \param[in] dord SPI data order (LSB/MSB first). * \return Operation status. * \retval ERR_INVALID_ARG The character size is not supported. * \retval ERR_BUSY SPI is not ready to accept new setting. * \retval 0 Operation done successfully. */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_set_data_order(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev, const enum spi_data_order dord); /** * \brief Enable interrupt on character output * * Enable interrupt when a new character can be written * to the SPI device. * * \param[in] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance * \param[in] state true = enable output interrupt * false = disable output interrupt * * \return Status code * \retval 0 Ok status */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_enable_tx(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev, bool state); /** * \brief Enable interrupt on character input * * Enable interrupt when a new character is ready to be * read from the SPI device. * * \param[in] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance * \param[in] state true = enable input interrupts * false = disable input interrupt * * \return Status code * \retval 0 OK Status */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_enable_rx(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev, bool state); /** * \brief Read one character to SPI device instance * \param[in, out] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance. * * \return Character read from SPI module */ uint16_t _spi_s_sync_read_one(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev); /** * \brief Write one character to assigned buffer * \param[in, out] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance. * \param[in] data * * \return Status code of write operation * \retval 0 Write operation OK */ int32_t _spi_s_sync_write_one(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev, uint16_t data); /** * \brief Check if TX ready * * \param[in] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance * * \return TX ready state * \retval true TX ready * \retval false TX not ready */ bool _spi_s_sync_is_tx_ready(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev); /** * \brief Check if RX character ready * * \param[in] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance * * \return RX character ready state * \retval true RX character ready * \retval false RX character not ready */ bool _spi_s_sync_is_rx_ready(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev); /** * \brief Check if SS deactiviation detected * * \param[in] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance * * \return SS deactiviation state * \retval true SS deactiviation detected * \retval false SS deactiviation not detected */ bool _spi_s_sync_is_ss_deactivated(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev); /** * \brief Check if error is detected * * \param[in] dev Pointer to the SPI device instance * * \return Error detection state * \retval true Error detected * \retval false Error not detected */ bool _spi_s_sync_is_error(struct _spi_s_sync_dev *dev); //@} #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /**@}*/ #endif /* ifndef _HPL_SPI_S_SYNC_H_INCLUDED */