/** * \file * * \brief SAM I2S * * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ #ifdef _SAMD21_I2S_COMPONENT_ #ifndef _HRI_I2S_D21_H_INCLUDED_ #define _HRI_I2S_D21_H_INCLUDED_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #include #if defined(ENABLE_I2S_CRITICAL_SECTIONS) #define I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER() CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER() #define I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE() CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE() #else #define I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER() #define I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE() #endif typedef uint16_t hri_i2s_intenset_reg_t; typedef uint16_t hri_i2s_intflag_reg_t; typedef uint16_t hri_i2s_syncbusy_reg_t; typedef uint32_t hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t; typedef uint32_t hri_i2s_data_reg_t; typedef uint32_t hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t; typedef uint8_t hri_i2s_ctrla_reg_t; static inline void hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_syncbusy_reg_t reg) { while (((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & reg) { }; } static inline bool hri_i2s_is_syncing(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_syncbusy_reg_t reg) { return ((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & reg; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTFLAG_RXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY0) >> I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTFLAG_RXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTFLAG_RXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY1) >> I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTFLAG_RXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTFLAG_RXOR0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR0) >> I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTFLAG_RXOR0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTFLAG_RXOR1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR1) >> I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTFLAG_RXOR1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTFLAG_TXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY0) >> I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTFLAG_TXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTFLAG_TXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY1) >> I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTFLAG_TXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTFLAG_TXUR0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR0) >> I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTFLAG_TXUR0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTFLAG_TXUR1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR1) >> I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTFLAG_TXUR1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_interrupt_RXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY0) >> I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_interrupt_RXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_interrupt_RXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY1) >> I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_interrupt_RXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_RXRDY1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_interrupt_RXOR0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR0) >> I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_interrupt_RXOR0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_interrupt_RXOR1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR1) >> I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_interrupt_RXOR1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_RXOR1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_interrupt_TXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY0) >> I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_interrupt_TXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_interrupt_TXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY1) >> I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_interrupt_TXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_TXRDY1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_interrupt_TXUR0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR0) >> I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_interrupt_TXUR0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_interrupt_TXUR1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg & I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR1) >> I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_interrupt_TXUR1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = I2S_INTFLAG_TXUR1; } static inline hri_i2s_intflag_reg_t hri_i2s_get_INTFLAG_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_intflag_reg_t mask) { uint16_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg; tmp &= mask; return tmp; } static inline hri_i2s_intflag_reg_t hri_i2s_read_INTFLAG_reg(const void *const hw) { return ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTFLAG_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_intflag_reg_t mask) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTFLAG.reg = mask; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_INTEN_RXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTEN_RXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg & I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY0) >> I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_INTEN_RXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { if (value == 0x0) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY0; } else { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY0; } } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTEN_RXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY0; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_INTEN_RXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTEN_RXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg & I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY1) >> I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_INTEN_RXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { if (value == 0x0) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY1; } else { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY1; } } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTEN_RXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXRDY1; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_INTEN_RXOR0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXOR0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTEN_RXOR0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg & I2S_INTENSET_RXOR0) >> I2S_INTENSET_RXOR0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_INTEN_RXOR0_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { if (value == 0x0) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXOR0; } else { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXOR0; } } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTEN_RXOR0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXOR0; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_INTEN_RXOR1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXOR1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTEN_RXOR1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg & I2S_INTENSET_RXOR1) >> I2S_INTENSET_RXOR1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_INTEN_RXOR1_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { if (value == 0x0) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXOR1; } else { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXOR1; } } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTEN_RXOR1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_RXOR1; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_INTEN_TXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTEN_TXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg & I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY0) >> I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_INTEN_TXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { if (value == 0x0) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY0; } else { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY0; } } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTEN_TXRDY0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY0; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_INTEN_TXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTEN_TXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg & I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY1) >> I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_INTEN_TXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { if (value == 0x0) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY1; } else { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY1; } } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTEN_TXRDY1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXRDY1; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_INTEN_TXUR0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXUR0; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTEN_TXUR0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg & I2S_INTENSET_TXUR0) >> I2S_INTENSET_TXUR0_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_INTEN_TXUR0_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { if (value == 0x0) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXUR0; } else { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXUR0; } } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTEN_TXUR0_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXUR0; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_INTEN_TXUR1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXUR1; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_INTEN_TXUR1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg & I2S_INTENSET_TXUR1) >> I2S_INTENSET_TXUR1_Pos; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_INTEN_TXUR1_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { if (value == 0x0) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXUR1; } else { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXUR1; } } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTEN_TXUR1_bit(const void *const hw) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = I2S_INTENSET_TXUR1; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_INTEN_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_intenset_reg_t mask) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = mask; } static inline hri_i2s_intenset_reg_t hri_i2s_get_INTEN_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_intenset_reg_t mask) { uint16_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg; tmp &= mask; return tmp; } static inline hri_i2s_intenset_reg_t hri_i2s_read_INTEN_reg(const void *const hw) { return ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_INTEN_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_intenset_reg_t data) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENSET.reg = data; ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = ~data; } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_INTEN_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_intenset_reg_t mask) { ((I2s *)hw)->INTENCLR.reg = mask; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SYNCBUSY_SWRST_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST) >> I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST_Pos; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE) >> I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE_Pos; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SYNCBUSY_CKEN0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_CKEN0) >> I2S_SYNCBUSY_CKEN0_Pos; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SYNCBUSY_CKEN1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_CKEN1) >> I2S_SYNCBUSY_CKEN1_Pos; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SYNCBUSY_SEREN0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_SEREN0) >> I2S_SYNCBUSY_SEREN0_Pos; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SYNCBUSY_SEREN1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_SEREN1) >> I2S_SYNCBUSY_SEREN1_Pos; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SYNCBUSY_DATA0_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0) >> I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0_Pos; } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SYNCBUSY_DATA1_bit(const void *const hw) { return (((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg & I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1) >> I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1_Pos; } static inline hri_i2s_syncbusy_reg_t hri_i2s_get_SYNCBUSY_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_syncbusy_reg_t mask) { uint16_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg; tmp &= mask; return tmp; } static inline hri_i2s_syncbusy_reg_t hri_i2s_read_SYNCBUSY_reg(const void *const hw) { return ((I2s *)hw)->SYNCBUSY.reg; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CTRLA_SWRST_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg |= I2S_CTRLA_SWRST; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CTRLA_SWRST_bit(const void *const hw) { uint8_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CTRLA_SWRST) >> I2S_CTRLA_SWRST_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg |= I2S_CTRLA_ENABLE; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(const void *const hw) { uint8_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CTRLA_ENABLE) >> I2S_CTRLA_ENABLE_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { uint8_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CTRLA_ENABLE; tmp |= value << I2S_CTRLA_ENABLE_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg = tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg &= ~I2S_CTRLA_ENABLE; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg ^= I2S_CTRLA_ENABLE; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CTRLA_CKEN0_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg |= I2S_CTRLA_CKEN0; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CTRLA_CKEN0_bit(const void *const hw) { uint8_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CTRLA_CKEN0) >> I2S_CTRLA_CKEN0_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CTRLA_CKEN0_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { uint8_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CTRLA_CKEN0; tmp |= value << I2S_CTRLA_CKEN0_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg = tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CTRLA_CKEN0_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg &= ~I2S_CTRLA_CKEN0; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CTRLA_CKEN0_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg ^= I2S_CTRLA_CKEN0; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CTRLA_CKEN1_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg |= I2S_CTRLA_CKEN1; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CTRLA_CKEN1_bit(const void *const hw) { uint8_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CTRLA_CKEN1) >> I2S_CTRLA_CKEN1_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CTRLA_CKEN1_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { uint8_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CTRLA_CKEN1; tmp |= value << I2S_CTRLA_CKEN1_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg = tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CTRLA_CKEN1_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg &= ~I2S_CTRLA_CKEN1; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CTRLA_CKEN1_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg ^= I2S_CTRLA_CKEN1; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CTRLA_SEREN0_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg |= I2S_CTRLA_SEREN0; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CTRLA_SEREN0_bit(const void *const hw) { uint8_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CTRLA_SEREN0) >> I2S_CTRLA_SEREN0_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CTRLA_SEREN0_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { uint8_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CTRLA_SEREN0; tmp |= value << I2S_CTRLA_SEREN0_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg = tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CTRLA_SEREN0_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg &= ~I2S_CTRLA_SEREN0; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CTRLA_SEREN0_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg ^= I2S_CTRLA_SEREN0; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CTRLA_SEREN1_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg |= I2S_CTRLA_SEREN1; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CTRLA_SEREN1_bit(const void *const hw) { uint8_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CTRLA_SEREN1) >> I2S_CTRLA_SEREN1_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CTRLA_SEREN1_bit(const void *const hw, bool value) { uint8_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CTRLA_SEREN1; tmp |= value << I2S_CTRLA_SEREN1_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg = tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CTRLA_SEREN1_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg &= ~I2S_CTRLA_SEREN1; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CTRLA_SEREN1_bit(const void *const hw) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg ^= I2S_CTRLA_SEREN1; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_MASK); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CTRLA_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_ctrla_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg |= mask; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_ctrla_reg_t hri_i2s_get_CTRLA_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_ctrla_reg_t mask) { uint8_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; tmp &= mask; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CTRLA_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_ctrla_reg_t data) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg = data; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CTRLA_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_ctrla_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg &= ~mask; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CTRLA_reg(const void *const hw, hri_i2s_ctrla_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg ^= mask; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_ctrla_reg_t hri_i2s_read_CTRLA_reg(const void *const hw) { hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_SWRST | I2S_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE); return ((I2s *)hw)->CTRLA.reg; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY; tmp |= value << I2S_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_BITDELAY; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_FSSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_FSSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_FSSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_FSSEL) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_FSSEL_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_FSSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_FSSEL; tmp |= value << I2S_CLKCTRL_FSSEL_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_FSSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_FSSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_FSSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_FSSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_FSINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_FSINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_FSINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_FSINV) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_FSINV_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_FSINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_FSINV; tmp |= value << I2S_CLKCTRL_FSINV_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_FSINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_FSINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_FSINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_FSINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL; tmp |= value << I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL; tmp |= value << I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_MCKEN_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKEN; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_MCKEN_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKEN) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKEN_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_MCKEN_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKEN; tmp |= value << I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKEN_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_MCKEN_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKEN; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_MCKEN_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKEN; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV; tmp |= value << I2S_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_FSOUTINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV; tmp |= value << I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_SCKOUTINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV; tmp |= value << I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTINV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE(mask)) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_Msk; tmp |= I2S_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE(data); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_Msk) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_SLOTSIZE_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS(mask)) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_Msk; tmp |= I2S_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS(data); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_Msk) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_NBSLOTS_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH(mask)) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_Msk; tmp |= I2S_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH(data); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_Msk) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_FSWIDTH_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV(mask)) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_Msk; tmp |= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV(data); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_Msk) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKDIV_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV(mask)) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_Msk; tmp |= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV(data); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_Msk) >> I2S_CLKCTRL_MCKOUTDIV_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_CLKCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg |= mask; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_CLKCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= mask; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_CLKCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t data) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg = data; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_CLKCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg &= ~mask; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_CLKCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg ^= mask; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_clkctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_CLKCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { return ((I2s *)hw)->CLKCTRL[index].reg; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_TXSAME_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_TXSAME; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_TXSAME_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_TXSAME) >> I2S_SERCTRL_TXSAME_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_TXSAME_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_TXSAME; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_TXSAME_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_TXSAME_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_TXSAME; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_TXSAME_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_TXSAME; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_CLKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_CLKSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_CLKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_CLKSEL) >> I2S_SERCTRL_CLKSEL_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_CLKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_CLKSEL; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_CLKSEL_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_CLKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_CLKSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_CLKSEL_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_CLKSEL; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTADJ; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_WORDADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_WORDADJ; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_WORDADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_WORDADJ) >> I2S_SERCTRL_WORDADJ_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_WORDADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_WORDADJ; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_WORDADJ_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_WORDADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_WORDADJ; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_WORDADJ_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_WORDADJ; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_BITREV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_BITREV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_BITREV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_BITREV) >> I2S_SERCTRL_BITREV_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_BITREV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_BITREV; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_BITREV_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_BITREV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_BITREV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_BITREV_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_BITREV; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS0; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS1; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS2; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS3; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS4; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS5; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS6; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SLOTDIS7; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_MONO_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_MONO; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_MONO_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_MONO) >> I2S_SERCTRL_MONO_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_MONO_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_MONO; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_MONO_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_MONO_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_MONO; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_MONO_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_MONO; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_DMA_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_DMA; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_DMA_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_DMA) >> I2S_SERCTRL_DMA_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_DMA_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_DMA; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_DMA_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_DMA_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_DMA; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_DMA_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_DMA; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_RXLOOP_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_RXLOOP; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline bool hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_RXLOOP_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_RXLOOP) >> I2S_SERCTRL_RXLOOP_Pos; return (bool)tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_RXLOOP_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, bool value) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_RXLOOP; tmp |= value << I2S_SERCTRL_RXLOOP_Pos; ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_RXLOOP_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_RXLOOP; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_RXLOOP_bit(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_RXLOOP; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_SERMODE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_SERMODE(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_SERMODE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SERMODE(mask)) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SERMODE_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_SERMODE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SERMODE_Msk; tmp |= I2S_SERCTRL_SERMODE(data); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_SERMODE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_SERMODE(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_SERMODE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_SERMODE(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_SERCTRL_SERMODE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_SERMODE_Msk) >> I2S_SERCTRL_SERMODE_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT(mask)) >> I2S_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_Msk; tmp |= I2S_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT(data); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_Msk) >> I2S_SERCTRL_TXDEFAULT_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_DATASIZE(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_DATASIZE(mask)) >> I2S_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_Msk; tmp |= I2S_SERCTRL_DATASIZE(data); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_DATASIZE(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_DATASIZE(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_Msk) >> I2S_SERCTRL_DATASIZE_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_EXTEND_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= I2S_SERCTRL_EXTEND(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_EXTEND_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_EXTEND(mask)) >> I2S_SERCTRL_EXTEND_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_EXTEND_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_EXTEND_Msk; tmp |= I2S_SERCTRL_EXTEND(data); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_EXTEND_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~I2S_SERCTRL_EXTEND(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_EXTEND_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= I2S_SERCTRL_EXTEND(mask); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_SERCTRL_EXTEND_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_SERCTRL_EXTEND_Msk) >> I2S_SERCTRL_EXTEND_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_SERCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg |= mask; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_get_SERCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; tmp &= mask; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_SERCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t data) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg = data; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_SERCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg &= ~mask; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_SERCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg ^= mask; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_serctrl_reg_t hri_i2s_read_SERCTRL_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { return ((I2s *)hw)->SERCTRL[index].reg; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_DATA_DATA_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg |= I2S_DATA_DATA(mask); hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_data_reg_t hri_i2s_get_DATA_DATA_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_DATA_DATA(mask)) >> I2S_DATA_DATA_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_DATA_DATA_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t data) { uint32_t tmp; I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg; tmp &= ~I2S_DATA_DATA_Msk; tmp |= I2S_DATA_DATA(data); ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg = tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_DATA_DATA_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg &= ~I2S_DATA_DATA(mask); hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_DATA_DATA_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg ^= I2S_DATA_DATA(mask); hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_data_reg_t hri_i2s_read_DATA_DATA_bf(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { uint32_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg; tmp = (tmp & I2S_DATA_DATA_Msk) >> I2S_DATA_DATA_Pos; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_set_DATA_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg |= mask; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_data_reg_t hri_i2s_get_DATA_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t mask) { uint32_t tmp; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); tmp = ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg; tmp &= mask; return tmp; } static inline void hri_i2s_write_DATA_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t data) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg = data; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_clear_DATA_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg &= ~mask; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline void hri_i2s_toggle_DATA_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index, hri_i2s_data_reg_t mask) { I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg ^= mask; hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); I2S_CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE(); } static inline hri_i2s_data_reg_t hri_i2s_read_DATA_reg(const void *const hw, uint8_t index) { hri_i2s_wait_for_sync(hw, I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA0 | I2S_SYNCBUSY_DATA1); return ((I2s *)hw)->DATA[index].reg; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _HRI_I2S_D21_H_INCLUDED */ #endif /* _SAMD21_I2S_COMPONENT_ */