[esf.links] common = "arch/arm/common" mcu = "arch/arm/SAMD21/SAMD21A/mcu" ld = "arch/arm/SAMD21/SAMD21A/ld" cfg = "arch/arm/SAMD21/SAMD21A/manifest" [esf.includes] IGLOO_INCLUDES = ["sam.h"] # These are defaults. Once a project is generated, the .cfg can be freely edited without fear of anything being overwritten. However, I do not recommend editing any of the _cfg variables. [esf.scripts] scripts = ["arch/arm/SAMD21/SAMD21A/scripts/${TARGET}.cfg", "scripts"] # lineage for this family of mcus # this is used to evaluate makefile requirements for mcus # this will be evaluated to "arch.arm.samd21a. [esf.make] series = "arch.arm.samd21a.${TARGET}"