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The name of each symbol will be the name of the corresponding input file. The section of each symbol will be the output section in which the <code>CREATE_OBJECT_SYMBOLS</code> command appears. <p>This is conventional for the a.out object file format. It is not normally used for any other object file format. <p><a name="index-CONSTRUCTORS-461"></a><a name="index-C_002b_002b-constructors_002c-arranging-in-link-462"></a><a name="index-constructors_002c-arranging-in-link-463"></a><br><dt><code>CONSTRUCTORS</code><dd>When linking using the a.out object file format, the linker uses an unusual set construct to support C++ global constructors and destructors. When linking object file formats which do not support arbitrary sections, such as ECOFF and XCOFF, the linker will automatically recognize C++ global constructors and destructors by name. For these object file formats, the <code>CONSTRUCTORS</code> command tells the linker to place constructor information in the output section where the <code>CONSTRUCTORS</code> command appears. The <code>CONSTRUCTORS</code> command is ignored for other object file formats. <p>The symbol <code>__CTOR_LIST__</code><!-- /@w --> marks the start of the global constructors, and the symbol <code>__CTOR_END__</code><!-- /@w --> marks the end. Similarly, <code>__DTOR_LIST__</code><!-- /@w --> and <code>__DTOR_END__</code><!-- /@w --> mark the start and end of the global destructors. The first word in the list is the number of entries, followed by the address of each constructor or destructor, followed by a zero word. The compiler must arrange to actually run the code. For these object file formats <span class="sc">gnu</span> C++ normally calls constructors from a subroutine <code>__main</code>; a call to <code>__main</code> is automatically inserted into the startup code for <code>main</code>. <span class="sc">gnu</span> C++ normally runs destructors either by using <code>atexit</code>, or directly from the function <code>exit</code>. <p>For object file formats such as <code>COFF</code> or <code>ELF</code> which support arbitrary section names, <span class="sc">gnu</span> C++ will normally arrange to put the addresses of global constructors and destructors into the <code>.ctors</code> and <code>.dtors</code> sections. Placing the following sequence into your linker script will build the sort of table which the <span class="sc">gnu</span> C++ runtime code expects to see. <pre class="smallexample"> __CTOR_LIST__ = .; LONG((__CTOR_END__ - __CTOR_LIST__) / 4 - 2) *(.ctors) LONG(0) __CTOR_END__ = .; __DTOR_LIST__ = .; LONG((__DTOR_END__ - __DTOR_LIST__) / 4 - 2) *(.dtors) LONG(0) __DTOR_END__ = .; </pre> <p>If you are using the <span class="sc">gnu</span> C++ support for initialization priority, which provides some control over the order in which global constructors are run, you must sort the constructors at link time to ensure that they are executed in the correct order. When using the <code>CONSTRUCTORS</code> command, use ‘<samp><span class="samp">SORT_BY_NAME(CONSTRUCTORS)</span></samp>’ instead. When using the <code>.ctors</code> and <code>.dtors</code> sections, use ‘<samp><span class="samp">*(SORT_BY_NAME(.ctors))</span></samp>’ and ‘<samp><span class="samp">*(SORT_BY_NAME(.dtors))</span></samp>’ instead of just ‘<samp><span class="samp">*(.ctors)</span></samp>’ and ‘<samp><span class="samp">*(.dtors)</span></samp>’. <p>Normally the compiler and linker will handle these issues automatically, and you will not need to concern yourself with them. However, you may need to consider this if you are using C++ and writing your own linker scripts. </dl> </body></html>