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7.2.2 Selecting targets to which a test applies

Several test directives include selectors to limit the targets for which a test is run or to declare that a test is expected to fail on particular targets.

A selector is:

Depending on the context, the selector specifies whether a test is skipped and reported as unsupported or is expected to fail. A context that allows either ‘target’ or ‘xfail’ also allows ‘{ target selector1 xfail selector2 }’ to skip the test for targets that don’t match selector1 and the test to fail for targets that match selector2.

A selector expression appears within curly braces and uses a single logical operator: one of ‘!’, ‘&&’, or ‘||’. An operand is another selector expression, an effective-target keyword, a single target triplet, or a list of target triplets within quotes or curly braces. For example:

{ target { ! "hppa*-*-* ia64*-*-*" } }
{ target { powerpc*-*-* && lp64 } }
{ xfail { lp64 || vect_no_align } }