/** * \brief Component description for PM * * Copyright (c) 2020 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip software and any derivatives * exclusively with Microchip products. It is your responsibility to comply with third party license * terms applicable to your use of third party software (including open source software) that may * accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, * APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF * MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT * EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * */ /* file generated from device description version 2019-11-25T06:55:40Z */ #ifndef _SAMD21_PM_COMPONENT_H_ #define _SAMD21_PM_COMPONENT_H_ /* ************************************************************************** */ /* SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR PM */ /* ************************************************************************** */ /* -------- PM_CTRL : (PM Offset: 0x00) (R/W 8) Control -------- */ #define PM_CTRL_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_CTRL) Control Reset Value */ #define PM_CTRL_Msk _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_CTRL) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_SLEEP : (PM Offset: 0x01) (R/W 8) Sleep Mode -------- */ #define PM_SLEEP_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_SLEEP) Sleep Mode Reset Value */ #define PM_SLEEP_IDLE_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_SLEEP) Idle Mode Configuration Position */ #define PM_SLEEP_IDLE_Msk (_U_(0x3) << PM_SLEEP_IDLE_Pos) /**< (PM_SLEEP) Idle Mode Configuration Mask */ #define PM_SLEEP_IDLE(value) (PM_SLEEP_IDLE_Msk & ((value) << PM_SLEEP_IDLE_Pos)) #define PM_SLEEP_IDLE_CPU_Val _U_(0x0) /**< (PM_SLEEP) The CPU clock domain is stopped */ #define PM_SLEEP_IDLE_AHB_Val _U_(0x1) /**< (PM_SLEEP) The CPU and AHB clock domains are stopped */ #define PM_SLEEP_IDLE_APB_Val _U_(0x2) /**< (PM_SLEEP) The CPU, AHB and APB clock domains are stopped */ #define PM_SLEEP_IDLE_CPU (PM_SLEEP_IDLE_CPU_Val << PM_SLEEP_IDLE_Pos) /**< (PM_SLEEP) The CPU clock domain is stopped Position */ #define PM_SLEEP_IDLE_AHB (PM_SLEEP_IDLE_AHB_Val << PM_SLEEP_IDLE_Pos) /**< (PM_SLEEP) The CPU and AHB clock domains are stopped Position */ #define PM_SLEEP_IDLE_APB (PM_SLEEP_IDLE_APB_Val << PM_SLEEP_IDLE_Pos) /**< (PM_SLEEP) The CPU, AHB and APB clock domains are stopped Position */ #define PM_SLEEP_Msk _U_(0x03) /**< (PM_SLEEP) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_EXTCTRL : (PM Offset: 0x02) (R/W 8) External Reset Controller -------- */ #define PM_EXTCTRL_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_EXTCTRL) External Reset Controller Reset Value */ #define PM_EXTCTRL_SETDIS_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_EXTCTRL) External Reset Disable Position */ #define PM_EXTCTRL_SETDIS_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_EXTCTRL_SETDIS_Pos) /**< (PM_EXTCTRL) External Reset Disable Mask */ #define PM_EXTCTRL_SETDIS(value) (PM_EXTCTRL_SETDIS_Msk & ((value) << PM_EXTCTRL_SETDIS_Pos)) #define PM_EXTCTRL_Msk _U_(0x01) /**< (PM_EXTCTRL) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_CPUSEL : (PM Offset: 0x08) (R/W 8) CPU Clock Select -------- */ #define PM_CPUSEL_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) CPU Clock Select Reset Value */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) CPU Prescaler Selection Position */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Msk (_U_(0x7) << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) CPU Prescaler Selection Mask */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV(value) (PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Msk & ((value) << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos)) #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV1_Val _U_(0x0) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 1 */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV2_Val _U_(0x1) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 2 */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV4_Val _U_(0x2) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 4 */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV8_Val _U_(0x3) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 8 */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV16_Val _U_(0x4) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 16 */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV32_Val _U_(0x5) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 32 */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV64_Val _U_(0x6) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 64 */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV128_Val _U_(0x7) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 128 */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV1 (PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV1_Val << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 1 Position */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV2 (PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV2_Val << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 2 Position */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV4 (PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV4_Val << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 4 Position */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV8 (PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV8_Val << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 8 Position */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV16 (PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV16_Val << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 16 Position */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV32 (PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV32_Val << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 32 Position */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV64 (PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV64_Val << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 64 Position */ #define PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV128 (PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV128_Val << PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Divide by 128 Position */ #define PM_CPUSEL_Msk _U_(0x07) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_APBASEL : (PM Offset: 0x09) (R/W 8) APBA Clock Select -------- */ #define PM_APBASEL_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_APBASEL) APBA Clock Select Reset Value */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_APBASEL) APBA Prescaler Selection Position */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Msk (_U_(0x7) << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBASEL) APBA Prescaler Selection Mask */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV(value) (PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos)) #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV1_Val _U_(0x0) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 1 */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV2_Val _U_(0x1) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 2 */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV4_Val _U_(0x2) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 4 */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV8_Val _U_(0x3) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 8 */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV16_Val _U_(0x4) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 16 */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV32_Val _U_(0x5) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 32 */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV64_Val _U_(0x6) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 64 */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV128_Val _U_(0x7) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 128 */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV1 (PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV1_Val << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 1 Position */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV2 (PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV2_Val << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 2 Position */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV4 (PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV4_Val << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 4 Position */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV8 (PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV8_Val << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 8 Position */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV16 (PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV16_Val << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 16 Position */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV32 (PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV32_Val << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 32 Position */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV64 (PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV64_Val << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 64 Position */ #define PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV128 (PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV128_Val << PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Divide by 128 Position */ #define PM_APBASEL_Msk _U_(0x07) /**< (PM_APBASEL) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_APBBSEL : (PM Offset: 0x0A) (R/W 8) APBB Clock Select -------- */ #define PM_APBBSEL_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) APBB Clock Select Reset Value */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) APBB Prescaler Selection Position */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Msk (_U_(0x7) << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) APBB Prescaler Selection Mask */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV(value) (PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos)) #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV1_Val _U_(0x0) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 1 */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV2_Val _U_(0x1) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 2 */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV4_Val _U_(0x2) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 4 */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV8_Val _U_(0x3) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 8 */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV16_Val _U_(0x4) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 16 */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV32_Val _U_(0x5) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 32 */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV64_Val _U_(0x6) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 64 */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV128_Val _U_(0x7) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 128 */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV1 (PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV1_Val << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 1 Position */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV2 (PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV2_Val << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 2 Position */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV4 (PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV4_Val << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 4 Position */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV8 (PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV8_Val << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 8 Position */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV16 (PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV16_Val << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 16 Position */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV32 (PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV32_Val << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 32 Position */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV64 (PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV64_Val << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 64 Position */ #define PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV128 (PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV128_Val << PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Divide by 128 Position */ #define PM_APBBSEL_Msk _U_(0x07) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_APBCSEL : (PM Offset: 0x0B) (R/W 8) APBC Clock Select -------- */ #define PM_APBCSEL_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) APBC Clock Select Reset Value */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) APBC Prescaler Selection Position */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Msk (_U_(0x7) << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) APBC Prescaler Selection Mask */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV(value) (PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos)) #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV1_Val _U_(0x0) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 1 */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV2_Val _U_(0x1) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 2 */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV4_Val _U_(0x2) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 4 */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV8_Val _U_(0x3) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 8 */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV16_Val _U_(0x4) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 16 */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV32_Val _U_(0x5) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 32 */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV64_Val _U_(0x6) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 64 */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV128_Val _U_(0x7) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 128 */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV1 (PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV1_Val << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 1 Position */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV2 (PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV2_Val << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 2 Position */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV4 (PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV4_Val << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 4 Position */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV8 (PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV8_Val << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 8 Position */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV16 (PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV16_Val << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 16 Position */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV32 (PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV32_Val << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 32 Position */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV64 (PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV64_Val << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 64 Position */ #define PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV128 (PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV128_Val << PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Divide by 128 Position */ #define PM_APBCSEL_Msk _U_(0x07) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_AHBMASK : (PM Offset: 0x14) (R/W 32) AHB Mask -------- */ #define PM_AHBMASK_RESETVALUE _U_(0x7F) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) AHB Mask Reset Value */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB0_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) HPB0 AHB Clock Mask Position */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB0_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_AHBMASK_HPB0_Pos) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) HPB0 AHB Clock Mask Mask */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB0(value) (PM_AHBMASK_HPB0_Msk & ((value) << PM_AHBMASK_HPB0_Pos)) #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB1_Pos _U_(1) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) HPB1 AHB Clock Mask Position */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB1_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_AHBMASK_HPB1_Pos) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) HPB1 AHB Clock Mask Mask */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB1(value) (PM_AHBMASK_HPB1_Msk & ((value) << PM_AHBMASK_HPB1_Pos)) #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB2_Pos _U_(2) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) HPB2 AHB Clock Mask Position */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB2_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_AHBMASK_HPB2_Pos) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) HPB2 AHB Clock Mask Mask */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB2(value) (PM_AHBMASK_HPB2_Msk & ((value) << PM_AHBMASK_HPB2_Pos)) #define PM_AHBMASK_DSU_Pos _U_(3) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) DSU AHB Clock Mask Position */ #define PM_AHBMASK_DSU_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_AHBMASK_DSU_Pos) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) DSU AHB Clock Mask Mask */ #define PM_AHBMASK_DSU(value) (PM_AHBMASK_DSU_Msk & ((value) << PM_AHBMASK_DSU_Pos)) #define PM_AHBMASK_NVMCTRL_Pos _U_(4) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) NVMCTRL AHB Clock Mask Position */ #define PM_AHBMASK_NVMCTRL_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_AHBMASK_NVMCTRL_Pos) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) NVMCTRL AHB Clock Mask Mask */ #define PM_AHBMASK_NVMCTRL(value) (PM_AHBMASK_NVMCTRL_Msk & ((value) << PM_AHBMASK_NVMCTRL_Pos)) #define PM_AHBMASK_DMAC_Pos _U_(5) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) DMAC AHB Clock Mask Position */ #define PM_AHBMASK_DMAC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_AHBMASK_DMAC_Pos) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) DMAC AHB Clock Mask Mask */ #define PM_AHBMASK_DMAC(value) (PM_AHBMASK_DMAC_Msk & ((value) << PM_AHBMASK_DMAC_Pos)) #define PM_AHBMASK_USB_Pos _U_(6) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) USB AHB Clock Mask Position */ #define PM_AHBMASK_USB_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_AHBMASK_USB_Pos) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) USB AHB Clock Mask Mask */ #define PM_AHBMASK_USB(value) (PM_AHBMASK_USB_Msk & ((value) << PM_AHBMASK_USB_Pos)) #define PM_AHBMASK_Msk _U_(0x0000007F) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) Register Mask */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_AHBMASK Position) HPBx AHB Clock Mask */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB_Msk (_U_(0x7) << PM_AHBMASK_HPB_Pos) /**< (PM_AHBMASK Mask) HPB */ #define PM_AHBMASK_HPB(value) (PM_AHBMASK_HPB_Msk & ((value) << PM_AHBMASK_HPB_Pos)) /* -------- PM_APBAMASK : (PM Offset: 0x18) (R/W 32) APBA Mask -------- */ #define PM_APBAMASK_RESETVALUE _U_(0x7F) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) APBA Mask Reset Value */ #define PM_APBAMASK_PAC0_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) PAC0 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBAMASK_PAC0_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBAMASK_PAC0_Pos) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) PAC0 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBAMASK_PAC0(value) (PM_APBAMASK_PAC0_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBAMASK_PAC0_Pos)) #define PM_APBAMASK_PM_Pos _U_(1) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) PM APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBAMASK_PM_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBAMASK_PM_Pos) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) PM APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBAMASK_PM(value) (PM_APBAMASK_PM_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBAMASK_PM_Pos)) #define PM_APBAMASK_SYSCTRL_Pos _U_(2) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) SYSCTRL APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBAMASK_SYSCTRL_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBAMASK_SYSCTRL_Pos) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) SYSCTRL APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBAMASK_SYSCTRL(value) (PM_APBAMASK_SYSCTRL_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBAMASK_SYSCTRL_Pos)) #define PM_APBAMASK_GCLK_Pos _U_(3) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) GCLK APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBAMASK_GCLK_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBAMASK_GCLK_Pos) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) GCLK APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBAMASK_GCLK(value) (PM_APBAMASK_GCLK_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBAMASK_GCLK_Pos)) #define PM_APBAMASK_WDT_Pos _U_(4) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) WDT APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBAMASK_WDT_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBAMASK_WDT_Pos) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) WDT APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBAMASK_WDT(value) (PM_APBAMASK_WDT_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBAMASK_WDT_Pos)) #define PM_APBAMASK_RTC_Pos _U_(5) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) RTC APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBAMASK_RTC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBAMASK_RTC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) RTC APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBAMASK_RTC(value) (PM_APBAMASK_RTC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBAMASK_RTC_Pos)) #define PM_APBAMASK_EIC_Pos _U_(6) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) EIC APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBAMASK_EIC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBAMASK_EIC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) EIC APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBAMASK_EIC(value) (PM_APBAMASK_EIC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBAMASK_EIC_Pos)) #define PM_APBAMASK_Msk _U_(0x0000007F) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) Register Mask */ #define PM_APBAMASK_PAC_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_APBAMASK Position) PACx APB Clock Enable */ #define PM_APBAMASK_PAC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBAMASK_PAC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBAMASK Mask) PAC */ #define PM_APBAMASK_PAC(value) (PM_APBAMASK_PAC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBAMASK_PAC_Pos)) /* -------- PM_APBBMASK : (PM Offset: 0x1C) (R/W 32) APBB Mask -------- */ #define PM_APBBMASK_RESETVALUE _U_(0x7F) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) APBB Mask Reset Value */ #define PM_APBBMASK_PAC1_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) PAC1 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBBMASK_PAC1_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBBMASK_PAC1_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) PAC1 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBBMASK_PAC1(value) (PM_APBBMASK_PAC1_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBBMASK_PAC1_Pos)) #define PM_APBBMASK_DSU_Pos _U_(1) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) DSU APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBBMASK_DSU_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBBMASK_DSU_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) DSU APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBBMASK_DSU(value) (PM_APBBMASK_DSU_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBBMASK_DSU_Pos)) #define PM_APBBMASK_NVMCTRL_Pos _U_(2) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) NVMCTRL APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBBMASK_NVMCTRL_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBBMASK_NVMCTRL_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) NVMCTRL APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBBMASK_NVMCTRL(value) (PM_APBBMASK_NVMCTRL_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBBMASK_NVMCTRL_Pos)) #define PM_APBBMASK_PORT_Pos _U_(3) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) PORT APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBBMASK_PORT_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBBMASK_PORT_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) PORT APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBBMASK_PORT(value) (PM_APBBMASK_PORT_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBBMASK_PORT_Pos)) #define PM_APBBMASK_DMAC_Pos _U_(4) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) DMAC APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBBMASK_DMAC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBBMASK_DMAC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) DMAC APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBBMASK_DMAC(value) (PM_APBBMASK_DMAC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBBMASK_DMAC_Pos)) #define PM_APBBMASK_USB_Pos _U_(5) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) USB APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBBMASK_USB_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBBMASK_USB_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) USB APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBBMASK_USB(value) (PM_APBBMASK_USB_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBBMASK_USB_Pos)) #define PM_APBBMASK_HMATRIX_Pos _U_(6) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) HMATRIX APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBBMASK_HMATRIX_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBBMASK_HMATRIX_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) HMATRIX APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBBMASK_HMATRIX(value) (PM_APBBMASK_HMATRIX_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBBMASK_HMATRIX_Pos)) #define PM_APBBMASK_Msk _U_(0x0000007F) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) Register Mask */ #define PM_APBBMASK_PAC_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_APBBMASK Position) PACx APB Clock Enable */ #define PM_APBBMASK_PAC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBBMASK_PAC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBBMASK Mask) PAC */ #define PM_APBBMASK_PAC(value) (PM_APBBMASK_PAC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBBMASK_PAC_Pos)) /* -------- PM_APBCMASK : (PM Offset: 0x20) (R/W 32) APBC Mask -------- */ #define PM_APBCMASK_RESETVALUE _U_(0x10000) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) APBC Mask Reset Value */ #define PM_APBCMASK_PAC2_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) PAC2 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_PAC2_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_PAC2_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) PAC2 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_PAC2(value) (PM_APBCMASK_PAC2_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_PAC2_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_EVSYS_Pos _U_(1) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) EVSYS APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_EVSYS_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_EVSYS_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) EVSYS APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_EVSYS(value) (PM_APBCMASK_EVSYS_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_EVSYS_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM0_Pos _U_(2) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM0 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM0_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM0_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM0 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM0(value) (PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM0_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM0_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM1_Pos _U_(3) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM1 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM1_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM1_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM1 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM1(value) (PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM1_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM1_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM2_Pos _U_(4) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM2 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM2_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM2_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM2 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM2(value) (PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM2_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM2_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM3_Pos _U_(5) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM3 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM3_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM3_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM3 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM3(value) (PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM3_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM3_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM4_Pos _U_(6) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM4 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM4_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM4_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM4 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM4(value) (PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM4_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM4_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM5_Pos _U_(7) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM5 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM5_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM5_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) SERCOM5 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM5(value) (PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM5_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM5_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC0_Pos _U_(8) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TCC0 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC0_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_TCC0_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TCC0 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC0(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TCC0_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TCC0_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC1_Pos _U_(9) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TCC1 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC1_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_TCC1_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TCC1 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC1(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TCC1_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TCC1_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC2_Pos _U_(10) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TCC2 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC2_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_TCC2_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TCC2 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC2(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TCC2_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TCC2_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TC3_Pos _U_(11) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC3 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC3_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_TC3_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC3 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC3(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TC3_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TC3_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TC4_Pos _U_(12) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC4 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC4_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_TC4_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC4 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC4(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TC4_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TC4_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TC5_Pos _U_(13) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC5 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC5_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_TC5_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC5 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC5(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TC5_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TC5_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TC6_Pos _U_(14) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC6 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC6_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_TC6_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC6 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC6(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TC6_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TC6_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TC7_Pos _U_(15) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC7 APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC7_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_TC7_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) TC7 APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC7(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TC7_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TC7_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_ADC_Pos _U_(16) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) ADC APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_ADC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_ADC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) ADC APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_ADC(value) (PM_APBCMASK_ADC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_ADC_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_AC_Pos _U_(17) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) AC APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_AC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_AC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) AC APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_AC(value) (PM_APBCMASK_AC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_AC_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_DAC_Pos _U_(18) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) DAC APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_DAC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_DAC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) DAC APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_DAC(value) (PM_APBCMASK_DAC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_DAC_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_PTC_Pos _U_(19) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) PTC APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_PTC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_PTC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) PTC APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_PTC(value) (PM_APBCMASK_PTC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_PTC_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_I2S_Pos _U_(20) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) I2S APB Clock Enable Position */ #define PM_APBCMASK_I2S_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_I2S_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) I2S APB Clock Enable Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_I2S(value) (PM_APBCMASK_I2S_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_I2S_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_Msk _U_(0x001FFFFF) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) Register Mask */ #define PM_APBCMASK_PAC_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_APBCMASK Position) PAC2 APB Clock Enable */ #define PM_APBCMASK_PAC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_APBCMASK_PAC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK Mask) PAC */ #define PM_APBCMASK_PAC(value) (PM_APBCMASK_PAC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_PAC_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM_Pos _U_(2) /**< (PM_APBCMASK Position) SERCOMx APB Clock Enable */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM_Msk (_U_(0x3F) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK Mask) SERCOM */ #define PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM(value) (PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_SERCOM_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC_Pos _U_(8) /**< (PM_APBCMASK Position) TCCx APB Clock Enable */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC_Msk (_U_(0x7) << PM_APBCMASK_TCC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK Mask) TCC */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TCC(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TCC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TCC_Pos)) #define PM_APBCMASK_TC_Pos _U_(11) /**< (PM_APBCMASK Position) TC3 APB Clock Enable */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC_Msk (_U_(0x1F) << PM_APBCMASK_TC_Pos) /**< (PM_APBCMASK Mask) TC */ #define PM_APBCMASK_TC(value) (PM_APBCMASK_TC_Msk & ((value) << PM_APBCMASK_TC_Pos)) /* -------- PM_INTENCLR : (PM Offset: 0x34) (R/W 8) Interrupt Enable Clear -------- */ #define PM_INTENCLR_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_INTENCLR) Interrupt Enable Clear Reset Value */ #define PM_INTENCLR_CKRDY_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_INTENCLR) Clock Ready Interrupt Enable Position */ #define PM_INTENCLR_CKRDY_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_INTENCLR_CKRDY_Pos) /**< (PM_INTENCLR) Clock Ready Interrupt Enable Mask */ #define PM_INTENCLR_CKRDY(value) (PM_INTENCLR_CKRDY_Msk & ((value) << PM_INTENCLR_CKRDY_Pos)) #define PM_INTENCLR_Msk _U_(0x01) /**< (PM_INTENCLR) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_INTENSET : (PM Offset: 0x35) (R/W 8) Interrupt Enable Set -------- */ #define PM_INTENSET_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_INTENSET) Interrupt Enable Set Reset Value */ #define PM_INTENSET_CKRDY_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_INTENSET) Clock Ready Interrupt Enable Position */ #define PM_INTENSET_CKRDY_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_INTENSET_CKRDY_Pos) /**< (PM_INTENSET) Clock Ready Interrupt Enable Mask */ #define PM_INTENSET_CKRDY(value) (PM_INTENSET_CKRDY_Msk & ((value) << PM_INTENSET_CKRDY_Pos)) #define PM_INTENSET_Msk _U_(0x01) /**< (PM_INTENSET) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_INTFLAG : (PM Offset: 0x36) (R/W 8) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear -------- */ #define PM_INTFLAG_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (PM_INTFLAG) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear Reset Value */ #define PM_INTFLAG_CKRDY_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_INTFLAG) Clock Ready Position */ #define PM_INTFLAG_CKRDY_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_INTFLAG_CKRDY_Pos) /**< (PM_INTFLAG) Clock Ready Mask */ #define PM_INTFLAG_CKRDY(value) (PM_INTFLAG_CKRDY_Msk & ((value) << PM_INTFLAG_CKRDY_Pos)) #define PM_INTFLAG_Msk _U_(0x01) /**< (PM_INTFLAG) Register Mask */ /* -------- PM_RCAUSE : (PM Offset: 0x38) ( R/ 8) Reset Cause -------- */ #define PM_RCAUSE_RESETVALUE _U_(0x01) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Reset Cause Reset Value */ #define PM_RCAUSE_POR_Pos _U_(0) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Power On Reset Position */ #define PM_RCAUSE_POR_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_RCAUSE_POR_Pos) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Power On Reset Mask */ #define PM_RCAUSE_POR(value) (PM_RCAUSE_POR_Msk & ((value) << PM_RCAUSE_POR_Pos)) #define PM_RCAUSE_BOD12_Pos _U_(1) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Brown Out 12 Detector Reset Position */ #define PM_RCAUSE_BOD12_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_RCAUSE_BOD12_Pos) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Brown Out 12 Detector Reset Mask */ #define PM_RCAUSE_BOD12(value) (PM_RCAUSE_BOD12_Msk & ((value) << PM_RCAUSE_BOD12_Pos)) #define PM_RCAUSE_BOD33_Pos _U_(2) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Brown Out 33 Detector Reset Position */ #define PM_RCAUSE_BOD33_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_RCAUSE_BOD33_Pos) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Brown Out 33 Detector Reset Mask */ #define PM_RCAUSE_BOD33(value) (PM_RCAUSE_BOD33_Msk & ((value) << PM_RCAUSE_BOD33_Pos)) #define PM_RCAUSE_EXT_Pos _U_(4) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) External Reset Position */ #define PM_RCAUSE_EXT_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_RCAUSE_EXT_Pos) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) External Reset Mask */ #define PM_RCAUSE_EXT(value) (PM_RCAUSE_EXT_Msk & ((value) << PM_RCAUSE_EXT_Pos)) #define PM_RCAUSE_WDT_Pos _U_(5) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Watchdog Reset Position */ #define PM_RCAUSE_WDT_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_RCAUSE_WDT_Pos) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Watchdog Reset Mask */ #define PM_RCAUSE_WDT(value) (PM_RCAUSE_WDT_Msk & ((value) << PM_RCAUSE_WDT_Pos)) #define PM_RCAUSE_SYST_Pos _U_(6) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) System Reset Request Position */ #define PM_RCAUSE_SYST_Msk (_U_(0x1) << PM_RCAUSE_SYST_Pos) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) System Reset Request Mask */ #define PM_RCAUSE_SYST(value) (PM_RCAUSE_SYST_Msk & ((value) << PM_RCAUSE_SYST_Pos)) #define PM_RCAUSE_Msk _U_(0x77) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Register Mask */ #define PM_RCAUSE_BOD_Pos _U_(1) /**< (PM_RCAUSE Position) Brown Out x2 Detector Reset */ #define PM_RCAUSE_BOD_Msk (_U_(0x3) << PM_RCAUSE_BOD_Pos) /**< (PM_RCAUSE Mask) BOD */ #define PM_RCAUSE_BOD(value) (PM_RCAUSE_BOD_Msk & ((value) << PM_RCAUSE_BOD_Pos)) /** \brief PM register offsets definitions */ #define PM_CTRL_REG_OFST (0x00) /**< (PM_CTRL) Control Offset */ #define PM_SLEEP_REG_OFST (0x01) /**< (PM_SLEEP) Sleep Mode Offset */ #define PM_EXTCTRL_REG_OFST (0x02) /**< (PM_EXTCTRL) External Reset Controller Offset */ #define PM_CPUSEL_REG_OFST (0x08) /**< (PM_CPUSEL) CPU Clock Select Offset */ #define PM_APBASEL_REG_OFST (0x09) /**< (PM_APBASEL) APBA Clock Select Offset */ #define PM_APBBSEL_REG_OFST (0x0A) /**< (PM_APBBSEL) APBB Clock Select Offset */ #define PM_APBCSEL_REG_OFST (0x0B) /**< (PM_APBCSEL) APBC Clock Select Offset */ #define PM_AHBMASK_REG_OFST (0x14) /**< (PM_AHBMASK) AHB Mask Offset */ #define PM_APBAMASK_REG_OFST (0x18) /**< (PM_APBAMASK) APBA Mask Offset */ #define PM_APBBMASK_REG_OFST (0x1C) /**< (PM_APBBMASK) APBB Mask Offset */ #define PM_APBCMASK_REG_OFST (0x20) /**< (PM_APBCMASK) APBC Mask Offset */ #define PM_INTENCLR_REG_OFST (0x34) /**< (PM_INTENCLR) Interrupt Enable Clear Offset */ #define PM_INTENSET_REG_OFST (0x35) /**< (PM_INTENSET) Interrupt Enable Set Offset */ #define PM_INTFLAG_REG_OFST (0x36) /**< (PM_INTFLAG) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear Offset */ #define PM_RCAUSE_REG_OFST (0x38) /**< (PM_RCAUSE) Reset Cause Offset */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) /** \brief PM register API structure */ typedef struct { /* Power Manager */ __IO uint8_t PM_CTRL; /**< Offset: 0x00 (R/W 8) Control */ __IO uint8_t PM_SLEEP; /**< Offset: 0x01 (R/W 8) Sleep Mode */ __IO uint8_t PM_EXTCTRL; /**< Offset: 0x02 (R/W 8) External Reset Controller */ __I uint8_t Reserved1[0x05]; __IO uint8_t PM_CPUSEL; /**< Offset: 0x08 (R/W 8) CPU Clock Select */ __IO uint8_t PM_APBASEL; /**< Offset: 0x09 (R/W 8) APBA Clock Select */ __IO uint8_t PM_APBBSEL; /**< Offset: 0x0A (R/W 8) APBB Clock Select */ __IO uint8_t PM_APBCSEL; /**< Offset: 0x0B (R/W 8) APBC Clock Select */ __I uint8_t Reserved2[0x08]; __IO uint32_t PM_AHBMASK; /**< Offset: 0x14 (R/W 32) AHB Mask */ __IO uint32_t PM_APBAMASK; /**< Offset: 0x18 (R/W 32) APBA Mask */ __IO uint32_t PM_APBBMASK; /**< Offset: 0x1C (R/W 32) APBB Mask */ __IO uint32_t PM_APBCMASK; /**< Offset: 0x20 (R/W 32) APBC Mask */ __I uint8_t Reserved3[0x10]; __IO uint8_t PM_INTENCLR; /**< Offset: 0x34 (R/W 8) Interrupt Enable Clear */ __IO uint8_t PM_INTENSET; /**< Offset: 0x35 (R/W 8) Interrupt Enable Set */ __IO uint8_t PM_INTFLAG; /**< Offset: 0x36 (R/W 8) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */ __I uint8_t Reserved4[0x01]; __I uint8_t PM_RCAUSE; /**< Offset: 0x38 (R/ 8) Reset Cause */ } pm_registers_t; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #endif /* _SAMD21_PM_COMPONENT_H_ */