/** * \brief Component description for DSU * * Copyright (c) 2020 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip software and any derivatives * exclusively with Microchip products. It is your responsibility to comply with third party license * terms applicable to your use of third party software (including open source software) that may * accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, * APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF * MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT * EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * */ /* file generated from device description version 2019-11-25T06:55:40Z */ #ifndef _SAMD21_DSU_COMPONENT_H_ #define _SAMD21_DSU_COMPONENT_H_ /* ************************************************************************** */ /* SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR DSU */ /* ************************************************************************** */ /* -------- DSU_CTRL : (DSU Offset: 0x00) ( /W 8) Control -------- */ #define DSU_CTRL_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_CTRL) Control Reset Value */ #define DSU_CTRL_SWRST_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_CTRL) Software Reset Position */ #define DSU_CTRL_SWRST_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_CTRL_SWRST_Pos) /**< (DSU_CTRL) Software Reset Mask */ #define DSU_CTRL_SWRST(value) (DSU_CTRL_SWRST_Msk & ((value) << DSU_CTRL_SWRST_Pos)) #define DSU_CTRL_CRC_Pos _U_(2) /**< (DSU_CTRL) 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check Position */ #define DSU_CTRL_CRC_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_CTRL_CRC_Pos) /**< (DSU_CTRL) 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check Mask */ #define DSU_CTRL_CRC(value) (DSU_CTRL_CRC_Msk & ((value) << DSU_CTRL_CRC_Pos)) #define DSU_CTRL_MBIST_Pos _U_(3) /**< (DSU_CTRL) Memory Built-In Self-Test Position */ #define DSU_CTRL_MBIST_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_CTRL_MBIST_Pos) /**< (DSU_CTRL) Memory Built-In Self-Test Mask */ #define DSU_CTRL_MBIST(value) (DSU_CTRL_MBIST_Msk & ((value) << DSU_CTRL_MBIST_Pos)) #define DSU_CTRL_CE_Pos _U_(4) /**< (DSU_CTRL) Chip Erase Position */ #define DSU_CTRL_CE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_CTRL_CE_Pos) /**< (DSU_CTRL) Chip Erase Mask */ #define DSU_CTRL_CE(value) (DSU_CTRL_CE_Msk & ((value) << DSU_CTRL_CE_Pos)) #define DSU_CTRL_Msk _U_(0x1D) /**< (DSU_CTRL) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_STATUSA : (DSU Offset: 0x01) (R/W 8) Status A -------- */ #define DSU_STATUSA_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Status A Reset Value */ #define DSU_STATUSA_DONE_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Done Position */ #define DSU_STATUSA_DONE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSA_DONE_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Done Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSA_DONE(value) (DSU_STATUSA_DONE_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSA_DONE_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSA_CRSTEXT_Pos _U_(1) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) CPU Reset Phase Extension Position */ #define DSU_STATUSA_CRSTEXT_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSA_CRSTEXT_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) CPU Reset Phase Extension Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSA_CRSTEXT(value) (DSU_STATUSA_CRSTEXT_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSA_CRSTEXT_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSA_BERR_Pos _U_(2) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Bus Error Position */ #define DSU_STATUSA_BERR_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSA_BERR_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Bus Error Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSA_BERR(value) (DSU_STATUSA_BERR_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSA_BERR_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSA_FAIL_Pos _U_(3) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Failure Position */ #define DSU_STATUSA_FAIL_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSA_FAIL_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Failure Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSA_FAIL(value) (DSU_STATUSA_FAIL_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSA_FAIL_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSA_PERR_Pos _U_(4) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Protection Error Position */ #define DSU_STATUSA_PERR_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSA_PERR_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Protection Error Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSA_PERR(value) (DSU_STATUSA_PERR_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSA_PERR_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSA_Msk _U_(0x1F) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_STATUSB : (DSU Offset: 0x02) ( R/ 8) Status B -------- */ #define DSU_STATUSB_RESETVALUE _U_(0x10) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Status B Reset Value */ #define DSU_STATUSB_PROT_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Protected Position */ #define DSU_STATUSB_PROT_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSB_PROT_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Protected Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSB_PROT(value) (DSU_STATUSB_PROT_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSB_PROT_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSB_DBGPRES_Pos _U_(1) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Debugger Present Position */ #define DSU_STATUSB_DBGPRES_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSB_DBGPRES_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Debugger Present Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSB_DBGPRES(value) (DSU_STATUSB_DBGPRES_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSB_DBGPRES_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSB_DCCD0_Pos _U_(2) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Debug Communication Channel 0 Dirty Position */ #define DSU_STATUSB_DCCD0_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSB_DCCD0_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Debug Communication Channel 0 Dirty Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSB_DCCD0(value) (DSU_STATUSB_DCCD0_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSB_DCCD0_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSB_DCCD1_Pos _U_(3) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Debug Communication Channel 1 Dirty Position */ #define DSU_STATUSB_DCCD1_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSB_DCCD1_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Debug Communication Channel 1 Dirty Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSB_DCCD1(value) (DSU_STATUSB_DCCD1_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSB_DCCD1_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSB_HPE_Pos _U_(4) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Hot-Plugging Enable Position */ #define DSU_STATUSB_HPE_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_STATUSB_HPE_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Hot-Plugging Enable Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSB_HPE(value) (DSU_STATUSB_HPE_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSB_HPE_Pos)) #define DSU_STATUSB_Msk _U_(0x1F) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Register Mask */ #define DSU_STATUSB_DCCD_Pos _U_(2) /**< (DSU_STATUSB Position) Debug Communication Channel x Dirty */ #define DSU_STATUSB_DCCD_Msk (_U_(0x3) << DSU_STATUSB_DCCD_Pos) /**< (DSU_STATUSB Mask) DCCD */ #define DSU_STATUSB_DCCD(value) (DSU_STATUSB_DCCD_Msk & ((value) << DSU_STATUSB_DCCD_Pos)) /* -------- DSU_ADDR : (DSU Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) Address -------- */ #define DSU_ADDR_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_ADDR) Address Reset Value */ #define DSU_ADDR_ADDR_Pos _U_(2) /**< (DSU_ADDR) Address Position */ #define DSU_ADDR_ADDR_Msk (_U_(0x3FFFFFFF) << DSU_ADDR_ADDR_Pos) /**< (DSU_ADDR) Address Mask */ #define DSU_ADDR_ADDR(value) (DSU_ADDR_ADDR_Msk & ((value) << DSU_ADDR_ADDR_Pos)) #define DSU_ADDR_Msk _U_(0xFFFFFFFC) /**< (DSU_ADDR) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_LENGTH : (DSU Offset: 0x08) (R/W 32) Length -------- */ #define DSU_LENGTH_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_LENGTH) Length Reset Value */ #define DSU_LENGTH_LENGTH_Pos _U_(2) /**< (DSU_LENGTH) Length Position */ #define DSU_LENGTH_LENGTH_Msk (_U_(0x3FFFFFFF) << DSU_LENGTH_LENGTH_Pos) /**< (DSU_LENGTH) Length Mask */ #define DSU_LENGTH_LENGTH(value) (DSU_LENGTH_LENGTH_Msk & ((value) << DSU_LENGTH_LENGTH_Pos)) #define DSU_LENGTH_Msk _U_(0xFFFFFFFC) /**< (DSU_LENGTH) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_DATA : (DSU Offset: 0x0C) (R/W 32) Data -------- */ #define DSU_DATA_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_DATA) Data Reset Value */ #define DSU_DATA_DATA_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_DATA) Data Position */ #define DSU_DATA_DATA_Msk (_U_(0xFFFFFFFF) << DSU_DATA_DATA_Pos) /**< (DSU_DATA) Data Mask */ #define DSU_DATA_DATA(value) (DSU_DATA_DATA_Msk & ((value) << DSU_DATA_DATA_Pos)) #define DSU_DATA_Msk _U_(0xFFFFFFFF) /**< (DSU_DATA) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_DCC : (DSU Offset: 0x10) (R/W 32) Debug Communication Channel n -------- */ #define DSU_DCC_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_DCC) Debug Communication Channel n Reset Value */ #define DSU_DCC_DATA_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_DCC) Data Position */ #define DSU_DCC_DATA_Msk (_U_(0xFFFFFFFF) << DSU_DCC_DATA_Pos) /**< (DSU_DCC) Data Mask */ #define DSU_DCC_DATA(value) (DSU_DCC_DATA_Msk & ((value) << DSU_DCC_DATA_Pos)) #define DSU_DCC_Msk _U_(0xFFFFFFFF) /**< (DSU_DCC) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_DID : (DSU Offset: 0x18) ( R/ 32) Device Identification -------- */ #define DSU_DID_RESETVALUE _U_(0x10011520) /**< (DSU_DID) Device Identification Reset Value */ #define DSU_DID_DEVSEL_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_DID) Device Select Position */ #define DSU_DID_DEVSEL_Msk (_U_(0xFF) << DSU_DID_DEVSEL_Pos) /**< (DSU_DID) Device Select Mask */ #define DSU_DID_DEVSEL(value) (DSU_DID_DEVSEL_Msk & ((value) << DSU_DID_DEVSEL_Pos)) #define DSU_DID_REVISION_Pos _U_(8) /**< (DSU_DID) Revision Position */ #define DSU_DID_REVISION_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_DID_REVISION_Pos) /**< (DSU_DID) Revision Mask */ #define DSU_DID_REVISION(value) (DSU_DID_REVISION_Msk & ((value) << DSU_DID_REVISION_Pos)) #define DSU_DID_DIE_Pos _U_(12) /**< (DSU_DID) Die Identification Position */ #define DSU_DID_DIE_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_DID_DIE_Pos) /**< (DSU_DID) Die Identification Mask */ #define DSU_DID_DIE(value) (DSU_DID_DIE_Msk & ((value) << DSU_DID_DIE_Pos)) #define DSU_DID_SERIES_Pos _U_(16) /**< (DSU_DID) Product Series Position */ #define DSU_DID_SERIES_Msk (_U_(0x3F) << DSU_DID_SERIES_Pos) /**< (DSU_DID) Product Series Mask */ #define DSU_DID_SERIES(value) (DSU_DID_SERIES_Msk & ((value) << DSU_DID_SERIES_Pos)) #define DSU_DID_FAMILY_Pos _U_(23) /**< (DSU_DID) Product Family Position */ #define DSU_DID_FAMILY_Msk (_U_(0x1F) << DSU_DID_FAMILY_Pos) /**< (DSU_DID) Product Family Mask */ #define DSU_DID_FAMILY(value) (DSU_DID_FAMILY_Msk & ((value) << DSU_DID_FAMILY_Pos)) #define DSU_DID_PROCESSOR_Pos _U_(28) /**< (DSU_DID) Processor Position */ #define DSU_DID_PROCESSOR_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_DID_PROCESSOR_Pos) /**< (DSU_DID) Processor Mask */ #define DSU_DID_PROCESSOR(value) (DSU_DID_PROCESSOR_Msk & ((value) << DSU_DID_PROCESSOR_Pos)) #define DSU_DID_Msk _U_(0xFFBFFFFF) /**< (DSU_DID) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_ENTRY0 : (DSU Offset: 0x1000) ( R/ 32) CoreSight ROM Table Entry 0 -------- */ #define DSU_ENTRY0_RESETVALUE _U_(0x9F0FC002) /**< (DSU_ENTRY0) CoreSight ROM Table Entry 0 Reset Value */ #define DSU_ENTRY0_EPRES_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_ENTRY0) Entry Present Position */ #define DSU_ENTRY0_EPRES_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_ENTRY0_EPRES_Pos) /**< (DSU_ENTRY0) Entry Present Mask */ #define DSU_ENTRY0_EPRES(value) (DSU_ENTRY0_EPRES_Msk & ((value) << DSU_ENTRY0_EPRES_Pos)) #define DSU_ENTRY0_FMT_Pos _U_(1) /**< (DSU_ENTRY0) Format Position */ #define DSU_ENTRY0_FMT_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_ENTRY0_FMT_Pos) /**< (DSU_ENTRY0) Format Mask */ #define DSU_ENTRY0_FMT(value) (DSU_ENTRY0_FMT_Msk & ((value) << DSU_ENTRY0_FMT_Pos)) #define DSU_ENTRY0_ADDOFF_Pos _U_(12) /**< (DSU_ENTRY0) Address Offset Position */ #define DSU_ENTRY0_ADDOFF_Msk (_U_(0xFFFFF) << DSU_ENTRY0_ADDOFF_Pos) /**< (DSU_ENTRY0) Address Offset Mask */ #define DSU_ENTRY0_ADDOFF(value) (DSU_ENTRY0_ADDOFF_Msk & ((value) << DSU_ENTRY0_ADDOFF_Pos)) #define DSU_ENTRY0_Msk _U_(0xFFFFF003) /**< (DSU_ENTRY0) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_ENTRY1 : (DSU Offset: 0x1004) ( R/ 32) CoreSight ROM Table Entry 1 -------- */ #define DSU_ENTRY1_RESETVALUE _U_(0x3002) /**< (DSU_ENTRY1) CoreSight ROM Table Entry 1 Reset Value */ #define DSU_ENTRY1_Msk _U_(0x00000000) /**< (DSU_ENTRY1) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_END : (DSU Offset: 0x1008) ( R/ 32) CoreSight ROM Table End -------- */ #define DSU_END_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_END) CoreSight ROM Table End Reset Value */ #define DSU_END_END_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_END) End Marker Position */ #define DSU_END_END_Msk (_U_(0xFFFFFFFF) << DSU_END_END_Pos) /**< (DSU_END) End Marker Mask */ #define DSU_END_END(value) (DSU_END_END_Msk & ((value) << DSU_END_END_Pos)) #define DSU_END_Msk _U_(0xFFFFFFFF) /**< (DSU_END) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_MEMTYPE : (DSU Offset: 0x1FCC) ( R/ 32) CoreSight ROM Table Memory Type -------- */ #define DSU_MEMTYPE_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_MEMTYPE) CoreSight ROM Table Memory Type Reset Value */ #define DSU_MEMTYPE_SMEMP_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_MEMTYPE) System Memory Present Position */ #define DSU_MEMTYPE_SMEMP_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_MEMTYPE_SMEMP_Pos) /**< (DSU_MEMTYPE) System Memory Present Mask */ #define DSU_MEMTYPE_SMEMP(value) (DSU_MEMTYPE_SMEMP_Msk & ((value) << DSU_MEMTYPE_SMEMP_Pos)) #define DSU_MEMTYPE_Msk _U_(0x00000001) /**< (DSU_MEMTYPE) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_PID4 : (DSU Offset: 0x1FD0) ( R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 4 -------- */ #define DSU_PID4_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_PID4) Peripheral Identification 4 Reset Value */ #define DSU_PID4_JEPCC_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_PID4) JEP-106 Continuation Code Position */ #define DSU_PID4_JEPCC_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_PID4_JEPCC_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID4) JEP-106 Continuation Code Mask */ #define DSU_PID4_JEPCC(value) (DSU_PID4_JEPCC_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID4_JEPCC_Pos)) #define DSU_PID4_FKBC_Pos _U_(4) /**< (DSU_PID4) 4KB Count Position */ #define DSU_PID4_FKBC_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_PID4_FKBC_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID4) 4KB Count Mask */ #define DSU_PID4_FKBC(value) (DSU_PID4_FKBC_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID4_FKBC_Pos)) #define DSU_PID4_Msk _U_(0x000000FF) /**< (DSU_PID4) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_PID0 : (DSU Offset: 0x1FE0) ( R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 0 -------- */ #define DSU_PID0_RESETVALUE _U_(0xD0) /**< (DSU_PID0) Peripheral Identification 0 Reset Value */ #define DSU_PID0_PARTNBL_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_PID0) Part Number Low Position */ #define DSU_PID0_PARTNBL_Msk (_U_(0xFF) << DSU_PID0_PARTNBL_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID0) Part Number Low Mask */ #define DSU_PID0_PARTNBL(value) (DSU_PID0_PARTNBL_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID0_PARTNBL_Pos)) #define DSU_PID0_Msk _U_(0x000000FF) /**< (DSU_PID0) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_PID1 : (DSU Offset: 0x1FE4) ( R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 1 -------- */ #define DSU_PID1_RESETVALUE _U_(0xFC) /**< (DSU_PID1) Peripheral Identification 1 Reset Value */ #define DSU_PID1_PARTNBH_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_PID1) Part Number High Position */ #define DSU_PID1_PARTNBH_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_PID1_PARTNBH_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID1) Part Number High Mask */ #define DSU_PID1_PARTNBH(value) (DSU_PID1_PARTNBH_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID1_PARTNBH_Pos)) #define DSU_PID1_JEPIDCL_Pos _U_(4) /**< (DSU_PID1) Low part of the JEP-106 Identity Code Position */ #define DSU_PID1_JEPIDCL_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_PID1_JEPIDCL_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID1) Low part of the JEP-106 Identity Code Mask */ #define DSU_PID1_JEPIDCL(value) (DSU_PID1_JEPIDCL_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID1_JEPIDCL_Pos)) #define DSU_PID1_Msk _U_(0x000000FF) /**< (DSU_PID1) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_PID2 : (DSU Offset: 0x1FE8) ( R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 2 -------- */ #define DSU_PID2_RESETVALUE _U_(0x09) /**< (DSU_PID2) Peripheral Identification 2 Reset Value */ #define DSU_PID2_JEPIDCH_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_PID2) JEP-106 Identity Code High Position */ #define DSU_PID2_JEPIDCH_Msk (_U_(0x7) << DSU_PID2_JEPIDCH_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID2) JEP-106 Identity Code High Mask */ #define DSU_PID2_JEPIDCH(value) (DSU_PID2_JEPIDCH_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID2_JEPIDCH_Pos)) #define DSU_PID2_JEPU_Pos _U_(3) /**< (DSU_PID2) JEP-106 Identity Code is used Position */ #define DSU_PID2_JEPU_Msk (_U_(0x1) << DSU_PID2_JEPU_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID2) JEP-106 Identity Code is used Mask */ #define DSU_PID2_JEPU(value) (DSU_PID2_JEPU_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID2_JEPU_Pos)) #define DSU_PID2_REVISION_Pos _U_(4) /**< (DSU_PID2) Revision Number Position */ #define DSU_PID2_REVISION_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_PID2_REVISION_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID2) Revision Number Mask */ #define DSU_PID2_REVISION(value) (DSU_PID2_REVISION_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID2_REVISION_Pos)) #define DSU_PID2_Msk _U_(0x000000FF) /**< (DSU_PID2) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_PID3 : (DSU Offset: 0x1FEC) ( R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 3 -------- */ #define DSU_PID3_RESETVALUE _U_(0x00) /**< (DSU_PID3) Peripheral Identification 3 Reset Value */ #define DSU_PID3_CUSMOD_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_PID3) ARM CUSMOD Position */ #define DSU_PID3_CUSMOD_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_PID3_CUSMOD_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID3) ARM CUSMOD Mask */ #define DSU_PID3_CUSMOD(value) (DSU_PID3_CUSMOD_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID3_CUSMOD_Pos)) #define DSU_PID3_REVAND_Pos _U_(4) /**< (DSU_PID3) Revision Number Position */ #define DSU_PID3_REVAND_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_PID3_REVAND_Pos) /**< (DSU_PID3) Revision Number Mask */ #define DSU_PID3_REVAND(value) (DSU_PID3_REVAND_Msk & ((value) << DSU_PID3_REVAND_Pos)) #define DSU_PID3_Msk _U_(0x000000FF) /**< (DSU_PID3) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_CID0 : (DSU Offset: 0x1FF0) ( R/ 32) Component Identification 0 -------- */ #define DSU_CID0_RESETVALUE _U_(0x0D) /**< (DSU_CID0) Component Identification 0 Reset Value */ #define DSU_CID0_PREAMBLEB0_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_CID0) Preamble Byte 0 Position */ #define DSU_CID0_PREAMBLEB0_Msk (_U_(0xFF) << DSU_CID0_PREAMBLEB0_Pos) /**< (DSU_CID0) Preamble Byte 0 Mask */ #define DSU_CID0_PREAMBLEB0(value) (DSU_CID0_PREAMBLEB0_Msk & ((value) << DSU_CID0_PREAMBLEB0_Pos)) #define DSU_CID0_Msk _U_(0x000000FF) /**< (DSU_CID0) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_CID1 : (DSU Offset: 0x1FF4) ( R/ 32) Component Identification 1 -------- */ #define DSU_CID1_RESETVALUE _U_(0x10) /**< (DSU_CID1) Component Identification 1 Reset Value */ #define DSU_CID1_PREAMBLE_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_CID1) Preamble Position */ #define DSU_CID1_PREAMBLE_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_CID1_PREAMBLE_Pos) /**< (DSU_CID1) Preamble Mask */ #define DSU_CID1_PREAMBLE(value) (DSU_CID1_PREAMBLE_Msk & ((value) << DSU_CID1_PREAMBLE_Pos)) #define DSU_CID1_CCLASS_Pos _U_(4) /**< (DSU_CID1) Component Class Position */ #define DSU_CID1_CCLASS_Msk (_U_(0xF) << DSU_CID1_CCLASS_Pos) /**< (DSU_CID1) Component Class Mask */ #define DSU_CID1_CCLASS(value) (DSU_CID1_CCLASS_Msk & ((value) << DSU_CID1_CCLASS_Pos)) #define DSU_CID1_Msk _U_(0x000000FF) /**< (DSU_CID1) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_CID2 : (DSU Offset: 0x1FF8) ( R/ 32) Component Identification 2 -------- */ #define DSU_CID2_RESETVALUE _U_(0x05) /**< (DSU_CID2) Component Identification 2 Reset Value */ #define DSU_CID2_PREAMBLEB2_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_CID2) Preamble Byte 2 Position */ #define DSU_CID2_PREAMBLEB2_Msk (_U_(0xFF) << DSU_CID2_PREAMBLEB2_Pos) /**< (DSU_CID2) Preamble Byte 2 Mask */ #define DSU_CID2_PREAMBLEB2(value) (DSU_CID2_PREAMBLEB2_Msk & ((value) << DSU_CID2_PREAMBLEB2_Pos)) #define DSU_CID2_Msk _U_(0x000000FF) /**< (DSU_CID2) Register Mask */ /* -------- DSU_CID3 : (DSU Offset: 0x1FFC) ( R/ 32) Component Identification 3 -------- */ #define DSU_CID3_RESETVALUE _U_(0xB1) /**< (DSU_CID3) Component Identification 3 Reset Value */ #define DSU_CID3_PREAMBLEB3_Pos _U_(0) /**< (DSU_CID3) Preamble Byte 3 Position */ #define DSU_CID3_PREAMBLEB3_Msk (_U_(0xFF) << DSU_CID3_PREAMBLEB3_Pos) /**< (DSU_CID3) Preamble Byte 3 Mask */ #define DSU_CID3_PREAMBLEB3(value) (DSU_CID3_PREAMBLEB3_Msk & ((value) << DSU_CID3_PREAMBLEB3_Pos)) #define DSU_CID3_Msk _U_(0x000000FF) /**< (DSU_CID3) Register Mask */ /** \brief DSU register offsets definitions */ #define DSU_CTRL_REG_OFST (0x00) /**< (DSU_CTRL) Control Offset */ #define DSU_STATUSA_REG_OFST (0x01) /**< (DSU_STATUSA) Status A Offset */ #define DSU_STATUSB_REG_OFST (0x02) /**< (DSU_STATUSB) Status B Offset */ #define DSU_ADDR_REG_OFST (0x04) /**< (DSU_ADDR) Address Offset */ #define DSU_LENGTH_REG_OFST (0x08) /**< (DSU_LENGTH) Length Offset */ #define DSU_DATA_REG_OFST (0x0C) /**< (DSU_DATA) Data Offset */ #define DSU_DCC_REG_OFST (0x10) /**< (DSU_DCC) Debug Communication Channel n Offset */ #define DSU_DID_REG_OFST (0x18) /**< (DSU_DID) Device Identification Offset */ #define DSU_ENTRY0_REG_OFST (0x1000) /**< (DSU_ENTRY0) CoreSight ROM Table Entry 0 Offset */ #define DSU_ENTRY1_REG_OFST (0x1004) /**< (DSU_ENTRY1) CoreSight ROM Table Entry 1 Offset */ #define DSU_END_REG_OFST (0x1008) /**< (DSU_END) CoreSight ROM Table End Offset */ #define DSU_MEMTYPE_REG_OFST (0x1FCC) /**< (DSU_MEMTYPE) CoreSight ROM Table Memory Type Offset */ #define DSU_PID4_REG_OFST (0x1FD0) /**< (DSU_PID4) Peripheral Identification 4 Offset */ #define DSU_PID0_REG_OFST (0x1FE0) /**< (DSU_PID0) Peripheral Identification 0 Offset */ #define DSU_PID1_REG_OFST (0x1FE4) /**< (DSU_PID1) Peripheral Identification 1 Offset */ #define DSU_PID2_REG_OFST (0x1FE8) /**< (DSU_PID2) Peripheral Identification 2 Offset */ #define DSU_PID3_REG_OFST (0x1FEC) /**< (DSU_PID3) Peripheral Identification 3 Offset */ #define DSU_CID0_REG_OFST (0x1FF0) /**< (DSU_CID0) Component Identification 0 Offset */ #define DSU_CID1_REG_OFST (0x1FF4) /**< (DSU_CID1) Component Identification 1 Offset */ #define DSU_CID2_REG_OFST (0x1FF8) /**< (DSU_CID2) Component Identification 2 Offset */ #define DSU_CID3_REG_OFST (0x1FFC) /**< (DSU_CID3) Component Identification 3 Offset */ #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) /** \brief DSU register API structure */ typedef struct { /* Device Service Unit */ __O uint8_t DSU_CTRL; /**< Offset: 0x00 ( /W 8) Control */ __IO uint8_t DSU_STATUSA; /**< Offset: 0x01 (R/W 8) Status A */ __I uint8_t DSU_STATUSB; /**< Offset: 0x02 (R/ 8) Status B */ __I uint8_t Reserved1[0x01]; __IO uint32_t DSU_ADDR; /**< Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) Address */ __IO uint32_t DSU_LENGTH; /**< Offset: 0x08 (R/W 32) Length */ __IO uint32_t DSU_DATA; /**< Offset: 0x0C (R/W 32) Data */ __IO uint32_t DSU_DCC[2]; /**< Offset: 0x10 (R/W 32) Debug Communication Channel n */ __I uint32_t DSU_DID; /**< Offset: 0x18 (R/ 32) Device Identification */ __I uint8_t Reserved2[0xFE4]; __I uint32_t DSU_ENTRY0; /**< Offset: 0x1000 (R/ 32) CoreSight ROM Table Entry 0 */ __I uint32_t DSU_ENTRY1; /**< Offset: 0x1004 (R/ 32) CoreSight ROM Table Entry 1 */ __I uint32_t DSU_END; /**< Offset: 0x1008 (R/ 32) CoreSight ROM Table End */ __I uint8_t Reserved3[0xFC0]; __I uint32_t DSU_MEMTYPE; /**< Offset: 0x1FCC (R/ 32) CoreSight ROM Table Memory Type */ __I uint32_t DSU_PID4; /**< Offset: 0x1FD0 (R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 4 */ __I uint8_t Reserved4[0x0C]; __I uint32_t DSU_PID0; /**< Offset: 0x1FE0 (R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 0 */ __I uint32_t DSU_PID1; /**< Offset: 0x1FE4 (R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 1 */ __I uint32_t DSU_PID2; /**< Offset: 0x1FE8 (R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 2 */ __I uint32_t DSU_PID3; /**< Offset: 0x1FEC (R/ 32) Peripheral Identification 3 */ __I uint32_t DSU_CID0; /**< Offset: 0x1FF0 (R/ 32) Component Identification 0 */ __I uint32_t DSU_CID1; /**< Offset: 0x1FF4 (R/ 32) Component Identification 1 */ __I uint32_t DSU_CID2; /**< Offset: 0x1FF8 (R/ 32) Component Identification 2 */ __I uint32_t DSU_CID3; /**< Offset: 0x1FFC (R/ 32) Component Identification 3 */ } dsu_registers_t; #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLER__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */ #endif /* _SAMD21_DSU_COMPONENT_H_ */