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li rt5,imm32
load 32-bit integer into register rt5. ‘sethi rt5,hi20(imm32)’ and then ‘ori rt5,reg,lo12(imm32)’.
la rt5,var
Load 32-bit address of var into register rt5. ‘sethi rt5,hi20(var)’ and then ‘ori reg,rt5,lo12(var)
l.[bhw] rt5,var
Load value of var into register rt5. ‘sethi $ta,hi20(var)’ and then ‘l[bhw]i rt5,[$ta+lo12(var)]
l.[bh]s rt5,var
Load value of var into register rt5. ‘sethi $ta,hi20(var)’ and then ‘l[bh]si rt5,[$ta+lo12(var)]
l.[bhw]p rt5,var,inc
Load value of var into register rt5 and increment $ta by amount inc. ‘la $ta,var’ and then ‘l[bhw] rt5,[$ta],inc
l.[bhw]pc rt5,inc
Continue loading value of var into register rt5 and increment $ta by amount inc. ‘l[bhw] rt5,[$ta],inc.
l.[bh]sp rt5,var,inc
Load value of var into register rt5 and increment $ta by amount inc. ‘la $ta,var’ and then ‘l[bh] rt5,[$ta],inc
l.[bh]spc rt5,inc
Continue loading value of var into register rt5 and increment $ta by amount inc. ‘l[bh] rt5,[$ta],inc.
s.[bhw] rt5,var
Store register rt5 to var. ‘sethi $ta,hi20(var)’ and then ‘s[bhw]i rt5,[$ta+lo12(var)]
s.[bhw]p rt5,var,inc
Store register rt5 to var and increment $ta by amount inc. ‘la $ta,var’ and then ‘s[bhw] rt5,[$ta],inc
s.[bhw]pc rt5,inc
Continue storing register rt5 to var and increment $ta by amount inc. ‘s[bhw] rt5,[$ta],inc.
not rt5,ra5
Alias of ‘nor rt5,ra5,ra5’.
neg rt5,ra5
Alias of ‘subri rt5,ra5,0’.
br rb5
Depending on how it is assembled, it is translated into ‘r5 rb5’ or ‘jr rb5’.
b label
Branch to label depending on how it is assembled, it is translated into ‘j8 label’, ‘j label’, or "‘la $ta,label’ ‘br $ta’".
bral rb5
Alias of jral br5 depending on how it is assembled, it is translated into ‘jral5 rb5’ or ‘jral rb5’.
bal fname
Alias of jal fname depending on how it is assembled, it is translated into ‘jal fname’ or "‘la $ta,fname’ ‘bral $ta’".
call fname
Call function fname same as ‘jal fname’.
move rt5,ra5
For 16-bit, this is ‘mov55 rt5,ra5’. For no 16-bit, this is ‘ori rt5,ra5,0’.
move rt5,var
This is the same as ‘l.w rt5,var’.
move rt5,imm32
This is the same as ‘li rt5,imm32’.
pushm ra5,rb5
Push contents of registers from ra5 to rb5 into stack.
push ra5
Push content of register ra5 into stack. (same ‘pushm ra5,ra5’).
push.d var
Push value of double-word variable var into stack.
push.w var
Push value of word variable var into stack.
push.h var
Push value of half-word variable var into stack.
push.b var
Push value of byte variable var into stack.
pusha var
Push 32-bit address of variable var into stack.
pushi imm32
Push 32-bit immediate value into stack.
popm ra5,rb5
Pop top of stack values into registers ra5 to rb5.
pop rt5
Pop top of stack value into register. (same as ‘popm rt5,rt5’.)
pop.d var,ra5
Pop value of double-word variable var from stack using register ra5 as 2nd scratch register. (1st is $ta)
pop.w var,ra5
Pop value of word variable var from stack using register ra5.
pop.h var,ra5
Pop value of half-word variable var from stack using register ra5.
pop.b var,ra5
Pop value of byte variable var from stack using register ra5.