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MRI compatible linker scripts have a much simpler command set than the scripting language otherwise used with <samp><span class="command">ld</span></samp>. <span class="sc">gnu</span> <samp><span class="command">ld</span></samp> supports the most commonly used MRI linker commands; these commands are described here. <p>In general, MRI scripts aren't of much use with the <code>a.out</code> object file format, since it only has three sections and MRI scripts lack some features to make use of them. <p>You can specify a file containing an MRI-compatible script using the ‘<samp><span class="samp">-c</span></samp>’ command-line option. <p>Each command in an MRI-compatible script occupies its own line; each command line starts with the keyword that identifies the command (though blank lines are also allowed for punctuation). If a line of an MRI-compatible script begins with an unrecognized keyword, <samp><span class="command">ld</span></samp> issues a warning message, but continues processing the script. <p>Lines beginning with ‘<samp><span class="samp">*</span></samp>’ are comments. <p>You can write these commands using all upper-case letters, or all lower case; for example, ‘<samp><span class="samp">chip</span></samp>’ is the same as ‘<samp><span class="samp">CHIP</span></samp>’. The following list shows only the upper-case form of each command. <a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bABSOLUTE_007d-_0028MRI_0029-762"></a> <dl><dt><code>ABSOLUTE </code><var>secname</var><dt><code>ABSOLUTE </code><var>secname</var><code>, </code><var>secname</var><code>, ... </code><var>secname</var><dd>Normally, <samp><span class="command">ld</span></samp> includes in the output file all sections from all the input files. However, in an MRI-compatible script, you can use the <code>ABSOLUTE</code> command to restrict the sections that will be present in your output program. If the <code>ABSOLUTE</code> command is used at all in a script, then only the sections named explicitly in <code>ABSOLUTE</code> commands will appear in the linker output. You can still use other input sections (whatever you select on the command line, or using <code>LOAD</code>) to resolve addresses in the output file. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bALIAS_007d-_0028MRI_0029-763"></a><br><dt><code>ALIAS </code><var>out-secname</var><code>, </code><var>in-secname</var><dd>Use this command to place the data from input section <var>in-secname</var> in a section called <var>out-secname</var> in the linker output file. <p><var>in-secname</var> may be an integer. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bALIGN_007d-_0028MRI_0029-764"></a><br><dt><code>ALIGN </code><var>secname</var><code> = </code><var>expression</var><dd>Align the section called <var>secname</var> to <var>expression</var>. The <var>expression</var> should be a power of two. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bBASE_007d-_0028MRI_0029-765"></a><br><dt><code>BASE </code><var>expression</var><dd>Use the value of <var>expression</var> as the lowest address (other than absolute addresses) in the output file. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bCHIP_007d-_0028MRI_0029-766"></a><br><dt><code>CHIP </code><var>expression</var><dt><code>CHIP </code><var>expression</var><code>, </code><var>expression</var><dd>This command does nothing; it is accepted only for compatibility. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bEND_007d-_0028MRI_0029-767"></a><br><dt><code>END</code><dd>This command does nothing whatever; it's only accepted for compatibility. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bFORMAT_007d-_0028MRI_0029-768"></a><br><dt><code>FORMAT </code><var>output-format</var><dd>Similar to the <code>OUTPUT_FORMAT</code> command in the more general linker language, but restricted to one of these output formats: <ol type=1 start=1> <li>S-records, if <var>output-format</var> is ‘<samp><span class="samp">S</span></samp>’ <li>IEEE, if <var>output-format</var> is ‘<samp><span class="samp">IEEE</span></samp>’ <li>COFF (the ‘<samp><span class="samp">coff-m68k</span></samp>’ variant in BFD), if <var>output-format</var> is ‘<samp><span class="samp">COFF</span></samp>’ </ol> <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bLIST_007d-_0028MRI_0029-769"></a><br><dt><code>LIST </code><var>anything</var><code>...</code><dd>Print (to the standard output file) a link map, as produced by the <samp><span class="command">ld</span></samp> command-line option ‘<samp><span class="samp">-M</span></samp>’. <p>The keyword <code>LIST</code> may be followed by anything on the same line, with no change in its effect. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bLOAD_007d-_0028MRI_0029-770"></a><br><dt><code>LOAD </code><var>filename</var><dt><code>LOAD </code><var>filename</var><code>, </code><var>filename</var><code>, ... </code><var>filename</var><dd>Include one or more object file <var>filename</var> in the link; this has the same effect as specifying <var>filename</var> directly on the <samp><span class="command">ld</span></samp> command line. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bNAME_007d-_0028MRI_0029-771"></a><br><dt><code>NAME </code><var>output-name</var><dd><var>output-name</var> is the name for the program produced by <samp><span class="command">ld</span></samp>; the MRI-compatible command <code>NAME</code> is equivalent to the command-line option ‘<samp><span class="samp">-o</span></samp>’ or the general script language command <code>OUTPUT</code>. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bORDER_007d-_0028MRI_0029-772"></a><br><dt><code>ORDER </code><var>secname</var><code>, </code><var>secname</var><code>, ... </code><var>secname</var><dt><code>ORDER </code><var>secname</var> <var>secname</var> <var>secname</var><dd>Normally, <samp><span class="command">ld</span></samp> orders the sections in its output file in the order in which they first appear in the input files. In an MRI-compatible script, you can override this ordering with the <code>ORDER</code> command. The sections you list with <code>ORDER</code> will appear first in your output file, in the order specified. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bPUBLIC_007d-_0028MRI_0029-773"></a><br><dt><code>PUBLIC </code><var>name</var><code>=</code><var>expression</var><dt><code>PUBLIC </code><var>name</var><code>,</code><var>expression</var><dt><code>PUBLIC </code><var>name</var> <var>expression</var><dd>Supply a value (<var>expression</var>) for external symbol <var>name</var> used in the linker input files. <p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bSECT_007d-_0028MRI_0029-774"></a><br><dt><code>SECT </code><var>secname</var><code>, </code><var>expression</var><dt><code>SECT </code><var>secname</var><code>=</code><var>expression</var><dt><code>SECT </code><var>secname</var> <var>expression</var><dd>You can use any of these three forms of the <code>SECT</code> command to specify the start address (<var>expression</var>) for section <var>secname</var>. If you have more than one <code>SECT</code> statement for the same <var>secname</var>, only the <em>first</em> sets the start address. </dl> </body></html>