/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * <joerg@FreeBSD.ORG> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Joerg Wunsch * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * More advanced AVR demonstration. Controls a LED attached to OCR1A. * The brightness of the LED is controlled with the PWM. A number of * methods are implemented to control that PWM. * * $Id$ */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <avr/eeprom.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> /* Part 1: Macro definitions */ #define CONTROL_PORT PORTD #define CONTROL_DDR DDRD #if defined(__AVR_ATtiny2313__) /* no PD7 and no ADC available on ATtiny2313 */ # define TRIGGER_DOWN PD2 # define TRIGGER_UP PD3 # define FLASH PD4 # define CLOCKOUT PD6 #else # define TRIGGER_DOWN PD2 # define TRIGGER_UP PD3 # define TRIGGER_ADC PD4 # define CLOCKOUT PD6 # define FLASH PD7 #endif #if defined(__AVR_ATmega16__) # define PWMDDR DDRD # define PWMOUT PD5 #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) ||\ defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) # define PWMDDR DDRB # define PWMOUT PB1 #elif defined(__AVR_ATtiny2313__) # define PWMDDR DDRB # define PWMOUT PB3 # define HAVE_ADC 0 # define USART_RXC_vect USART_RX_vect # define MCUCSR MCUSR #else # error "Unsupported MCU type" #endif #if defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) ||\ defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) /* map ATmega8/16 names to ATmegaX8 names */ # define USART_RXC_vect USART_RX_vect # define UDR UDR0 # define UCSRA UCSR0A # define UCSRB UCSR0B # define FE FE0 # define TXEN TXEN0 # define RXEN RXEN0 # define RXCIE RXCIE0 # define UDRE UDRE0 # define U2X U2X0 # define UBRRL UBRR0L # define TIMSK TIMSK1 # define MCUCSR MCUSR #endif #if !defined(HAVE_ADC) # define HAVE_ADC 1 #endif #define F_CPU 1000000UL /* CPU clock in Hertz */ #define SOFTCLOCK_FREQ 100 /* internal software clock */ /* * Timeout to wait after last PWM change till updating the EEPROM. * Measured in internal clock ticks (approx. 100 Hz). */ #define EE_UPDATE_TIME (3 * SOFTCLOCK_FREQ) /* ca. 3 seconds */ /* * Timer1 overflow interrupt will be called with F_CPU / 2048 * frequency. This interrupt routine further divides that value, * resulting in an internal update interval of approx. 10 ms. * (The complicated looking scaling by 10 / addition of 9 is * poor man's fixed-point rounding algorithm...) */ #define TMR1_SCALE ((F_CPU * 10) / (2048UL * SOFTCLOCK_FREQ) + 9) / 10 /* Part 2: Variable definitions */ /* * Bits that are set inside interrupt routines, and watched outside in * the program's main loop. */ volatile struct { uint8_t tmr_int: 1; uint8_t adc_int: 1; uint8_t rx_int: 1; } intflags; /* * Last character read from the UART. */ volatile char rxbuff; /* * Last value read from ADC. */ volatile uint16_t adcval; /* * Where to store the PWM value in EEPROM. This is used in order * to remember the value across a RESET or power cycle. */ uint16_t ee_pwm __attribute__((section(".eeprom"))) = 42; /* * Current value of the PWM. */ int16_t pwm; /* * EEPROM backup timer. Bumped by the PWM update routine. If it * expires, the current PWM value will be written to EEPROM. */ int16_t pwm_backup_tmr; /* * Mirror of the MCUCSR register, taken early during startup. */ uint8_t mcucsr __attribute__((section(".noinit"))); /* Part 3: Interrupt service routines */ ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) { static uint8_t scaler = TMR1_SCALE; if (--scaler == 0) { scaler = TMR1_SCALE; intflags.tmr_int = 1; } } #if HAVE_ADC /* * ADC conversion complete. Fetch the 10-bit value, and feed the * PWM with it. */ ISR(ADC_vect) { adcval = ADCW; ADCSRA &= ~_BV(ADIE); /* disable ADC interrupt */ intflags.adc_int = 1; } #endif /* HAVE_ADC */ /* * UART receive interrupt. Fetch the character received and buffer * it, unless there was a framing error. Note that the main loop * checks the received character only once per 10 ms. */ ISR(USART_RXC_vect) { uint8_t c; c = UDR; if (bit_is_clear(UCSRA, FE)) { rxbuff = c; intflags.rx_int = 1; } } /* Part 4: Auxiliary functions */ /* * Read out and reset MCUCSR early during startup. */ void handle_mcucsr(void) __attribute__((section(".init3"))) __attribute__((naked)); void handle_mcucsr(void) { mcucsr = MCUCSR; MCUCSR = 0; } /* * Do all the startup-time peripheral initializations. */ static void ioinit(void) { uint16_t pwm_from_eeprom; /* * Set up the 16-bit timer 1. * * Timer 1 will be set up as a 10-bit phase-correct PWM (WGM10 and * WGM11 bits), with OC1A used as PWM output. OC1A will be set when * up-counting, and cleared when down-counting (COM1A1|COM1A0), this * matches the behaviour needed by the STK500's low-active LEDs. * The timer will runn on full MCU clock (1 MHz, CS10 in TCCR1B). */ TCCR1A = _BV(WGM10) | _BV(WGM11) | _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1A0); TCCR1B = _BV(CS10); OCR1A = 0; /* set PWM value to 0 */ /* enable pull-ups for pushbuttons */ #if HAVE_ADC CONTROL_PORT = _BV(TRIGGER_DOWN) | _BV(TRIGGER_UP) | _BV(TRIGGER_ADC); #else CONTROL_PORT = _BV(TRIGGER_DOWN) | _BV(TRIGGER_UP); #endif /* * Enable Port D outputs: PD6 for the clock output, PD7 for the LED * flasher. PD1 is UART TxD but not DDRD setting is provided for * that, as enabling the UART transmitter will automatically turn * this pin into an output. */ CONTROL_DDR = _BV(CLOCKOUT) | _BV(FLASH); /* * As the location of OC1A differs between supported MCU types, we * enable that output separately here. Note that the DDRx register * *might* be the same as CONTROL_DDR above, so make sure to not * clobber it. */ PWMDDR |= _BV(PWMOUT); UCSRA = _BV(U2X); /* improves baud rate error @ F_CPU = 1 MHz */ UCSRB = _BV(TXEN)|_BV(RXEN)|_BV(RXCIE); /* tx/rx enable, rx complete intr */ UBRRL = (F_CPU / (8 * 9600UL)) - 1; /* 9600 Bd */ #if HAVE_ADC /* * enable ADC, select ADC clock = F_CPU / 8 (i.e. 125 kHz) */ ADCSRA = _BV(ADEN) | _BV(ADPS1) | _BV(ADPS0); #endif TIMSK = _BV(TOIE1); sei(); /* enable interrupts */ /* * Enable the watchdog with the largest prescaler. Will cause a * watchdog reset after approximately 2 s @ Vcc = 5 V */ wdt_enable(WDTO_2S); /* * Read the value from EEPROM. If it is not 0xffff (erased cells), * use it as the starting value for the PWM. */ if ((pwm_from_eeprom = eeprom_read_word(&ee_pwm)) != 0xffff) OCR1A = (pwm = pwm_from_eeprom); } /* * Some simple UART IO functions. */ /* * Send character c down the UART Tx, wait until tx holding register * is empty. */ static void putchr(char c) { loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSRA, UDRE); UDR = c; } /* * Send a C (NUL-terminated) string down the UART Tx. */ static void printstr(const char *s) { while (*s) { if (*s == '\n') putchr('\r'); putchr(*s++); } } /* * Same as above, but the string is located in program memory, * so "lpm" instructions are needed to fetch it. */ static void printstr_p(const char *s) { char c; for (c = pgm_read_byte(s); c; ++s, c = pgm_read_byte(s)) { if (c == '\n') putchr('\r'); putchr(c); } } /* * Update the PWM value. If it has changed, send the new value down * the serial line. */ static void set_pwm(int16_t new) { char s[8]; if (new < 0) new = 0; else if (new > 1000) new = 1000; if (new != pwm) { OCR1A = (pwm = new); /* * Calculate a "percentage". We just divide by 10, as we * limited the max value of the PWM to 1000 above. */ new /= 10; itoa(new, s, 10); printstr(s); putchr(' '); pwm_backup_tmr = EE_UPDATE_TIME; } } /* Part 5: main() */ int main(void) { /* * Our modus of operation. MODE_UPDOWN means we watch out for * either PD2 or PD3 being low, and increase or decrease the * PWM value accordingly. This is the default. * MODE_ADC means the PWM value follows the value of ADC0 (PA0). * This is enabled by applying low level to PC1. * MODE_SERIAL means we get commands via the UART. This is * enabled by sending a valid V.24 character at 9600 Bd to the * UART. */ enum { MODE_UPDOWN, MODE_ADC, MODE_SERIAL } __attribute__((packed)) mode = MODE_UPDOWN; uint8_t flash = 0; ioinit(); if ((mcucsr & _BV(WDRF)) == _BV(WDRF)) printstr_p(PSTR("\nOoops, the watchdog bit me!")); printstr_p(PSTR("\nHello, this is the avr-gcc/libc " "demo running on an " #if defined(__AVR_ATmega16__) "ATmega16" #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) "ATmega8" #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega48__) "ATmega48" #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) "ATmega88" #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) "ATmega168" #elif defined(__AVR_ATtiny2313__) "ATtiny2313" #else "unknown AVR" #endif "\n")); for (;;) { wdt_reset(); if (intflags.tmr_int) { /* * Our periodic 10 ms interrupt happened. See what we can * do about it. */ intflags.tmr_int = 0; /* * toggle PD6, just to show the internal clock; should * yield ~ 48 Hz on PD6 */ CONTROL_PORT ^= _BV(CLOCKOUT); /* * flash LED on PD7, approximately once per second */ flash++; if (flash == 5) CONTROL_PORT |= _BV(FLASH); else if (flash == 100) { flash = 0; CONTROL_PORT &= ~_BV(FLASH); } switch (mode) { case MODE_SERIAL: /* * In serial mode, there's nothing to do anymore here. */ break; case MODE_UPDOWN: /* * Query the pushbuttons. * * NB: watch out to use PINx for reading, as opposed * to using PORTx which would be the mirror of the * _output_ latch register (resp. pullup configuration * bit for input pins)! */ if (bit_is_clear(PIND, TRIGGER_DOWN)) set_pwm(pwm - 10); else if (bit_is_clear(PIND, TRIGGER_UP)) set_pwm(pwm + 10); #if HAVE_ADC else if (bit_is_clear(PIND, TRIGGER_ADC)) mode = MODE_ADC; #endif break; case MODE_ADC: #if HAVE_ADC if (bit_is_set(PIND, TRIGGER_ADC)) mode = MODE_UPDOWN; else { /* * Start one conversion. */ ADCSRA |= _BV(ADIE); ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC); } #endif /* HAVE_ADC */ break; } if (pwm_backup_tmr && --pwm_backup_tmr == 0) { /* * The EEPROM backup timer expired. Save the current * PWM value in EEPROM. Note that this function might * block for a few milliseconds (after writing the * first byte). */ eeprom_write_word(&ee_pwm, pwm); printstr_p(PSTR("[EEPROM updated] ")); } } #if HAVE_ADC if (intflags.adc_int) { intflags.adc_int = 0; set_pwm(adcval); } #endif /* HAVE_ADC */ if (intflags.rx_int) { intflags.rx_int = 0; if (rxbuff == 'q') { printstr_p(PSTR("\nThank you for using serial mode." " Good-bye!\n")); mode = MODE_UPDOWN; } else { if (mode != MODE_SERIAL) { printstr_p(PSTR("\nWelcome at serial control, " "type +/- to adjust, or 0/1 to turn on/off\n" "the LED, q to quit serial mode, " "r to demonstrate a watchdog reset\n")); mode = MODE_SERIAL; } switch (rxbuff) { case '+': set_pwm(pwm + 10); break; case '-': set_pwm(pwm - 10); break; case '0': set_pwm(0); break; case '1': set_pwm(1000); break; case 'r': printstr_p(PSTR("\nzzzz... zzz...")); for (;;) ; } } } sleep_mode(); } }