// Note to self: It makes way more sense for the target bank in our project // to be a hashmap of type so that every time I want to // BUT rust deserialization seems to favor these structs which includes the name // which means I'm storing the name in the target and not outside of it. // so for now I'm going to do it this way until I do the serialization myself (switch to syncing instead of rwwr), // which is what I did in 0.1, before the core rewrite // I'm only doing it this way because serialization seems to be easier this way // After I get all core features (new, push, pull, erase, etc...) completed, // I'll revisit this part of the project and change it to a more sensible management method // // Update to this: The deserialization doesn't even work with the scheme I was using... // Going back to the old way until I learn more. // I could make the deserialization work by default by adding a billion different // structs, but this is honestly just a trash way of doing it and I think the idea // of doing it that way is only an ideal solution. It isn't very practical. use igloo_util::*; use crate::IglooProject; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use std::vec::Vec; use igloo_util::IglooDebugSeverity::*; use igloo_util::IglooStatus::{self, *}; use igloo_util::TRACE_LEVEL; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::io::prelude::*; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct IglooTargetConfig { pub name: String, links: Vec, pub includes: Vec, scripts: Vec, series: String, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct IglooTarget { root: std::path::PathBuf, pub makeopts: HashMap, pub config: IglooTargetConfig, } impl IglooTargetConfig { fn _default() -> IglooTargetConfig { IglooTargetConfig { name: String::new(), links: Vec::new(), includes: Vec::new(), scripts: Vec::new(), series: String::new(), } } } impl IglooTarget { fn _default() -> IglooTarget { IglooTarget { root: std::path::PathBuf::default(), makeopts: HashMap::new(), config: IglooTargetConfig::_default(), } } /// takes the targets name and looks up the path /// deserializes the targets manifest file and creates the target pub fn target_from_name(prj: &IglooProject, name: String) -> Result { let target_path = prj .igloo .env .esfd .clone() .join(&prj.igloo.master_target_manifest.targets[&name]); // We have to read in the file first so we can replace all variables with values let targ_templ = match std::fs::read_to_string(&target_path) { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { igloo_debug!(ERROR, IS_BAD, "Failed to read {} | Error: {:?}", &target_path.to_str().unwrap(), e); return Err(IS_BAD) } }; // replace all variables // this will be expanded on later and more variables will be added let final_targ_str = targ_templ.replace("${TARGET}", &name); // create config from our string let mut target_config: config::Config = config::Config::default(); target_config.merge( config::File::from_str( &final_targ_str, config::FileFormat::Toml)).unwrap(); // get [esf] (which is technically a table...) from our config let target_table: config::Value = target_config.get("esf").unwrap(); // turn it into an IglooTargetConfig let ret_target_config = target_table.try_into::().unwrap(); // Finally, create our IglooTarget let mut ret_target = IglooTarget { root: prj.root.clone() .join("igloo") .join("targets") .join(&name), config: ret_target_config, makeopts: HashMap::new(), }; ret_target.collect_makefile(prj); igloo_debug!(INFO, IS_NONE, "Found Igloo target and deserialized it: {:?}", ret_target); Ok(ret_target) } // Verifies target is valid and exists within the project // This means the target must have a folder in the targets folder // and a .toml pub fn target_from_existing(prj: &IglooProject, name: String) -> Result { Ok(IglooTarget::_default()) } /// Creates the target's configuration file from itself /// the target must be valid at this point or else the file will be junk pub fn generate(&self, project: &IglooProject) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; if !self.root.exists() { // Make self target dir match std::fs::create_dir_all(&self.root) { Ok(_v) => (), Err(e) => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIR; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to create {} -- {}", self.root.to_str().unwrap(), e); return ret } } } if !self.root.join("scripts").exists() { // make scripts dir match std::fs::create_dir(&self.root.join("scripts")) { Ok(_v) => (), Err(e) => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIR; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to create {} -- {}", self.root.join("scripts").to_str().unwrap(), e); return ret } } } // Create symlinks for esf scripts ret = self.gather_esf_gdb_scripts(project); if ret != IS_GOOD { return ret } // Create symlinks required by the target // these links need to be formatted like so // arch/...guts.../link_name // igloo will use the guts to create the directories needed to make the symlinks // also need to handle these unwraps for link in &self.config.links { // name of the link is the final name in the path, i.e. arch/arm/"common" let link_name = String::from(&link[link.rfind('/').unwrap() + 1..link.len()]); let guts = String::from(&link[link.find('/').unwrap() + 1..link.rfind('/').unwrap()]); let guts_path = project.root.join("esf").join(std::path::PathBuf::from(&guts)); // paths for the symlink creation let from_path = project.igloo.env.esfd.join(&link); let to_path = guts_path.join(&link_name); match std::fs::create_dir_all(&guts_path) { Ok(_v) => { match std::os::unix::fs::symlink(&from_path, &to_path) { Ok(__v) => (), Err(e) => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_CREATE_SYMLINK; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to create symlink from {} to {} -- {}", &from_path.to_str().unwrap(), &to_path.to_str().unwrap(), e); } } } Err(e) => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIR; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to create dir {} -- {}", &guts_path.to_str().unwrap(), e); return ret; } } } // Write out our targets config to its config file located at its root // ex. project/igloo/targets//.toml ret = self.generate_config(project); if ret != IS_GOOD { igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to create target config..."); return ret; } ret = self.generate_makefile(project); if ret != IS_GOOD { igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to generate makefile..."); } ret } pub fn generate_makefile(&self, project: &IglooProject) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; let target_root = self.root.clone(); // If the Makefile already exists, trash it if target_root.join("Makefile").exists() { std::fs::remove_file(target_root.join("Makefile")).unwrap(); } // Make our Makefile, set it to append mode std::fs::File::create(target_root.join("Makefile")).unwrap(); let mut app_file = OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .append(true) .open(target_root.join("Makefile")) .unwrap(); // writeln!(app_file, "## ePenguin Generated Makefile").unwrap(); writeln!(app_file, "PROJECT_NAME={}", project.config.profile.name).unwrap(); writeln!(app_file, "TARGET_NAME={}", self.config.name).unwrap(); loop { write!(app_file, "\n## Toolchain Variables").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_var( "TOOLCHAIN", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "CC", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "CXX", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "OBJCOPY", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "OBJDUMP", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "GDB", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "SIZE", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "AS", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "").unwrap(); // Now we write some mcu specifics write!(app_file, "\n## MCU Specific Variables").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_var( "MCPU", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "MCU", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "LD_PATH", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "LD_SCRIPT", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "").unwrap(); // Write out our compiler flags write!(app_file, "\n## Compiler Flags").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_var( "CFLAGS", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_var( "ELF_FLAGS", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_var( "HEX_FLAGS", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "EEP_FLAGS", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } // Write mkdir compatibility ret = self.makefile_write_compatibility_mkdir(&mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_var( "SUB_DIRS", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_var( "OBJS", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_var( "OBJS_AS_ARGS", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } // Write our DEPS and DEPS_AS_ARGS vars writeln!(app_file, "\n").unwrap(); writeln!(app_file, "DEPS=$(OBJS:%.o=%.d)").unwrap(); writeln!(app_file, "DEPS_AS_ARGS=$(OBJS_AS_ARGS:%.o=%.d)").unwrap(); writeln!(app_file, "").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_var( "DIR_INCLUDES", &mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "\n\nvpath %.c ../../../").unwrap(); writeln!(app_file, "vpath %.s ../../../").unwrap(); writeln!(app_file, "vpath %.S ../../../\n").unwrap(); writeln!(app_file, ".PHONY: debug push clean\n").unwrap(); // Write core rules // These rules+vars must exist, NOT OPTIONAL ret = self.makefile_core_write_rules(&mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } ret = self.makefile_write_compiler_targets(&mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } // Write specific rules (clean, push, debug) ret = self.makefile_write_rule_clean(&mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_rule_push(&mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "").unwrap(); ret = self.makefile_write_rule_debug(&mut app_file); if ret != IS_GOOD { break; } writeln!(app_file, "\n\nQUOTE:=\"").unwrap(); break;} if ret != IS_GOOD { igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to write some var to the makefile for target {}", self.config.name); } ret } fn makefile_write_var(&self, name: &str, makefile: &mut std::fs::File) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret: IglooStatus = IS_GOOD; igloo_debug!(INFO, IS_NONE, "Writing var {} to makefile at {}", name, self.root.join("Makefile").to_str().unwrap()); match self.makeopts.get(name) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; igloo_debug!(WARNING, ret, "Failed to write make var {} -- wasn't found", name); } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n{}", String::from(name) + "=").unwrap(); match v.clone().into_array() { Ok(arr) => { // is an array for element in arr { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", element).unwrap(); } } Err(_e) => { // not an array write!(makefile, "{}", v.clone().into_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); } } }, } ret } // This is just so mkdir is compatible with multiple systems fn makefile_write_compatibility_mkdir(&self, makefile: &mut std::fs::File) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; let sysroot: String = String::from("\n ifdef SystemRoot SHELL = cmd.exe MK_DIR = mkdir else ifeq ($(shell uname), Linux) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif ifeq ($(shell uname | cut -d _ -f 1), CYGWIN) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif ifeq ($(shell uname | cut -d _ -f 1), MINGW32) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif ifeq ($(shell uname | cut -d _ -f 1), MINGW64) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif ifeq ($(shell uname | cut -d _ -f 1), DARWIN) MK_DIR = mkdir -p endif endif"); // need to handle these unwraps eventually writeln!(makefile, "{}", sysroot).unwrap(); ret } // Write all makefile rules // Eventually this will be moved into a write_makefile_rule(x) where x is the rule to be written // I don't know how I want to structure that yet so for now we're just writing them all at once // as hardcoded rules fn makefile_core_write_rules(&self, makefile: &mut std::fs::File) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; writeln!(makefile, "").unwrap(); let mut makevar: &str; loop { // Writing all rule makevar = "ALL_PREREQS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "all:").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } makevar = "ALL_CMDS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\t{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } // Writing $(PROJECT_NAME).elf rule write!(makefile, "\n\n").unwrap(); makevar = "ELF_TARGET_PREREQS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "$(PROJECT_NAME).elf:").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } makevar = "ELF_TARGET_CMDS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\t{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } write!(makefile, "\n\n").unwrap(); makevar = "BIN_TARGET_PREREQS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "$(PROJECT_NAME).bin:").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } makevar = "BIN_TARGET_CMDS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\t{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } write!(makefile, "\n\n").unwrap(); makevar = "HEX_TARGET_PREREQS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "$(PROJECT_NAME).hex:").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } makevar = "HEX_TARGET_CMDS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\t{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } write!(makefile, "\n\n").unwrap(); makevar = "EEP_TARGET_PREREQS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "$(PROJECT_NAME).eep:").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } makevar = "EEP_TARGET_CMDS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\t{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } write!(makefile, "\n\n").unwrap(); makevar = "LSS_TARGET_PREREQS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "$(PROJECT_NAME).lss:").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } makevar = "LSS_TARGET_CMDS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; break; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { writeln!(makefile, "\t{}", cflag).unwrap(); } }, } break;} if ret != IS_GOOD { igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to extract make var {}", makevar); } ret } fn makefile_write_compiler_targets(&self, makefile: &mut std::fs::File) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; // Compiler Targets writeln!(makefile, "\n # Compiler targets %.o: %.c @echo Building file: $< @echo ARM/GNU C Compiler $(QUOTE)$(CC)$(QUOTE) $(CFLAGS) -o $(QUOTE)$@$(QUOTE) $(QUOTE)$<$(QUOTE) @echo Finished building: $<").unwrap(); writeln!(makefile, " %.o: %.s @echo Building file: $< @echo ARM/GNU Assembler $(QUOTE)$(AS)$(QUOTE) $(CFLAGS) -o $(QUOTE)$@$(QUOTE) $(QUOTE)$<$(QUOTE) @echo Finished building: $<").unwrap(); writeln!(makefile, " %.o: %.S @echo Building file: $< @echo ARM/GNU Preprocessing Assembler $(QUOTE)$(CC)$(QUOTE) $(CFLAGS) -o $(QUOTE)$@$(QUOTE) $(QUOTE)$<$(QUOTE) @echo Finished building: $<").unwrap(); writeln!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); writeln!(makefile, "$(SUB_DIRS):\n\t$(MK_DIR) $(QUOTE)$@$(QUOTE)").unwrap(); writeln!(makefile, " ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) ifneq ($(strip $(DEPS)),) -include $(DEPS) endif endif\n").unwrap(); ret } fn makefile_write_rule_clean(&self, makefile: &mut std::fs::File) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; let mut makevar: &str = "CLEAN_PREREQS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to extract makevar {}", makevar); return ret; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "clean:").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { if !cflag.to_string().is_empty() { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", cflag).unwrap() } } }, } makevar = "CLEAN_CMDS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to extract makevar {}", makevar); return ret; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { if !cflag.to_string().is_empty() { writeln!(makefile, "\t{}", cflag).unwrap() } } }, } ret } fn makefile_write_rule_push(&self, makefile: &mut std::fs::File) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; let mut makevar: &str = "PUSH_PREREQS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to extract makevar {}", makevar); return ret; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "push:").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { if !cflag.to_string().is_empty() { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", cflag).unwrap() } } }, } makevar = "PUSH_CMDS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to extract makevar {}", makevar); return ret; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { if !cflag.to_string().is_empty() { writeln!(makefile, "\t{}", cflag).unwrap() } } }, } ret } fn makefile_write_rule_debug(&self, makefile: &mut std::fs::File) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; let mut makevar: &str = "DEBUG_PREREQS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to extract makevar {}", makevar); return ret; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "debug:").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { if !cflag.to_string().is_empty() { writeln!(makefile, "\\").unwrap(); write!(makefile, "{}", cflag).unwrap() } } }, } makevar = "DEBUG_CMDS"; match self.makeopts.get(makevar) { None => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_EXTRACT_MF_VAR; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to extract makevar {}", makevar); return ret; } Some(v) => { write!(makefile, "\n").unwrap(); for cflag in v.clone().into_array().unwrap() { if !cflag.to_string().is_empty() { writeln!(makefile, "\t{}", cflag).unwrap() } } }, } ret } fn gather_esf_gdb_scripts(&self, project: &IglooProject) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; let target_scripts_dir = self.root.join("scripts"); for _script in &self.config.scripts { // Making so many vars here for // 1.) readability and // 2.) to prevent "temporary value dropped while borrowed" ?? // I should revisit this to make sure there are no shenanigans // Only commenting this because I don't get it. They look exactly the same. ?? // original: /* - let absolute_script_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(&_script); - let file_name = absolute_script_path.file_name().unwrap(); + let file_name = std::path::PathBuf::from(&script).file_name().unwrap(); */ let absolute_script_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(&_script); let file_name = absolute_script_path.file_name().unwrap(); let from_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(project.igloo.env.esfd.join(&_script)); let to_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(target_scripts_dir.join(&file_name)); match std::os::unix::fs::symlink(&from_path, &to_path) { Ok(_v) => (), Err(e) => { ret = IS_FAILED_TO_CREATE_SYMLINK; igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret, "Failed to create symlink from {} to {} -- Error: {}", &from_path.to_str().unwrap(), &to_path.to_str().unwrap(), e); return ret } } } ret } pub fn collect_makefile(&mut self, project: &IglooProject) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret: IglooStatus = IS_GOOD; // NOTE: Add // // DEPS = "$(OBJS:%.o=%.d)" // DEPS_AS_ARGS = "$(OBJS_AS_ARGS:%.o=%.d)" // Convert OBJS to OBJS_AS_ARGS // add esf/...guts.../mcu/src to SUB_DIRS /*let (dummy, arch, family, mcu_name) = sscanf::scanf!( self.config.series, "{}.{}.{}.{}", String, String, String, String).unwrap(); */ // collect makefile data let mut make_table_head = &self.config.series[0..self.config.series.len()]; let mut b_quit: bool = false; loop { let mut _active_table = project.igloo.master_make_manifest.get_table(&make_table_head).unwrap(); for(name, val) in _active_table { match val.clone().into_table() { // I have no idea why I did this in this way. Need to revisit... Err(_e) => { if !self.makeopts.contains_key(&name) { self.makeopts.insert(name, val); } else { let mut newval = val.clone().into_array().unwrap(); let mut newvec = self.makeopts.get_key_value(&name).unwrap().1.clone().into_array().unwrap(); newvec.append(&mut newval); self.makeopts.insert(name, config::Value::from(newvec)); } } Ok(_v) => (), } } match make_table_head.rfind('.') { None => b_quit = true, Some(v) => make_table_head = &make_table_head[0..v], } if b_quit { break; } } if ret != IS_GOOD { igloo_debug!(ERROR, ret); return ret; } // Generate the remaining variables from the makefile data // Convert OBJS to OBJS_AS_ARGS let mut objs_as_args: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut sub_dirs: Vec = Vec::new(); let objs = self.makeopts.get("OBJS").unwrap(); for obj in objs.clone().into_array().unwrap() { let obj_as_arg_string: String = format!( "$(QUOTE){}$(QUOTE)", obj.clone().into_str().unwrap()); let mut sub_dir_as_string = String::from(&obj.into_str().unwrap()); sub_dir_as_string = String::from( &sub_dir_as_string[0..sub_dir_as_string.rfind('/').unwrap()]); if !objs_as_args.contains(&obj_as_arg_string) { objs_as_args.push(obj_as_arg_string); } if !sub_dirs.contains(&sub_dir_as_string) { sub_dirs.push(sub_dir_as_string); } } self.makeopts.insert("OBJS_AS_ARGS".to_owned(), config::Value::from(objs_as_args)); self.makeopts.insert("SUB_DIRS".to_owned(), config::Value::from(sub_dirs)); // generate SUB_DIRS ret } // this needs to be changed to convert the esf table contents into an actual table // named esf // right now im just writing [esf]\n // the drawback of this is user configurations will be overwritten every time a target // config needs to be regenerated pub fn generate_config(&self, project: &IglooProject) -> IglooStatus { let mut ret = IS_GOOD; let cfg_path = self.root.join( String::from( &self.config.name) + ".toml"); let esf_table_contents = toml::to_string(&self.config).unwrap(); let mut target_cfg_file = std::fs::File::create(&cfg_path).unwrap(); target_cfg_file.write("[esf]\n".as_bytes()).unwrap(); target_cfg_file.write_all(esf_table_contents.as_bytes()).unwrap(); target_cfg_file.write("\n[user]\n".as_bytes()).unwrap(); ret } }